Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Bowls, Thomas July 30, 1789 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801 Written: July 30, 1789 Recorded: unknown date Testator: Thomas Bowls In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Bowls of Orange County and the State of North Carolina Being at present weak In body But in a Reasonable Mind and Memory Blessed be God for His Mercy, and Calling to Mind the Mortality of My Body do Make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament, and first of all I recommend My Soul Into the hand of God that gave It And My Body to the Earth to be Buried In a decent and Christian Like Manner; at the discretion Of my friends and as Touching My worldly Estate wharewith It Hath Pleased God to Bless Me, I give Bequeath and Devise in the following Manner; that is to Say, First I give to My Wife Elizabeth Bowls three Cows and one Hors[e] or Mear[mare] Saddle and bridle one good feather Bead and Furneture one trunk and boxes what she pleases to take, one woolen wheel and one linnen wheel and Cheek Reel[?] One Iron pot her Choice one Iron Cettle and one Brass one, a pair firetongs and potrack and the Half Of the pewter; Item I give and Bequeath to My too[sic] sons Thomas Bowls and William Bowls all that Piece or parsel of Land whareon I now live Situate Lying on both Sides the North fork of Little River Containing too Hundred and too Acres as will appear by grant from John Embry to be Equally Divided in Quantity Between Said Thomas and William Bowls My Sone Thomas Bowls to Have ["that" x-out] That part whereon Is the Dwelling House and Improvements, notwithstanding it is the Intent of my Will that My wife Elizabeth Bowls Have Hir Maintainnance by the produce of the Improvement During her widowhood; Item I give and bequeath My sone John Boles Twenty Pounds Current Money To be paid arrising as a Moiety out of the above Improvement payable by my Sone Thomas Bowls Item I give and bequeath to My Daughter Elizabeth Murdak twenty Pounds Current Money as a Moiety Arrising out of the unimproved part bequeatht to My sone William Bowls; which too sums of twenty pounds Is not to be paid untill after a first[?] year after my deseas and I Ratify and Confirm the above gifts bequeatht To my too sones Thomas Bowls and William Bowls with all other gifts given by Me or granted Heretofore to Them and their hairs[sic] and assigns forever; allowing an Equal devision between them Both of all the Plantation Utenshals; Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Bowls ten shillings together with All gifts grants by Me heretofore given to her; Item I give and bequeath to My grand daughter Sarah Clark one Hors and too Cows; after My Just debts and Funeral Charges is paid all the Remains And Remainders of My Estate Not Mentioned In this grant to be Eaqually divided between [page 2] My wife Elizabeth Bowls and My Son Thomas Bowls and My Son William Bowls And I Make and Ordain them My Said too Sones Thomas Bowls and William Bowls Sole Executers[sic] of this my Last will and Testament Ratifying and Confirming this My Last will Acording to My true Intent and Meaning and no other; In witness whereof, I the Said Thomas Bowls Have to this my Last will and Testament Set my Hand and Seal this Thirtieth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Nine; Signed sealed and delivered by the said Thomas Bowls as and for his Last Will and testament In the Presence of us, who were Present at The Signing and Sealing Thereof - - - his Thomas (E) Bowls (seal) James Latta, Jurat mark her Jane (C) Davis mark James latta Junr. Additional Comments: Not found in Will Books. Recorded unknown date moiety: While it it also is less specific, meaning a part, portion, or share. Here it seems literally mean a half, which is one of the senses of the use of this word Elizabeth Murdak is Elizabeth Murdoch No estate papers found