Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Stalcop, John July 10, 1800 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume D, pages 125-127 Written: July 10, 1800 Recorded: May 1804 Testator: John Stalcop In the Name of God Amen July the tenth one thousand Eight Hundred I John Stalcop of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina. Being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind And memory thanks be to God for the same, do make this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ First I give and bequeath unto my Beloved Son Solomon Stalcop one hundred Acres of Land on the west side of my Land one horse and Saddle one Cow and calf and three sheep. Next I give and Bequeath unto my well Beloved wife Elizabeth Stalcop one hundred acres of Land on the east Side of my Land to her and her disposing likewise all the rest of my Stock of horses Cows Sheep and hogs household furniture working tools And farming Utensils and if the Said Elizabeth Stalcop do[sic] not Sell the Land in her lifetime, the Land to be sold at her decease and the Price thereof with all the rest of her property to be Equally Divided Between my four Daughters Namely Elizabeth Stalcop Junr. Nancy Stalcop Rachel Stalcop Lydda Stalcop And next I give and bequeath to my Well Beloved wife one Negro boy named Merick during her life and at her Decease I give and Bequeath him to my well Beloved Son Thomas Stalcop and likewise one horse and Saddle at the age of twenty One years old But [if] the aforesaid Elizabeth Stalcop Should marry Again then she is disenherited of every property that I own and To Divided in the above Mentioned Manner And Last of all I give And Bequeath unto my Daughter Susanna Stalcop five Shillings Sterling. And I also appoint my Beloved Wife Elizabeth Stalcop and my Beloved Son Solomon Stalcop to Be my sole Executrixes[sic] to this my Last Will and Testament and I do also renounce all other former wills Legacies or Bequeaths but this alone As Witness I have hereunto set my hand And Seal the day and year above written Test James Pyle (Jurat) his Test William Pyle John (X) Stalcop (seal) mark Exrs qualified [Will Book Volume D, page 125] In the Name of God Amen July the tenth one thousand eight Hundred [I] John Stalcop of the County of Orange and State of North Carolina being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for the same [Will Book Volume D, page 126] do make this my Last Will and Testament in the manner and form following ---- First I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Solomon Stalcop one hundred Acres of Land on the West Side of my Land one Horse and saddle one Cow & Calf & three sheep ~~~~~ Next I give and bequeath unto my Well beloved wife Elizabeth Stalcop one Hundred Acres of Land on the east side of my land to her and her disposing & likewise all the rest of my stock of Horses Cows & Sheep & hogs Household furniture Working tools and farming utensils & if the said Elizabeth Stalcop do not sell the Land in her life time the Land to be sold at her decease & the price thereof and all the rest of her property to be equally devided between my four daugh- ters namely Elizabeth Stalcop Junr. Nancy Stalcop Rachel Stalcop Lydda Stalcop --- And next I give & bequeath to my Well beloved Wife One Negroe boy named Merick du[r]ing her life and at her decease I Give & bequeath him to my Well beloved Son Thomas Stalcop and likewise one Horse and Saddle at the age of twenty [one] years old but [if] the aforesaid Elizabeth Stalcop should marry again then she is disenherited of every property that I own & to devided in the above mentioned manner and Last of all I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Susanna Stalcop five Shillings Sterling and I also appoint my beloved Wife Elizabeth Stalcop and my beloved Son Solomon Stalcop to be my sole Executrixes[sic] to this my last Will and Testament and I do also renounce all other former Wills Legacies or bequeaths but this alone, as Witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above Written ---- Test his James Pyle John (X) Stalcop (seal) Test mark William Pyle [Will Book Volume D, page 127] Orange County May Term The Execution of the foregoing last Will and Testament of John Stalcop Decd. was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of James Pyle one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded at the same time the Exrs therein named qualified accordingly ~~~~~~~ Additional Comments: Will Book Volume D, pages 125-127 Recorded May 1804 No estate papers found.