Pasquotank-Camden County NcArchives Wills.....Trublood, John May 7, 1692 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Merrell` Brickhouse April 8, 2007, 8:44 pm Source: Encompass Nc Archives Written: May 7, 1692 Recorded: July 4, 1692 The Last Will and Testament Of JOHN TRUEBLOOD May 7, 1692 Copied from NC Archives Encompass site Albemarle In the name of God Amen I JOHN TRUEBLOOD being sick & weak do make this my Last Will & Testament as followeth. Imprimis: I give unto my Loving Wife AGNES TRUEBLOOD the moyobie or one half part of my moveable good & estate, and one half my land during her naturall Life and after her decease to be Equally divided between my two Sons JOHN TRUBLOOD and AMOS TRUBLOOD to them and their heirs for ever; Secondly: I give and bequeath the other moyobie(?) or half part of my moveable goods to be equally divided between my four children that is to say MARY TRUBLOOD ELIZABETH TRUBLOOD JOHN TRUBLOOD and AMOS TRUBLOOD. Thirdly: I ordain and appoint my Loving Wife AGNES TRUBLOOD to be my true & Lawful Excutrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and to bring up my children according to her discretion, and to pay them their portion as they come to Lawfull age. Fourthly: And Lastly I do ordain and appoint in case that my Wife should dye without making at any will, that then my ???? ??? THOMAS SYMONS & JEREMIAH SYMONS shall take my estate into their possession and care for the good of my children, and to bring them up according to their discretion; as wittnes my hand & seal this Seventh day of May 1692. JOHN TRUBLOOD His X mark Signed sealed & delivered In the presence of us JOSEPH SPARNON GRIFFIN GRAY His “G” mark ALICE SPARNON Her “A” mark Proven in Court this 4th day of July 1692 By the oaths of JOSEPH SPARNON ALICE SPARNON GRIFFIN GRAY as attest PAUL (?) LATHUM Clk File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb