Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Holmes, John June 21, 1833 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, page 307 Written: June 21, 1833 Recorded: Nov 1833 Testator: John Holmes In The name of God Amen. I John Holmes of Orange County and State of N.C. being of Sound and perfect mind and memory (Blessed be God) do This 21st Day of June in the year of our Lord 1833 Make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to Say first I give & bequeath to my Dea[r]ly Belov'd Wife Catherine all the Land which I am now possess'd of During her natural life, The rents and profits of which to be Equal[l]y Divided betwe[e]n herself, my Son Nicholas, my Daughter[s] Ann & Jean, 2 it is my will & Desire That after the Death of my wife, I give to my son Nicholas one Hundred and twenty acres of Land to be taken from any part he may chuse of the Land I now own and that its my Will that my Daughters Ann & Jane[sic] Shal[l] Still contin =ue in possession of the House whare[sic] I now live & receive Their part of rents of sd Land as long as They remain Single 3rd I give and bequ[e]ath to my wife Catherine two Milch Cows and calves to be Kept for her use During hir life, & one sorrel Horse all the pr[e]sent stock of Hogs & Six of the choise Sheep & fourthly I give to my wife Catherine my waggon, Log chain, 3 plows & two pair of Gears to be hers During her natural life also my Loom and Whells[wheels], and further give & bequ[e]ath to my wife Catherine, and Daughters Ann, & Jane, Each one Bed & furniture and that farming utinsals[sic] ["sufficient" x-out] sufficient to car[r]y on the farm be hers During her natural life and its further my will that my son William Shal[l] have a right to my house as a home as long as he Thinks proper to live here Single and its further my will that The residue of my property Shal[l] be sold & that out of the proceeds of sd Sale, my two Daughters, Ann & Jane, Shal[l] be made Equal in property or money with their Three married sisters, who have left me, & further That all the Stock of Every Kind in The Hands of my wife at her Desease[decease] Shal[l] be and remain the property of Nicholas & my two Daughters Ann, and Jane, while they live together or any two of them, and The residue of the proceeds of said property when collected its my will and Desire there be an Equal Distribution of ["of" x-out] The whole amongst all my children namely Mary, Hannah, Sarah, Willam[sic], Henry, Ann, Joseph, Nicholas, and Jane and I do hereby constitut[e] and appoint my Son William Holmes [page 2] Executor to this my last Will and testament in witness I John Holmes have to this my last will and testament set my hand and Seal this Day & year first above wrtin[written] -- Signed Seald published and Declared by the sd. John Holmes in presense[sic] of us who ware pr[e]sent--- William Paine Jurat John Holmes (seal) Jno. Stockard his John (X) Paine mark Exr qualified Additional Comments: Will Book Volume E, page 307 Recorded Nov 1833 Daughter Jane or Jean. Spelled "Jean" once in the will, "Jane" appears five times. Estate Papers comprise seven pages and are found in a folder labeled "Holmes, John (1833)". No family history found.