Orange County NcArchives Deed.....Roberts Heirs, James - Horner, Jefferson 1830 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jacqueline Wilkerson October 7, 2009, 8:33 am Written: 1830 Orange County North Carolina Book 24, Page 43, 44 James Roberts Hrs by Shff to Jefferson Horner This Indenture made this 27th day of February Anno Domini one Thousand Eight hundred & Thirty between Thomas D. Watts sheriff of Orange County & State of North Carolina on the one part & Jefferson Horner of the County & State aforesaid on the other part Witnesseth That whereas by Virtue of an Execution of Venditioni Exponas Joseph Umstead against James Roberts Heirs Issued from the Court of Please & Quarter Sessions for the County aforesaid against James Roberts Heirs for the Sum of Eleven Dollars & Ninety Six Cents. Also by Virtue of Thirteen others which said Sum was recovered by Joseph Umstead in the one Case & by sundry others in the other Cases with Costs as on Record may appear, And whereas the said Writs of Venditioni Exponas were directed & delivered to the said Thomas D. Watts Sheriff as aforesaid Commanding him to Expose to Public Sale a Tract of land Supposed to Contain Two Hundred Acres lying on the waters of Flat River adjoining the lands of John Moy[se] & others, And the said Thomas D. Watts Sheriff as aforesaid after due Advertisement according to Law did put up the said land at Public Sale to the highest bidder at the Court House Door of the County of Orange on the 22d day of February 1830 at which time & place the aforesaid Jefferson Horner became the last & highest Bidder at the Sum of One hundred & three dollars & fifteen cents for the said Land with the Appurtenances thereto belonging - Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Thomas D. Watts Sheriff of Orange County for & in Consideration of the sum of One hundred & three Dollars & fifteen cents to him in hand paid by Jefferson Horner before the sealing & delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath hereby bargained & sold unto the said Jefferson Horner his heirs & assigns forever And by these presents doth bargain & sell unto the said Jefferson Horner his heirs & assigns the aforesaid Tract of land To Have & To Hold with all its appurtenances to the said Jefferson Horner, And that the said Thomas D. Watts Shff will Warrent & defend the same to the said Jefferson Horner his heirs & assigns forever so far as his Office of sheriff will Admit & no farther In witness whereof the said Thomas D. Watts Sheriff of Orange County hath hereunto set his hand & Seal the day & year above Written - Thomas D. Watts Sheriff (Seal) Signed Sealed & delivered ) In presence of ) Orange County February Term 1830 James C. Turrentine ) James Child ) The Execution of the above Deed was duly acknowledged in Open Court by Thomas D. Watts the Subscriber thereto & Ordered to be registered - Test J. Taylor C.C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb