Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Helton, Peter December 12, 1802 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume D, pages 93-94 Written: December 12, 1802 Recorded: Feb 1803 Testator: Peter Helton In the name of God Amen, I Peter Helton in the county of Orange State of North Carolina being sick in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God and Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, Doe make and ordain this my Last Will and Testement, That is to say first of all I give and Recommend my Soul in the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in a Deasent form, at the Descration of my Executors, nothing doubting &c &c and as touching Such Wor[l]dly Eastate where with God has Blessed me with in this Life I Dispose and Demise in the following form and first I give and bequeath unto beloved wife Susanah one Horsh Creatur She take Choice of all I have also Two Cows the choice of all I have, Bed and Bed Cloths and as much of the Household furnerture as She thinks needfull for hur use, also my old Plantation whereon I now Live, with all the Buildings thereon, and the Prive= =lege of Timber to Suport the fencing and fuel During hur lifetime, the Household furnerture She may Dispose of to home[whom] she sees cause, Secondly I give and bequeath unto my son Abraham Helton one Hundred acres of Land to be Survayed of the track[tract] I own Including the Improve= =ment he Lives on to him and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Helton one Hundred acres of Land to be Survayed of the said track Including the Improvement he formerly Livid on, to him his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, fourthly I give and bequeath unto my Son James Helton one Hundred and twenty acres of Land Including the old Plantation him said James to Injoy Said Lands and Privilege after the Death of my wife and not before but after her Deceas he Said James to Injoy Said Lands and primises he and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, and as to the other part of my moveable property Which is not Disposed of I Request to be Sold at Publick Sale and after my Lawfull Debts are payd to be Eaquelly Divided Turn over [page 2] betwixt my Daughters which is in number Eight to be Eaquelly Devided amongst them and Will be theare portion and I also apoint and nominate Samuel Fogleman and John Coble Son of Adam to be my Executors to have this my Last Will and Testament put in Execution and performed Where unto I the afore said Peter Helton Doo acknow= =ledge this my Last will and Testament Ratifying this [and] no other former Testament and the present of the Witnesses I have set my hand and seal this 12th day of December in the year of Our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred and Two his Signed sealed and acknowledged Peter (H) Helton (seal) in the presents of us - - - mark his Abraham (X) Helton mark John Coble Jurat Samuel M. Foglemann[?] Exr qualifd. Adam Starr Jurat [Will Book Volume D, page 93] In the Name of God Amen I Peter Helton in the County of Orange State of North Carolina being Sick in Body but of Perfect mind and memory thanks be to God & Calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament that is to Say first of all I give & bequeath [recommend] my Soul in the hands of Almighty God who gave it & my body to the Earth to be Buried in a decent form at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting &c And as touching Such Worldly estate Wherewith it Hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I dispose & demise in the following form & first I give and bequeath unto beloved Wife Susanna one Horse Creature She take choice of all I have also two Cows the choice of all I have. Bed & furniture & as much of the Household furniture as She thinks needful for her use Also my old plantation where on I now live With all the buildings thereon & the privilege of timber to Sup port the fencing & fuel during her life time the Household furniture She may dispose of to home[whom] she ["pleas" x-out] sees causes (Secondly) I give & bequeath unto my Son Abraham Helton one Hundred acres of Land to be Surveyed of the tract I own Including the Improvement he Lives on to him & his Heirs & assigns forever Thirdly I give & bequeath unto my son Peter Helton one Hundred acres of Land to be Surveyed of the tract Including the improvement he formerly liv'd on to him & his heirs & assigns forever ~ Fourthly I give & beque ath Unto my Son James Helton one hundred and twenty acres of Land In- cluding the old plantation him said James to enjoy Said [passage in original loose will, skipped in will book copy] lands and premises [Privilege] after the death of my wife and not before but after her decease he said James to enjoy said lands and [end of skipped passage] premises he & his heirs & assigns forever ~~~~ And as to the other part of my move able property Which is not disposed of I request to be Sold at publick Sale & after my Lawful debts are pay'd to be equally devided between my daugh -ters which is in number eight to be equally devided amongst them & will be their portion ~~~~ and I also appoint & nominate Samuel Fogleman and John Cobble son of Adam to be my Executors to have this my last Will & Testament put in execution and performed Whereunto I the aforesaid [Will Book Volume D, page 94] Peter Helton do acknowledge this my Last will and Testament [passage in original loose will, skipped in will book copy] Ratifying this [and] no other former Testament [end of skipped passage] and the pre -sent[sic] of the Witnesses I have Set my hand and seal this twelfth day of Decem ber in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred & two [passage in original loose will, skipped in will book copy] Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presents of us [end of skipped passage] his Abraham (X) Helton mark his John Cobble Peter (H) Helton (seal) mark Samuel Macqualman[? James M. Foglemann ?] Adam Starr Orange County Febr. Term 1803 The Execution of the foregoing Last Will & Testament of Peter Helton decd. was duly prove in open Court by the Oath of John Cobble one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded at the Same time the Exes therein named qualified accordingly. ~~~ Additional Comments: Will Book Volume D, pages 93-94 Recorded Feb 1803 Estate Papers comprise four pages and are found in a folder labeled "Helton, Peter (1802)". No family history found.