Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Davis, Enoch January 9, 1792 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume B, pages 168-170 Written: January 9, 1792 Recorded: Feb 1792 Testator: Enoch Davis In the Name of God Amen I Enock Davis of orring County and State of North Carrolina Am Sick and Weack But of Sound Mind and Memmary Thankes Be to God But Calling to Mind that it is Appointed for all Men once to Die Doe Macke [and] Ordaine this my last Will and Testament that Is to Say first of all I give and Recom[m]end my Soul Into the hands of all Mighty God that gave it me and my Body I Recom[m]end it to be Buried in a Decant Cristian Burial at the Discrescian of my Eecutors Northing[sic] Doubting But at the General Resurrectian I Shall Receive it a gaine By the Power of God I Shall Receive it ag gaine and as touching the things of this World that It hath Been Please God to Bless Me With I Give dem[i]se and Dispose of in the following Manner- Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Son Abraham Davis and his heires for Ever My track of Land Where on I Now live and all So one Bay horse known By the Name of Prince and allso I give and Bequeath to my Son Abraham Davis My two Maires known by the names of Fly and Doll ~~~~~~~~~ Item [I] Give and Bequeath unto My Loving Son William Eavins one hundred Acers of Land Beginning at a poplar carner tree Run[n]ing with Dickins line to macke the above one hundred Acers to hurt the Rest of the tracke of New entered Land as Little as pocible ~~~~ Item I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Daughter Eallender Parker my Large Loocking glass to her and her heires for Ever ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item I Give and Bequeath all the Reast of my Eastate unto my four Loving Daughters and my Loving Son John Davis to Be Equally Devided Betwen them after My Just Debts aire Paid [page 2] And I Doe Licke Wise Constitute and Appoint my Lovin[g] son Abra ham Davis My Sole Executor to this My Last Will and Testament I Doe here by utterly Disallow and Disanul all other Wills here to fore mad[e] By me as Witness My hand and Seal this the Ninth Day of January 1792 Test Stephen Merritt Enoch Davis (seal) marke Mary (+) Hauge Jurat her [Will Book Volume B, page 168] In the Name of God Amen I Enoch Davis of Orange County and State of North Carolina Am Sick and Weak But of sound Mind and Memory Thanks be to God But calling to Mind that it is appointed for all Men once to Die Do make [and] Ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say first of all I give and Recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me and my body I recommend it to be buried in a Decent Christian burial at the Discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive it again by the power of God I shall re- -ceive it again[sic] and as to touching the things in[of] this World that it hath been please God to bless me with I give Demise and dispose of in the following man- -ner ~ ~ Item I Give and bequeath unto my loving Son Abraham Davis and his heirs for ever my tract of Land Where- -on I now live and also one bay Horse known by the name of Prince and also I give and bequeath to my Son Abraham Davis my two Mares known by the Names of Fly and Doll ~~~~~~ [Will Book Volume B, page 169] Item [I] Give and bequeath unto my Loving son William Eavins one hundred Acres of Land beginning at a Poplar Corner tree Running with Dickins Line to make the above one hundred Acres to hunt[hurt] the rest of the Tract of new entered Land as little as possible ~~ Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Daughter Ellender Darker my [Large] Looking Glass to her and her Heirs for ever ~~~~ Item I Give and Bequeath all the rest of my Estate unto my four Loving Daughters and my loving son John Davis to be equally divided between them after my Just Debts are paid ~~~ And I do likewise Constitute and appoint my Loving son Abraham Davis my sole Executor to this my last Will and Testament I do hereby utterly Disannul and Disallow all other Wills heretofore maid by me as Wit- -ness my hand and seal this the ninth day of January 1792 Atteste } Enoch Davis (seal) Stephen Merritt } her } Mary (+) Hauge } mark } [Will Book Volume B, page 170] State of North Carolina Orange County February Court 1792 The Execution of the last will & Testament of Enoch Davis way duly proved in Open Court by the Oaths of Stephen Starrett[sic] & Mary Hauge the two subscribing witnesses thereto & Ordered to be Recorded Attest Abner B. Bruce Additional Comments: Will Book Volume B, pages 168-170 Recorded Feb 1792 Will Book version clearly wrote "Ellender Darker" Estate Papers comprise three pages and are found in a folder labeled "Davis, Enoch (1792)". This is the report of the estate sale. No family history found.