Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Allison, John April 25, 1853 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801 Written: April 25, 1853 Recorded: Feb 1858 Testator: John Allison I John Allison of the County of Orange & State of North Carolina, being of sound & disposing mind & memory, do hereby make, publish & declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner & form as follows to wit -- Item 1st. I give bequeath and devise unto my daughter Elizabeth P. Allison forty acres of land to be laid off of the North East part of the tract of land where on I now reside; beginning on my East line, where the public road crosses the Said line & running westward with Said road, so far as to include at least forty acres, by running a line thence north to the northern line of my said land: to have & to hold the said land together with the improvements & appurtinances thereunto belonging for, and during her natural life: And at her death to revert back to my estate & be disposed of in the same manner as the residue of my land hereinafter provided for --- I also give unto my said daughter two Cows & calves, her choice, over & above a bed & furniture given to her heretofore, also my clock, one bureau her Choice, one folding table her Choice. [below fold, same page] Item 2nd The residue of my said home tract of land, not given to my daughter as above named, I devise & bequeath to my Executor herein after named in Trust for the sole & separate use & benefit of my five daughters viz: Jincy, wife of Calvin Clark, Peggy, wife of David Clark, Nancy, wife of James Clark, Martha wife of Francis Bell, & Elizabeth Allison, above named [page 2] for and during their natural lives ["or until" x-out] or until all their ["children" x-out] living children arrive to the age of twenty one years -- Then, the said land to be sold, and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between & among, all the grand children, the children of my said daughters, bear= ing my name -- I direct my executor herein after named to rent out the said land to the best advantage, and out of the proceeds to keep the improvements in good repair, and divide the remainder equally among my said daughters, taking their receipts for the same, but should it not be convenient for either of my said daughters to receive her share annually then I desire that my executor shall keep the share or shares of such daughter, or daughters at interest until it shall be called for -- should any of my said daughters be dead when such division takes place, leaving a child or children then such child or children, to stand in the place of, & represent the deceased parent-- but should any of my said daughters die leaving no child her surviving then the share of said deceased daughter to be equally divided among [second "among" x-out] her surviving sisters and the surviving children of deceased sisters [Next section lined-out] Item 3rd I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Stewart a bed & furniture [end of lined-out section, see second Codicil] Item 4th All the rest & residue of my estate both real & personal, I direct to be [page 3] sold by my Executor, & the proceeds arising therefrom, together with all debts due me, to be equally divided among my said five daughters or their children as above [??? x-out] directed after all my Just debts are paid Lastly I nominate constitute & appoint My nephew Elisha G. Gray ---- my Executor to this my last will & testament -- hereby revoking all other wills & testaments by me heretofore made In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 25th day of April AD 1853 } his Signed, sealed, published & declared } John (X) Allison (seal) by the said Testator to be his last } will & testament, in presence of } us who have subscribed our names } as witnesses at the request of the } Testator & in his presence & in the } presence of each other } Wm L Willis Robert E. Horner [Hammer?] Codicil I, John Allison having made & published the foregoing as my last will & testament bearing date the 25th day of April 1853 - do hereby publish & declare the following as a codicil to my said will towit that my son Joseph Allison if he be alive or has any lawfull issue shall be entitled to the share & receive in the same manner as my daughters Jincy Clark, Peggy Clark, Nancy Clark & Martha Bell --- And I do hereby re= publish and confirm the foregoing ["is" x-out] to be my last will & testament & desire this Codicil to be taken as a part of said will - In testimony whereof I have hereunto ["affix" x-out] set my hand & affixed my seal this 28th day of January 1854 } his in the presence of us } John X Allison seal W. L. Willis } mark Robert E Harmor } Codicil I John Allison having made ["my" x-out] and published the foregoing as my last will and testament bearing date the 25th of April 1853 do hereby publish and declare the following as a codicil to my said will (to wit) that the third Item in my will I have caused to be erased and do hereby revoke and direct my Executor to dispose of that property as withe my other property And I do hereby republish and confirm the foregoing to be my last will and testament and desire this codicil to be taken as a part of said will In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this 24th day of July 1856 in presence of us John Allison (seal) Robert McMenamy J D gray Additional Comments: Did not find a copy of this will in any will book. Recorded Feb 1858 Estate papers comprise eight pages and are found in a folder labeled "Allison, John (1858)". William W. Allison was appointed Administrator 28 May 1858. Some transcribed below [Estate Papers - Ad for Caveat of Will Feb 1858] STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Orange County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1858. John D. Gray and wife Elizabeth vs. David Clark and wife Peggy, Calvin Clark and wife Jincy, James Clark and wife Nancy, Francis Bell and wife Martha Caveat of Will It appears to the satisfaction of the Court that David Clark and wife Peggy, Calvin Clark and wife Jincy, James Clark and wife Nancy, Francis Bell and wife Martha, heirs at law and next of kin to John Al- lison, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this State; It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be make in Hillsborough Recorder for six weeks, noti- fying the said defendant to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Orange, at the court house in Hillsborough, on the fourth Monday of May next, then and there to see proceedings in this cause, and to make themselves parties to the said issue if they shall think proper to do so. Witness, George Laws, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Hillsborough, the fourth Monday of February, A.D. 1858 Geo. Laws, CCCC