Perquimans County, NC - Deeds - Henry Grace to John Hudler, 1718 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hudson Records of NC Volume 1 Film # 4883 Pt 6 Deed Books - Perquimans Co. page 197 NC 1716-1729 An indenture dated -- Sept. 1718 by Henry Grace of Perquinmans Precinct -- County of Albermarle -- Province of NC for the sume of L 27 to John Hudler -- 200a lying in the said Precinct on Reedy Branch Henry X Grace Note: The spelling of the name H U D L E R occurs in each instance of this document and does not appear as H U D S O N - H U T S O N as indicated in idex to deeds ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Ineta Hudler Branham [] ___________________________________________________________________