Orange County NcArchives Deed.....Reeves, Willis - Walker, Aaron December 26, 1822 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Pam Boan May 2, 2008, 3:54 pm Written: December 26, 1822 Recorded: February 1823 Deed Book 20 pg 352 and 353 (note that right side of the microfilm page is black and parts are unable to be read) This Indenture made this twenty sixth day of December the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty six between Aaron Walker of the one part and Willis Reeves of the other part both of Orange County in the State of North Carolina witness that the aforesaid Aaron Walker for him __? Of the sum of one hundred and sisty eight dollar and twenty cents to him in hand paid by the said Willis Reeves before __? Signing and sealing of thesee present the receipt wherefore __? Acknowledged hath and by these present doth grant __? Sell, alien __? And confirm unto the said Willis Reeves __? And assigns forever a certain piece parcel or tract of land __?ing one hundred and twenty two and one half acres __? To wit lying and being in said county of Orange and state of North Carolina on the Waters of Back Creek, __? The lands of said Aaron Walker and Thomas Reeves __? Part of a tract of three hundred and sixty four acres __? Thomas Bird to the said Aaron Walker. Beginning __? Reeves corner on said Walker line, __? Walkers line fourty five chains and thirty five link to a __? Walkers corner on his old line thence west twenty __? And fourty two links to a stake (old corner) thence south __? Chains and thirty five links to a white oak thence west __? Chains and sixty four links to a post oak Thomas Reeves corner thence south three chains to a black jack, thence __? Chains and his links to the beginning – together with __? Thereof to have to hold the aforesaid one __? Twenty two and one half acres of land with its ___? Unto the said Wilis Reeves and to his heirs and assigns forever. __? The estate right title interest property claim and demand __? The said Aaron Walker of __? Thereof to the only proper use bebefit of him the said Willis Reeves his heir, Executor Administrators or Assigns __? The said Aaron Walker for himself his heirs Executors __? Agree to and with the said Willis Reeves __? And forever defend the title of the aforesaid tract of land hereby convey against the lawful title claim and __? Of all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said Aaron Walker hath hereunto set his ahnd and seal in the year herein before written. Aaron Walker. Signed Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Thomas Reeves . Simpson Walker. Orange County February Tern 1823 the Execution of the foregoing deed was duly proved in open court with the oath of Thomas Reeves a subscribing witness therefore ordered to be registered .John Taylor. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb