Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Scott, William May 17, 1810 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume D, pages 271-273 Written: May 17, 1810 Recorded: Nov 1810 Testator: William Scott In the Name of God Amain: I William Scot of the State [of] North Carolina & County of Orange Being in a Low State of Health though in my proper Mind: thanks Be to God for it: Calling to mind the mortality of my Body knowing that it is Ap[p]oin ted for all men once to Die I Recommend my Soul to God & my Body to the Dust to Be Buried in Decency: As it has pleased God to Bless me with some Worldly property I Distribute ["it" x-out] & Divide it in the Following manner == I Leave & Beque[a]th to my well Beloved wife Mary Scot her support of my Land [during] her Life time Likewise one horse Named Buck & the privilage[sic] of my house her Life time & one Bed & Bed[d]ing & one milk Cow with one Walnut Chest and one Half of ["the" x-out] my Houshould Furniture I Leave to my wife == My Land I Leave in the Following Manner to wit I Leave and Bequith to my Sons John & William Mitchel Scot to be Eaqually Divided Agreable to quantity & quality I Likewise Leave my Son John my oldest Mare & a young Colt that she Now has: my Son John is to give my son William Mitchel a horse when Sd Mitchel Comes of age to be Valied[valued] to be worth Fifty Dollars my son John is to have my Saddle & Bridle: Likewise my Son Alexander is to Be Sufficiently Supported of my Land that I have Left my Sons John & Mitchel: his Life time: my Son John is to have the one half of my hogs Likewise I Leave & Bequeth to my son Thomas fifteen Dollars to Be taken out of the Next Years Crop which will Be the year Eighteen hundred & Eleven Likewise I L[e]ave & Bequeith to my Daughter Janet one Mare & Sadel & bridle one bed & Bed[d]ing & too[sic] Cows [x-out] Likewise I L[e]ave & Bequith to my Daughter Faney one Colt too years old & Sadle & bridle too Cows & on one bed & beden[sic] that she has Received ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [page 2] My Daughter[s] Elizebeth & Mary is to have one Horse Named Beches[?] which horse is to be Sold for them the too Sd Girls Elizabeth & Mary is to have too Cows Each Likewise my four Daughters is to have An Eaquel Division of my household furniture My Farming Utensils is to Be Given to John & one gun to John: My Lawfull Debts that I am Now in I Al[l]ow to Be paid out of the present Crop that is Now in the Ground: The Balence of my hogs I Leave for the use of my Family this year == I Likewise Leave it on Record that James Hutcheson & James M'adam is to have the oversight as Exacutors of my Estate Efirming[affirming] & Confirming this to Be my Last Will & Testiment in witness whereof I hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Seventeenth Day of May in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred & ten his (Seal) test Samel. Crawford Jurat William (X) Scott mark James McCaddams qualified [Will Book Volume D, page 271] In the Name of God Amen I William Scot of the State of North Carolina and County of Orange being in a low State of Health though in my proper mind, thanks be to God for it Calling to mind the mortality of my body the mortality of my body[sic] Knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die - I Recommend my Soul to God, And my Body to the dust to be buried in decen- cy --- As it has pleased God to bless me with Some [Will Book Volume D, page 272] Worldly property I distribute & divide it in the following manner I leave and bequeath to my Well beloved wife Mary Scot her support of my Land [during] her life time, likewise one horse named Buck & the priviledge of my House her life time & one bed and Bedding one Milk Cow with one Walnut Chest & one Half of [my] Household furniture I leave to my wife ---- My land I Leave in the following manner To wit. I leave and be queath to my Son[s] John and William Mitchel Scot to be equally divided agreeable to the quantity & quality I likewise leave my Son John my oldest mare and a young Colt that She now has my Son John is to give my Son William [Mitchel] a Horse when sd Mitchel comes of age to be Valued to be worth fifty Dollars, my Son John is to have my Saddle & bridle. likewise my Son Alexander is to be Sufficiently Supported of my land that I have left my Son[s] John and Mitchel his life time, my Son John is to have the one Half of my Hogs, Likewise I leave and bequeath to my Son Thomas fifteen Dollars to be taken out of the Next Years Crop which will be the year Eighteen Hundred and Eleven --- Likewise I leave and bequeath to my Daughter Jennet one Mare and Saddle & bridle one Bed and bedding & two Cows -- Likewise I leave and bequeath to my daughter Faney one Colt two years Old and a Saddle and bridle two Cows, and one bed and bedding that she has received ---- My Daughter[s] Eliza =beth and Mary is to have one Horse named Becker[?] which Horse is to be Sold for them the two Said Girls Elizabeth and Mary is to have two Cows, Each likewise my four dau ghters is to have An equal division of my Household fur niture ---- My farming utensils is to Be given to John and one gun to John) My lawful debts that I am now in I allow to be paid out of the present Crop that [Will Book Volume D, page 273] is now in the Ground, the balance of my Hogs I leave for the use of my family this year I likewise Leave it [on] record that James Hutcheson and James McAdam is to have the oversight as Executors of my estate --- Confirming[affirming] and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Seventeenth day of May in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and ten Test his Samuel Crawford William (X) Scott (Seal) mark Orange County Novr. Term 1810 The Execution of the foregoing last Will and Testament of Wm. Scott decd. was duly proved in open Court by the Oath of Saml. Crawford ["one of" erased] the subscribing Witness thereto and ordered to be recorded at the same time James McAddams qualified as Executor ---- J Taylor CCC by J J Benton Additional Comments: Will Book Volume D, pages 271-273 Recorded Nov 1810 Estate Papers comprise three pages and are found in a folder named "Scott, William (1810)". Inventory was taken 20 Oct 1810. Estate sale was on 6 Nov 1810. No family history found.