Pamlico County, NC - Miller Estate Records File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sue Guptill Miller Estate Records Pamlico Co. CR.074.508.6 Miller, C.W.: 2903 Admin.: J. Will Miller Admin. qualified: 22 Aug. 1903 No heirs listed. Estate approx. $118.70 _______________ Miller, F.B.: 1882 Superior Court document: Names heirs J.W. Miller, Joseph Miller, Peter F. Miller, Geo. W. Miller, Jas. Muse & Mary E. Muse, G.W. Jordan & wife Bettie, Gertrude Miller, and Henry Miller (last 2 infants). vs. Martha Lewis Admin. of F.B. Miller and C.H. Fowler (bondsman). Sues saying that Martha Lewis has not distributed assets of estate. She qualified as admin. on 19 Mar 1886; itıs been 2 years since then. (No date given, and no specific DOD given). Festus Miller named by judge as referee to audit estate. Account settlement 12 May 1890 lists assets $411.03, disbursements $285.54, $103.36 paid to court. Evidence of payment to Peter F. Miller $9.96 as purchase at admin. sale. No receipts. P.F. Miller now dec'd. (Fall 1890). Document ordering laying off of dower portion of estate to Martha Miller, widow. (1 Dec 1882). __________________________ Miller, F.D.: 1923 1 page only: receipts and disbursements Beatrice Stewart is admin. _________________________ Miller, Festus: 1898 Admin.: Mary (Mollie) Number of documents describing suit by J.T. Riggs, J.B. Rice, R.P. Whorton, Paul J. Daniels, W.E. Hooker, J.W. Hooker, W.W. Hooker, & R.B. Phipps vs. Mary A. Miller (admin.), A.B. Campben, & Thos. Campben stating the plaintiffs and Campbens were bondsmen for Festus Miller as Clerk of Superior Court re. estate of ? Lincoln. There was a $600 note paid to Festus Miller which inadvertantly was paid to him personally, not as Clerk of Court. Plaintiffs suing to have note changed to trust paid to current Clerk. Lincoln heirs listed are J. Thurman Lincoln, Aletha Lincoln, Claude K. Lincoln. Note ordered to be changed as requested. Suit lists DOD as 8 Nov 1898. Heir: Abbie E. Miller Estate Account includes real estate: 3 lots in Bayboro known as Joseph Miller lot and others, 52 acres of land in Pamlico Co. adjoining lands of Mollie A. Miller, C.W. Miller, & others (3/4 mile from Bayboro). ____________________ Miller, J.W.: 1918 Admin.: Nellie Miller. Heirs: Kathaline Miller and Eleanor Miller Estate: 1 town lot in Oriental DOD not given, final accounting 3 Jan 1918 ___________________ Miller, James H.: 1885 Admin. Nannie L. Miller (later Ipock) Heirs: John, Pearl, Mary Dower portion alloted 26 May 1885 Lawsuit by A.L. Hahn re. funds purportedly owed Hahn who was apparently a law partner of James H. Miller. _____________________ Miller, Lawrence: 5 Dec 1894 Admin. J. Will. Miller Lawsuit lists heirs: W.C. Gibbs & wife Mabel, Frank Miller, James William Miller, Joshua Rice & wife Bela, Wallace Gaskins & wife Bess, Mary Miller. ___________________ Miller, Noah: 1883 Gives only DOD as sometime in 1883 __________________ Miller, Solomon: 1900 Names wife, Sophia Dower alloted 1 Dec 1900 ============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ==============================================================