Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Cain, Jacob August 6, 1779 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Will Book Volume A, page 208-209 Written: August 6, 1779 Recorded: May 1779 Testator: Jacob Cain [Will Book Volume A, page 208] I Jacob Cain of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina, do make and ordain this my Testament and last will as follows ["to wit" x-out] Vizt. I Will that all my just Debts may be paid, as spe[e]dily as may be, by my Executrix & Executor hereinafter named. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Joanna Cain one third part of all my stock of Horses, Cattle Hoggs, Deerskins, ready money and of every other thing belonging to my not herein set forth - I give to my Child with which my wife is now pregnant the other two thirds of all my property as above described Vizt. Horses, Cattle, Hoggs, Deerskins ready money and every other article that I have a just claim to not here enumerated, and it is my Will that the Legacy bequeathed to my Child as aforesd. be disposed of to the best advantage, and the money arising therefrom to be lent out upon Interest by my said Executrix & Executor untill the Child arrive at the Age of twenty one years or untill it's marriage and if the said Child should happen to be a son my desire is, that my Clothes should be reserved for his use, but if it should happen to be a Daughter, then and in that case, I will that my wearing apparel be divided amongst my Brothers or the survivors of them, and provided that child should not be Born alive or die before it comes of Lawfull age, in either case it is my Will, and I do hereby give and bequeath ["and" x-out] one half of the Legacy so bequeathed to the child as above to my said Wife Joanna Cain and the same, as well as the one third part of my Estate bequeathed to her as above to be at her own disposal only, the other half of the Legacy willed to the Child as aforesaid if it should not live to come of Age I give to my Brothers or the survivors of them share and share alike; I nominate and appoint my beloved wife [Will Book Volume A, page 209] Wife Joanna Cain Executrix and my friend Jacob Allen of the said County Executor of this my Testament and last Will, and I do hereby revoke and disannull all and every former Will by me made In Witness whee I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this Sixth day of August one thousand seven hundred & seventy nine Signed Sealed published & Declared by the said } his Jacob Cain the Testator as and for his Testament } Jacob (X) Cain (seal) & last will, in the presence of us, who have at his } mark request set our names as witnesses, and in the } presence of each other Jane Fen his Wm. (X) Leathers mark Wm. Johnston Orange County, August Court 1779 The Execution of the above Will was duly proved in open Court by the Oath of Wm. Johnston a subscribing witness thereto, and ordered to be Recorded Test N. Rochester C.C. Additional Comments: Will Book Volume A, page 208-209 Recorded May 1779 No loose will found. Estate Papers comprise four pages and are found in a folder labeled "Cain, Jacob (1779)". Inventory and sale included. No family history found.