Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Tickle, Conrad November 6, 1825 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ben Franklin May 2024 Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801 Written: November 6, 1825 Testator: Conrad Tickle In the Name of God Amen --- I Conrad Tickle of the County of Orange in the State of North Carolina, being sound of mind & memory, but sick & weak of body calling to mind the mortality of my body & know =ing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make & ordain this my last will & Testament in manner & form all as follows (to wit) I recommend my soul to God who give it & my body to the dust to be buried in a decent christian Burial, & as touching my worldly estate which it has pleased God to bless me with I will & devise in the following manner --- I? will? & devise unto my beloved wife Elizabeth[?] the one half of the Tract of land on which[?] I live to include the dwelling House & all out Houses on the Plantation during her natural life also I will & devise unto her my Negro Girl? & all my personal estate of every Kind during her widowhood, & I wish her to divide it equally among my children as they may marry & ???? themselves[?] as I myself would do ware I alive & in case of her marriage or Death, it is my will that all my personal property be sold & to be equally divided among all my children counting[?] ????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? [page 2] 2nd I will & devise unto my three sons George Joel, & John Tickle my Tract of land I got of my Father to be equally divided among them as follows one third to be to taken off on the East side to the North of the Springs adjoining Kitt & one third to include the House & Spring & the other third ???? the West side & I wish my Executors to make the shares as equal as possible & set? off each of my sons ??????? his part ---- ---- 3rd I will & devise to my son Eli the other half of the Tract of land I live upon to include what is called the ???? Spring 4th I will & devise unto my youngest son Simeon after his mothers death her half of land, which I willed to her 5th I will & devise unto my three sons Daniel Benjamin & Lewis Tickle, out of my estate what will make them equal with their Brothers, my will is that Land be Bought for them to make them equal, by Selling some of my personal property -- & What can be made on plantation that can be spared for such[?] ??????? [page 3] Tract for each as he may come of age, & if that can be done, I will & devise that they be made equal with their Brothers out of my property I have bore will that at my wife Death or marriage ???? all my personal property then left sold & be equally divided among all my children I constitute my son George Tickle & Joseph Gibson Executors of this my last Will & Testament In witness whareof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 6 day of November 1825 Signed sealed & } acknowledged in } the presence of } Conrad Tickle (seal) William Montgomery Nancy[?] Tickle Additional Comments: No will book copy located Original is badly faded, so much of this is guesswork from hints of words. Estate Papers comprise 50 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Tickle, Conrad (1825)". These are used to confirm the interpretation of the names of the various legatees found in the will. The estate papers assert that this testator died intestate in 1825, leaving widow and relict Elizabeth, and the following children: George, Polly who married David Ingle, Joel,, Eli, Daniel, Benjamin, Creecy, Lewis and Simeon Tickle. The testator held 545 acres in Orange County, and many of the estate papers concern division of these lands among the heirs. George Huffins purchased "1 Negro Girl" for $281 at the estate sale of 1 Aug 1827, seems to match girl listed in inventory "1 black girl about ten or twelve years old" in Aug 1826.