Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Robbinson, Alexander April 23, 1774 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Will Book Volume A, pages 147-148 Written: April 23, 1774 Recorded: May 1774 Testator: Alexander Robbinson [Will Book Volume A, page 147] In the Name of God Amen I Alexander Robbinson of Orange County in [North] Carolina Being Weak and Lowe in Body But of Perfect mind and Memory Calling into mind the frailty of Humon Nature and that it is Appointed once for all men to die do make and Constitute this my Last will and Testament that is to say first I give and bequeath my Soul to God and my Body to the dust to be buried at the discretion of my Executors and as to what worley[worldly] Good the Lord has Blessed me with I give and bequeath in Manner as following Imprs. to my well beloved nephew James Cassey one Hundred Acres of Deeded Land to him and his heir and assigns and his Brother David Ceasey Sixty head of ~~~ Hogs for his Part to my well Beloved Sister Esther Thopison[?] I give unto hir four Cows & Calves & I give to my well beloved John Ceasey my Brother in law to his Care Daughter Each four Cows Equal[ly] Divided to my will[sic] Beloved Sister Ellener two feather Beads and there[sic] furniture and two Puter Dishes the Corn & whet and meat and meare to to[sic] be Sold and all the Effects in and about the House and the money is to be Collected By Aubry[?] Murphey and David Shelton Appointed my Executors to pay of[f] as far as my Estate is Indebted and the Remainder to my well Beloved two Sister Eesther Ropeson & Ellener Ceasey the wife of John Ceasey, Signed Sealed & acknowledged to be my Last will & Testament { in the presence of us ~~~~~~ { April 23th 1774 Hugh McAden William Powell Alexander Robertson (seal) William Maxwell [Will Book Volume A, page 148] Orange County { The Execution of the within Will May Court 74 { was affirmed to in Open Court By the Affirmation Hugh McAden & William Maxwell two of the Subscribing witnesses there to and Ordered to be Registered Test F. Nash C.C. Additional Comments: Will Book Volume A, pages 147-148 Recorded May 1774 Testator's surname appears variously. No loose will found. No estate papers found.