Orange County NcArchives Wills.....McCracken, Samuel December 23, 1836 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume F, page 8 Written: December 23, 1836 Recorded: Aug 1838 Testator: Samuel McCracken Be it remembered that I Samuel McCracken of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina Being Weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God, Calling to mind the mortallity[sic] of my body and knowing that it is Once appointed for all men to die. do make this my last Will and Testament And as touching Such Worldly estate where- with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life --- I give demise and dispose of the Same in the following manner and form Viz--- First I give unto my son John McCracken (at my Decd.) two Hundred Dollars in Cash ---- And all the ballance of my property of every description after paying my funeral expenses and just debts. I give unto my Son Thomas McCracken --------------- I appoint my son Thomas McCracken & James Tate Extrs to this my last will and Testament Witness wher[e]of I have her[e]unto Set my hand [and] seal this 23 day of December 1836 ---- In presents[sic] of Samuel McCracken Saml. N Tate } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ } Jurant Thomas Squires } Exr quafd. [Will Book Volume F, page 8] Be it remembered that I Samuel McCracken of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina Being Weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God Calling to mind the Mortality of my body and Knowing that it is Once appointed for all men to die. do make this my last Will and Testament and as touching Such Worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Viz ~~~~~ First I give unto my son John McCracken (at my decd.) Two Hundred Dollars in Cash ~~~ And all the balance of my property of every description after paying my funeral expences and Just debts. I give unto my Son Thomas McCracken I appoint my son Thomas McCracken & James Tate Executors to this my last Will and Testament Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand [and] seal this 23d Samuel McCracken (seal) day of December 1836 ~~~ In presence of Sam'l N Tate Thomas Squires Orange County August Term 1838 The Execution of the foregoing last Will and Testament of Samuel McCracken decd. was duly proved in Open Court by the Oaths of Samuel N Tate & Thomas Squires the sub= scribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded ~~~ At the same time Thomas McCracken & James Tate the Execution therein named appeared in Open Court & qualified Accordingly Test Additional Comments: Will Book Volume F, page 8 Recorded Aug 1838 No estate papers found.