Orange County NcArchives Deed.....Roberts, Willis - Roberts, Et Al October 27, 1817 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jacqueline Wilkerson October 1, 2009, 11:02 pm Written: October 27, 1817 Recorded: February 1818 Orange County North Carolina Book 16, Page 197 John and Nancy Roberts etal to Willis Roberts Elizabeth Durning & Others ) to ) Willis Roberts ) This Indenture made this 27th day of October 1817 By & between Elizabeth Durning, John Roberts & Nancy Roberts [Susannah] Durning & Elizabeth Durning Junr all of the one part & Willis Roberts all of the County of Orange & State of North Carolina Witnesseth that they said Elizabeth Durning Sd John Roberts Nancy [Susannah] Durning & Elizabeth Durning Junr for and in consideration of the Sum of Three hundred & Seventy five dollars to them in hand paid by the said Willis Roberts the receipt whereof they have hereby acknowledged and by these presents have bargained Sold enfeoffed & confirmed to him the said Willis Roberts his heirs or assigns forever One certain Tract or parcel of land lying & being in sd County of Orange and bounded as follows – Begining at a small Spanish Oak on [?] fork Creek thence North 18 poles thence East 196 poles to a Post Oak thence along Nelson Renchers line 96 poles to his corner thence West 36 poles to a Stake thence [?] to [Josiah] Marcums line on said Creek thence down the same to the beginning contain[ing] by measurement one hundred & six acres be the same more or less: With all & Singular the Rights profits & buildings with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto in any wise appertaining or belonging & they the said Elizabeth Durning Junr John Roberts Nancy Roberts [Susannah] Durning Junr & Elizabeth Durning Junr does Jointly & Severally agree that they will forever Warrant and forever defend the above bargained Land & Premises unto him the said Willis Roberts his heirs or assigns forever from the lawful claim chall[?] or demand of all Persons whatsoever clear & free from all Incumbrances – In witness whereof they have hereunto set their hands & Seals the day & date above Written – Signed Sealed & delvd her In Presence of ) Elizabeth X Durning (seal) King Barbee mark Geo Brasfield his John X Roberts (seal) mark her Nancy X Roberts (seal) mark her [Susanna] X Durning (seal) mark her Elizabeth X Durning (seal) Mark Orange County February Term 1818 The Execution of the Within Deed was duly proved in open court by the oath of King Barbee a Subscribing Witness thereto & ordered to be Registered Test J Taylor CC Additional Comments: et al: Elizabeth Durning John Roberts Nancy Roberts [Susanna] Roberts Elizabeth Durning File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb