Perquimans County NcArchives Court.....Court - April 11, Perquimans Precinct 1698 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a July 29, 2009, 9:06 pm Source: Colonial Records Written: 1698 Minutes of the Perquimans Precinct Court North Carolina. Precinct Court (Perquimans Precinct) April 11, 1698 Volume 01, Page 493 [Records of Perquimans Precinct Court.] April 1698 At A Court Holden for the Precinct of Pequemons At the House of James Oats the Secont Monday In Aprill 1698 prsent Mr Caleb Calleway Capt Ralph ffletche Mr Samuel Nicholson Daniel Hall proved two Rits one for his transportation And one for his freedum Robart Smith proved on Rite for his transportation into this County And Asigne It to John Dawson John Dawson proved on Rite for his transportation into this County Rose Ingan proved one Rite for hir transportation Into this County And Asigned It to John Dawson Mager Samuel Swann vars Stephen Manwaren In A plea of debt ye Sd Manwaren Confessed Judgment ordered that Stephen Manwaren pay to Samuel Swann thirty three Shilling And fower peence With Cost Ales Excecuti Corll William Wilkinson And Capt Henderson Walker Excetors of Alex Lillington desesed vars Jonathun Batman In a plea of debt ye Sd Batman Confesed Judgment ordered that Jonathun Batman pay to Capt Henderson Walker thirty Shillings in Pork With Cost ordered that Thomas Norcom be overseer of ye high Way from ye Brig that ye Chowans Men Makes over yoapim River to ye Indien Crick And to Make A brig over ye Crick And to Mark and Cleare to ye next maine Rode not Inieren no Man's Plantation and to Mark And Cleare Along ye ould Roade to Jeames oatses ordered that Edward Orendal be overseer of ye High Wayes on ye Est Side of Yoapim Crick ordered that William Booge be Cunstabel one ye Narroes of piquemons to Suttens And to Mr Lakers Crick on ye West Side CALEB CALLAWAY RALPH FFLETCHER SAMUEL NICHOLSON May the Sevent 1698 Abraham Warren Recorded A dark Bay Mare Coult Which he bough of Margaret Pavel to Run Shee And hir Increse for ye yous of ye Sd Margret Pavels Children Elisabeth Tederton ye first Coult William Tederton ye Next Daniel Hall ye Next William Hall next. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb