Pasquotank County, NC - Murden Land Transactions ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Stokley - Murden Land Transactions from Pasquotank County, North Carolina Record of Deeds 1700-1751 compiled by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman, Heritage Books, Inc., 1990 *********** [A:73] Wm. Cartwright of Pasquotank in the County of Albemarle & Province of North carolina... Sum of L39.17.6 Current money in this Province... Sold to Jerr Murden of the County and Province aforesaid... my plantation whereon I now live containing 200 Acres Situate lying & being in Pasquotank aforesaid excepting only one Neck of land beyond the bee tree branch &runing up to the Cypress Swamp... by Virtue of a Patent bearing date the 29th day of 9ber 1706. ... 26 Jany. 1713/14. Signed: Wm. Cartwright. Wit: Robert Morgan, Robt. Cartwright, Jos. Glaister. Ack: 26 Jany. 1713/14 to Jerr Munden. Regt. 10 June 1714. *********** Jeremh. Murden of Pasquotank in North Carolina doth assign over all my right title and Interest of this within mentioned bill of sale unto Job Cartwright...6 Jany. 1712/13. Signed Jeremiah Murden. wit: Wm. Relfe Senr., Wm. Relfe Junr. [A:75] Ack: Pasquotank, 20 April 1714 Jerr. Murden & Mary his wife to Job Cartwright. Regt: 5 May 1714. *********** Jerr. Murden of the prect. of Pasquotank, County of Albemarle in the prov: of North Carolina...assign all my right...of this Deed & the land therein mentioned from Coll Wm. Reed...20 Octbr 1719. Signed: Jerr: Murden, Mary Murden. Wit: Jno. Solly, Fr: McBride. Ack: 24 day of 8br 1719 to Collo. Wm. reed by the Vendr. Regt: 25 8br 1719. *********** [A:220] Jerr: Murden of the prct. of Pasquotank in the County of Albemarle & in the Prov. of North Carolina, do by there presents assign all my right...of this Patent to the lands therein mentioned from Collo. Wm. Reed... 20 8br 1719. Signed: Jerr Murden, Mary Murden. Wit: Jno. Solley, Fr. McBride. Ack: 21 8br 1719 by the Vendr. to the Vendee. Regt: 25 ocbr 1719. *********** [A:314] Henry Bugbird do firmly and voluntarily of my own Accord make and constitute my trusty friend Joseph Stokely to be my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to acknowledge unto Jerr Murden...all my Right...unto that plantation & Land formerly belonging to Willm. Cartwright Senr, and by him sold to Henry Bugbird of Pasquotank...21 April 1724. Signed Henry Bugbird . Wit Trum. McBride, Jno. McDaniell. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29 7br. 1724. *********** [A:314] Henry Bugbird of Pasquotank Prect. and province afsd. for the valuable consideration of a Parcel of Land...upon the head of Pasquotank as by Deed will appear in the said Jere Murden...all my Right...unto the within mentioned land...15 February 1723. Signed: Henry Bugbird. Wit: Jos: Stokely, Owen Rees. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29 7br. 1724. *********** North Carolina: Jerrh. Murden of the Prect. of Pasquotank & Province afsd. with the free and voluntary Consent of Mary Murden my lawful wife...for the valuable consideration of a Plantation & Tract of Land contg. 100 acres...lying between Stephen Richardson'e & Thomas Cartwrights Junr. ...paid by Henry Bugbird of the Prect. & Province afsd. [A:315 ... sold ... a Parcel of land contg. 100 the upper end of the great Island and so running to the upper end og the little Island...21 April 1724. Signed: Jeremiah Murden. Wit: Joseph Stokely, Truman McBride. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29th 7br 1724. *********** North Carolina, Thomas Cartwright Junr. of the Prect. of Pasquotank & Province afsd. with the free voluntary consent of [blank] Cartwright my lawful wife, for the valuable Consideration of 2 pounds...paid by Jereh. Murden of the Province afsd. ...sold ... a parcel of land contg. 4 acres ... being part of a Tract of land formerly belonging to Thos. cartwright Junr., the said 4 Acres of Lant to be taken out of the largermost End of the said Cartwright Land...binding upon a Tract of land formerly belonging to Henry Bugbird and by him sold to Jeremh. Murden...21 April 1724. Signed Thomas T. Cartwright. Wit: Joseph Stokely, Ann Stokely. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29 7br 1724. *********** [A Plot of 139 Acres bounding on Swamp is drawn.] I the subscriber do Assign all my right Title & Interest of this within mentioned Plot unto Jeremiah Murden in lieu of 37 Acres of Land which the deceased Jerem. Murden excepted out of a pattent which he formerly sold to me...8 Apl. 1735. Signed David Pritchard. Wit: B. Morgan, Stephen Chancey. Ack: The within Plot was acknowledged from David Pritchard to Jeremiah Murden at Apl. Court 1735... Regt: 25 Apl 1735. *********** [B: 217] Dec. 1736 & in the ninth year of the Reign of our Sovn Lord George...Between Jeremiah Murden of the County of Albemarle in the Province of North Carolina of the one part and Jeremiah Murden, his Son, of the Same County & Province afsd. of the other party ... in Consideration of the natural Love and affection which I have and bear unto my Son...give...Tract of land...N.E. Side of Pasquotank River & joining on the Mouth of Sawyer's creek commonly known or called by the name of William Jennings Plantation Contg. ... 182 Acres...[B:218] ... Signed: Jeremiah Murden. Wit: Joseph Spence, Robert Spence. Ack: July Court 1737 Jeremh. Murden Senr to Jeremh. Murden Junr. Regt: July the [blank] 1737. *********** [B:381] 25 Sept. 1741 in the Reign of our Soverign Lord George... between Jeremiah Murden of the County of Pasquotank in the Province of North Carolina of the one part and John Murden his son of the Same county and province aforesaid of the other Consideration of the natural Love and affection which I have and bear unto my Son John Murden have given...a Tract of Land... on the S.W. Side of Pasquotank River...commonly known or called by the Great Island or Lodwock Gray's Plantation containing... 100 Acres...Great Ash Sexton's Line Signed: Jeremiah Murden Wit: Thomas Relfe, Jeremiah Murden Junr. Ack: Oct. Court 1741. regt 28 Oct 1741. *********** [A:450] Jeremiah Murden of North Carolina in Pasquotank County Gentn. for the Love, good Will and affection which I do bear towards my Loving Grandson Jeremiah Spence do...give...Tract of Land called by the name of Mabson's Ridge...80 Acres...Middle Swamp...Joseph Spence my Son in Law and his wife Sarah Spence to have their Life Time in it as long as Joseph Spence lives and his wife during her Widowhood...4 March in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of our Soverign Lord King George the second...1745. Signed: Jeremiah Murden. Wit: Robert Murden, Samuel Edney. Ack: Oct Court 1747 [sic]. Regt: 28 Oct 1746. *********** [B:107] 29 Dec. 1749 Between Robert Murden of the County and Province afsd. Yeoman and John Murden of the abovesaid County Planter...for 10 pounds St(erlin)g Money of Gt. Britain ...sold...Land whereon the sd. Murden now dwelleth being large of a large Tract that was surveyed for Jeremiah Murden and now is come in possession of him the sd. Robert Murden being on the South Side of the Pasquotank River...[B:108] ... line between William Sexton and the sd. Murden...River Swamp...100 Acres... Signed: Robert Murden. Wit: Obadiah Sexton, William Sexton. Ack: Oct. Court 1750. Regt: 16 Oct. 1750. *********** [B:108] 29 Dec. 1749 between Robert Murden of Pasquotank County in the Province of North Carolina yeoman & William Sexton of the said County Planter...for 10 pounds Stg Money of Gt Britain...sold...part of a larger Tract which was Surveyed and laid out for the said Murden...whereon the said Sexton now dwelleth, being on the South Side of Pasquotank River...Branch between John Murden and the said sexton...dividing line between the said William Sexton and Obadiah Sexton, his Brother...50 Acres [B: 109] ... Signed Robt. Murden. Wit: Obadiah Sexton, John Murden. Ack: Oct Court 1750. Regt: 16 Oct 1750. *********** [B:109] 29 December 1749 Between Robert Murden of the County of pasquotank in the Province of North Carolina Teoman and Obadiah sexton of the abovesd. County Planter...for 7 pounds Stg. Money of gt. Britain...sold...part of a larger Tract that was surveyed and laid out for the afsd. Murden, being the upper part of the Tract and in the same Land whereon the said Sexton now dwelleth, being on the Westerly Side of the head of Pasquotank River...River Swamp...30 Acres... Signed: Robert Murden. Wit William Sexton, John Murden. Proved: Oct. Court 1750 by the Oath of Jno. Murden. Regt: 16 Oct. 1750. *********** North Carolina)Pasquotank County) 10 Sept. 1750 Between Robert MURDEN & Catherine his wife of the County & Province afsd. of the one part and Isaac STOKELY of the same County of the other part...for the Exchange of Two Plantations and a piece of Woodland Ground...sold...S.W. Side of Pasquotank River...250 acres...Creek Swamp...Nathaniel GRAY's Line to David PRITCHARDs, then on John MURDENs to the River Pocoson, MURDEN's new Survey... Signed: Robert MURDEN. Wit. David PRITCHARD, Tho: TAYLOR. Ack. Jan. Court 1750. Regt. 16 Jany 1750 *********** 18 September 1787 Deed of gift from Jeremiah Murden (d.1790) to son Sylvanus Murden....remaining tract of land that my father Robt M. purchased of David Pritchard... also 125 acres of land. Witnesses: Reuben Davis Luke Sharbrough Registered 23 February 1788 *********** September 1787 Jeremiah Murden (son of Robert) deed of gift to son Jer. Murden. Witnesses: R. Davis Luke Sharbrough Regt. 23 February 1788 *********** 7 September 1792 Anne Murden from estate of husband Jer. Murden 187 acres for L28.1.1. (part of a parcel granted to Ralph Garnch? 1696) *********** Murden Land Transactions (Transcribed by Bob Stokley) Murden Land Transactions from Pasquotank County, North Carolina Record of Deeds 1700-1751 compiled by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman, Heritage Books, Inc., 1990 *********** Jeremh. Murden of Pasquotank in North Carolina doth assign over all my right title and Interest of this within mentioned bill of sale unto Job Cartwright...6 Jany. 1712/13. Signed Jeremiah Murden. wit: Wm. Relfe Senr., Wm. Relfe Junr. [A:75] Ack: Pasquotank, 20 April 1714 Jerr. Murden & Mary his wife to Job Cartwright. Regt: 5 May 1714. *********** Jerr. Murden of the prect. of Pasquotank, County of Albemarle in the prov: of North Carolina...assign all my right...of this Deed & the land therein mentioned from Coll Wm. Reed...20 Octbr 1719. Signed: Jerr: Murden, Mary Murden. Wit: Jno. Solly, Fr: McBride. Ack: 24 day of 8br 1719 to Collo. Wm. reed by the Vendr. Regt: 25 8br 1719. *********** [A:220] Jerr: Murden of the prct. of Pasquotank in the County of Albemarle & in the Prov. of North Carolina, do by there presents assign all my right...of this Patent to the lands therein mentioned from Collo. Wm. Reed... 20 8br 1719. Signed: Jerr Murden, Mary Murden. Wit: Jno. Solley, Fr. McBride. Ack: 21 8br 1719 by the Vendr. to the Vendee. Regt: 25 ocbr 1719. *********** [A:314] Henry Bugbird do firmly and voluntarily of my own Accord make and constitute my trusty friend Joseph Stokely to be my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to acknowledge unto Jerr Murden...all my Right...unto that plantation & Land formerly belonging to Willm. Cartwright Senr, and by him sold to Henry Bugbird of Pasquotank...21 April 1724. Signed Henry Bugbird . Wit Trum. McBride, Jno. McDaniell. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29 7br. 1724. *********** [A:314] Henry Bugbird of Pasquotank Prect. and province afsd. for the valuable consideration of a Parcel of Land...upon the head of Pasquotank as by Deed will appear in the said Jere Murden...all my Right...unto the within mentioned land...15 February 1723. Signed: Henry Bugbird. Wit: Jos: Stokely, Owen Rees. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29 7br. 1724. *********** North Carolina: Jerrh. Murden of the Prect. of Pasquotank & Province afsd. with the free and voluntary Consent of Mary Murden my lawful wife...for the valuable consideration of a Plantation & Tract of Land contg. 100 acres...lying between Stephen Richardson'e & Thomas Cartwrights Junr. ...paid by Henry Bugbird of the Prect. & Province afsd. [A:315 ... sold ... a Parcel of land contg. 100 the upper end of the great Island and so running to the upper end of the little Island...21 April 1724. Signed: jeremiah Murden. Wit: Joseph Stokely, Truman McBride. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29th 7br 1724. *********** North Carolina, Thomas Cartwright Junr. of the Prect. of Pasquotank & Province afsd. with the free voluntary consent of [blank] Cartwright my lawful wife, for the valuable Consideration of 2 pounds...paid by Jereh. Murden of the Province afsd. ...sold ... a parcel of land contg. 4 acres ... being part of a Tract of land formerly belonging to Thos. cartwright Junr., the said 4 Acres of Lant to be taken out of the largermost End of the said Cartwright Land...binding upon a Tract of land formerly belonging to Henry Bugbird and by him sold to Jeremh. Murden...21 April 1724. Signed Thomas T. Cartwright. Wit: Joseph Stokely, Ann Stokely. Ack: 21 July 1724. Regt: 29 7br 1724. *********** [A Plot of 139 Acres bounding on Swamp is drawn.] I the subscriber do Assign all my right Title & Interest of this within mentioned Plot unto jeremiah Murden in lieu of 37 Acres of Land which the deceased Jerem. Murden excepted out of a pattent which he formerly sold to me...8 Apl. 1735. Signed David Pritchard. Wit: B. Morgan, Stephen Chancey. Ack: The within Plot was acknowledged from David Pritchard to jeremiah Murden at Apl. Court 1735... Regt: 25 Apl 1735. *********** [B: 217] Dec. 1736 & in the ninth year of the Reign of our Sovn Lord George...Between jeremiah Murden of the County of Albemarle in the Province of North Carolina of the one part and Jeremiah Murden his Son of the Same County & Province afsd. of the other party ... in Consideration of the natural Love and affection which I have and bear unto my Son...give...Tract of land...N.E. Side of Pasquotank River & joining on the Mouth of Sawyer's creek commonly known or called by the name of William Jennings PlantationContg. ... 182 Acres...[B:218] ... Signed: jeremiah Murden. Wit: Joseph Spence, Robert Spence. Ack: July Court 1737 Jeremh. Murden Senr to Jeremh. Murden Junr. Regt: July the [blank] 1737. *********** [B:381] 25 Sept. 1741 in the Reign of our Soverign Lord George...between jeremiah Murden of the County of Pasquotank in the Province of North carolina of the one part and John Murden his son of the Same county and province aforesaid of the other Consideration of the natural Love and affection which I have and bear unto my Son John Murden have given...a Tract of Land...on the S.W. Side of Pasquotank River...commonly known or called by the Great Island or Lodwock Gray's Plantation containing...100 Acres...Great Ash Sexton's Line... Signed: Jeremiah Murden Wit: Thomas Relfe, Jeremiah Murden Junr. Ack: Oct. Court 1741. regt 28 Oct 1741. *********** [A:450] Jeremiah Murden of North carolina in Pasquotank County Gentn. for the Love, good Will and affection which I do bear towards my Loving Grandson Jeremiah Spence do...give...Tract of Land called by the name of Mabson's Ridge...80 Acres...Middle Swamp...Joseph Spence my Son in Law and his wife Sarah Spence to have their Life Time in it as long as Joseph Spence lives and his wife during her Widowhood...4 March in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of our Soverign Lord King George the second...1745. Signed: Jeremiah Murden. Wit: Robert Murden, Samuel Edney. Ack: Oct Court 1747 [sic]. Regt: 28 Oct 1746. *********** [B:107] 29 dec. 1749 Between Robert Murden of the County and Province afsd. Yeoman and John Murden of the abovesaid County Planter...for 10 pounds St(erlin)g Money of Gt. Britain ...sold...Land whereon the sd. Murden now dwelleth being large of a large Tract that was surveyed for Jeremiah Murden and now is come in possession of him the sd. Robert Murden being on the South Side of the Pasquotank River...[B:108] ... line between William Sexton and the sd. Murden...River Swamp...100 Acres... Signed: Robert Murden. Wit: Obadiah Sexton, William Sexton. Ack: Oct. Court 1750. Regt: 16 Oct. 1750. *********** [B:108] 29 Dec. 1749 between Robert Murden of Pasquotank County in the Province of North Carolina yeoman & William Sexton of the said County Planter...for 10 pounds Stg Money of Gt Britain...sold...part of a larger Tract which was Surveyed and laid out for the said Murden...whereon the said Sexton now dwelleth, being on the South Side of Pasquotank River...Branch between John Murden and the said sexton...dividing line between the said William Sexton and Obadiah Sexton, his Brother...50 Acres[B: 109] ... Signed Robt. Murden. Wit: Obadiah Sexton, John Murden. Ack: Oct Court 1750. Regt: 16 Oct 1750. *********** [B:109] 29 december 1749 Between Robert Murden of the County of pasquotank in the Province of North Carolina Teoman and Obadiah sexton of the abovesd. County Planter...for 7 pounds Stg. Money of gt. Britain...sold...part of a larger Tract that was surveyed and laid out for the afsd. Murden, being the upper part of the Tract and in the same Land whereon the said Sexton now dwelleth, being on the Westerly Side of the head of Pasquotank River...River Swamp...30 Acres... Signed: Robert Murden. Wit William Sexton, John Murden. Proved: Oct. Court 1750 by the Oath of Jno. Murden. Regt: 16 Oct. 1750.