Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Geer, John August 12, 1769 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Will Book Volume A, page 105 Written: August 12, 1769 Recorded: Jan 1770 Testator: John Geer [Will Book Volume A, page 105] In the Name of God Amen I John Geer of the County of Orange and province of North Carolina being very sick and Weak of body but of Sound and perfect Memory Blessed be God for the same and knowing that is it appointed unto all men once to Die, I do make Constitute this my last Will and Testament, I give my soul to the hands of God that gave it me and hoping at the last he will raise it up again and as for my Body I leave to be buried at the Discretion of my Heirs and as for those worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with, I dispose of them in manner and form following: Item I give to my well beloved Wife one Negroe Woman Named Pink Six Head of Cattle and one feather Bed and Furniture Item I give and bequeath to my Sons David and Frederick the Plantation whereon I now Dwell and two feather Beds and Furniture to be Equally divided Between the two to them and theirs[sic] forever Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mimma Twenty Pound prock[See Note 1] to her and her Heirs for ever. Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Tabitha Geer Ten Pound prock to her and her Heirs forever Item I give to my Son in law James Roper Ten Shillings Sterling only and the rest of my Negroes and Hous[e]hold good[s] and Stock after my lawfull debts be paid I leave them to my Children William Geer, and Mary Burnett John Geer Mimma, Lucy, Sarah, and Tabitha to be Equally Divided or parted between them Seven Children to them and their Heirs for ever where = =unto I set my hand and affixed my Seal in the year of Christ Seventeen Hundred and Sixty Nine August 12th his Signed Sealed and delivered } John (I) Geer (seal) In the presents off } mark Jacob Garrard } Jur. Michael Dent } Orange County } January Co: 1770 } The Execution of the within Will was duly proved in open Court by the Oath [of] Jacob Garrard a Subscribing Witness thereto and Ordered to be Recorded Test F. Nash C.C. Additional Comments: Will Book Volume A, page 105 Recorded Jan 1770 Note 1: prock is "proclamation money" No loose will found. No estate papers found.