Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Haygood, James February 20, 1768 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Will Book Volume A, pages 83-84 Written: February 20, 1768 Recorded: 29 Jul 1768 Testator: James Haygood [Will Book Volume A, page 83] In the Name of God amen I James Haygood of Orange County being in Perfect memory do make & Ordain this my last Will and Testament I do commit my body to the Earth to be hereafter Decently intered, at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named ~~~ and my Soul I commit to Almighty God that gave it. Imprimis I give and Bequeeth unto my son George and his Heir and Assign that part of my land that lieth in the fork of the Creeks ~~~ that I Purchased of Gideon Kirksey Item I give and Bequeeth unto my son Benjamin and his Heirs (after the decease of my Wife) the land whereon I now live Item I devise that my Debts & personal Expenses be first raised & levied out of my Estate I design that my Wife may have the third part of my Estate ~~~~ Item I give & Bequeeth unto my Wife the horse & saddle called ~~ hers Item I give and Bequeeth unto my son[s] James & William and my Daughter Rebecca the remaining part of my Estate that it my be equally Divided among the three Rebecca William & James and I do Ordain William Partin Executor and my Wife Executrix of this my last will and Testament, And I desire that my Estate may not be Appraised, and I do hereby Disanul and revoke all other Wills by me heretofore made, allowing Ratifying and Confirming this and not other to be my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I James Haygood have hereunto set my hand & Affixed my seal this 20th Day of February 1768 Sealed signed and acknowledged & his Published by James Haygood to be his James(X) Haygood (seal) Last Will & testament in the Presence of us mark his his Phillip Gee George (X) Haygood William (X) Partin mark mark [Will Book Volume A, page 84] North Carolina } Orange County SS } George Haygood and Phillip Gee two of the subscribing Witnesses to the within Will Personally Appeared before me and made Oath that they saw the within ~~ Mentioned James Haygood the Testator was of sound and dis- =posing mind and Memory According to heir knowledge and Belief, Elizabeth Haygood the Executrix and William Partin the Executor therein named took the Oaths Appoint by Law for their Qualified whereupon 'tis Ordered that Letters ~~~ Testamentary issue Given under my hand at Hillsborough this twenty Ninth Day of July A.Dom. 1768 William Tryon ~~~ Additional Comments: Will Book Volume A, pages 83-84 Recorded 29 Jul 1768 No loose will found. No estate papers found.