Pitt County, NC - William Darden Estate, 1801 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cliff Darden - cliffdarden@cs.com (1807 copy of William Darden estate sale, apparently made for Jethro Warren who married William's daughter Elizabeth-transcribed exactly from a 1970's Xerox copy of the original last known to be in the possession of the late John Cowan Darden of Farmville, NC, a GG grandson of William Darden) Inventory & Account of Sales of the Estate of William Darden Sold on the 2nd of June 1801. by Joel Moye Admr. of said Estate L S P two plow hoes To Joel Moye 0 9 0 three plow hoes " Joel Moye " 7 " two do " Jonathan Frizele 1 0 " one pair harnes of traces " Joel Moye " 5 " one pair Steelyards " Randol Johnson 1 1 " one hand saw & two bells " John Harper " 6 6 one Borried Shade & paddle " Joel Moye " 3 one Large Bell " Joel Moye " 12 one pair Small Steelyards " Isaac Pipkin " 12 6 four Augars " Jolley Olds " 10 6 one lott of Chissels " Richard Williams " 5 " one lott of old Iron " Joey Moye " 3 1 one pair of Seales " Jolley Olds " 3 - one Box of old Iron " Joel Moye " 5 " one Baskett with Iron " William Hart Junr " 12 6 one Box Iron " Francis Darden " 5 " one Do of healers " Hardy Handcock " 3 6 one Hammer & C " Joel Moye " 8 6 one Compass Crass & Jointer " Isaac Pipkin " 8 " one lott of old Iron & Bole " Isaac Pipkin " 5 " one Plain Irons & three Stocks " Joel Moye " 5 one Basket " Hardy Handcock " 2 6 one adds and Baskett " Isaac Pipkin " 5 6 one Lott Coopers Tools " William Moye Junr " 17 6 one Pair Cartwheeles Boxes & bung borer " William Reddick " 5 one Small Chain " Randall Johnson " 2 one Pair Cart Wheel Boxes " Jesse Moye " 10 one Hackle " Randol Johnson " 15 " one Ditto " Randol Johnson " 5 one Currey Comb " Joel Moye " 3 one Lott Juggs " David Clarke " 15 one Lott juggs " Joel Moye " 12 6 one Adds, Wedge & Drawing knife " Gideon Olds " 7 7 one Pint Pott " Hardy Handcock " 3 " Amot Card forwd L 13 6 8 Amount brought forward ..................13 6 8 three Weeding hoes To Joel Moye " 4 five Do Do " Joel Moye " 5 " two Grubing hoes " Joel Moye " 15 " five Do Do " Hardy Handcock " 17 7 one Brass Spice Mortar " Francis Darden " 14 2 one Axe " Joel Moye 1 " " one Do " Francis Darden 1 " " two Do " Joel Moye " 19 " three Do " Joel Moye " 15 " one Broad Axe " Joel Moye " 15 " two Hoes " Francis Darden " 8 " one Axe " Francis Darden " 17 6 two Chair Wheels " Thomas Dyer 1 15 " one Linen Wheel " Joel Moye " 14 _ one Do Do " Francis Darden " 10 _ One Woolen Wheel " Francis Darden 1 10 _ 3 Pair Cards & Wheel " Abraham Darden " 6 6 2 Woolen Wheels " John Pope Junr 1 0 2 Tubs & One pail " Jolley Olds " 4 2 pewter dishes " David Clark " 16 1 9 Pewter plates " Joel Moye " 16 6 3 Pewter Dishes " Joel Moye 1 " " 1 Dozen Table Spoons " Joel Moye " 8 1 Candle Stick of Tin " Jolley Olds " 13 _ 1 Pewter Bason " Joyner " 12 6 1 Do Do " Isaac Pipkin " 8 7 2 Do Do " Thomas Dail " 11 6 1 Lott Do " David Clarke " 2 11 1 Table & 4 Candle Sticks " Joel Moye " 9 _ 3 Pair of Old Cards " Joel Moye " 2 6 1 Cross Cut Saw " Joel Moye 2 10 _ 1 Pitt Saw " Enos Rogers 4 5 1 hone " Charles Carr " 15 " 1 Iron Pott " Richard Williams 1 11 1 Do Do " Joel Moye 1 12 1 Do Do " Archibald Adams 1 10 1 Small Do " Lucy Bowings " 5 " 1 Tea Kettle & C. " Francis Darden " 16 6 Amt Card forward L 47 0 8 Amount brought forward..........L 47 0 8 1 Jug To Dempsey Simmons " 3 6 1 Lott Black Smiths Tools " Gideon Olds 34 10 " 1 Lott of Dogg Irons " Richard Williams 1 5 6 1 Lott of Do " John Moore (Hatter) 1 1 6 1 Frying & E. " Jolley Olds " 6 1 Tub & Tray " Sarah Broom " 10 6 1 large Sorrel Mare " Francis Darden 71 10 1 Black Mare & Colt " George Moye 47 10 1 Stud Horse " Joel Moye 50 0 1 Two year old Filley " Cornelius Rawls 31 0 1 year old Colt " Joseph Darden 10 6 1 year old Colt " William Moye Senr 10 0 1 Cart & Wheels " George Moye 10 0 1 Hoe and Dear Skin " William Turnage Jr " 6 1 Cart & Wheels " Jolley Olds " 15 4 Ewes & Lambs " Joel Moye 6 6 6 4 Ewes & Lambs " Dempsey Simmons 6 1 5 head Sheep " Dempsey Simmons 3 10 1 Shott Gunn " Jolley Olds 7 0 1 Do Do " Jonathan Frizele 8 10 1 Do Do " John Moye 2 6 6 1 Gaging Rodd " Thomas Holliday " 6 6 1 Gunn Scraper " Jonathan Frizsell " 10 1 Cow & Calf " Francis Darden 6 6 1 Do Do " Hardy Handcock 7 10 1 large Stear " Joel Moye 6 17 6 1 Cow & Calf " Hardy Handcock 5 17 6 1 Do Do " Jolley Olds 6 3 1 Cow & Calf " Isaac Pipkin 5 17 6 2 Heffers " Elias Carr 5 6 2 Do " Elias Carr 7 14 3 Do " Elias Carr 8 12 8 3 Do " Titus Carr 12 1 3 Do " George Moye Junr 12 10 1 Jugg " Thomas Dail " 15 " Amot Card forward...............L 436 5 2 Amount Brought forward..............436 5 2 1 Grind Stone To David Clarke 1 12 0 1 Do " Jolley Olds 1 0 0 1 Lott of Hogs " David Clarke 20 0 0 1 lott of Corn " David Clark 2 1 1 1 Iron Poll Trammel " Richard Williams " 13 6 1 Do " Micajah Edwards 1 0 0 1 Beau Fratt " Francis Darden 5 0 1 Buckett & Pail " Richard Williams " 9 2 Tables " Francis Darden 4 1 0 1 Trunk " Abraham Turnage 1 12 1 Looking Glass " Joel Moye 1 12 2 Shears " Jolley Olds " 12 6 1 Desk " Abraham Darden 11 2 6 1 Cipping Axe " Joel Moye " 10 0 2 Decanters " John Harper " 14 " 1 Proof Glass " Jesse Moye " 3 " 6 Plates " Jolley Olds " 7 6 1 Earthen Dish " Jolley Olds " 6 6 1 Earthen Dish " William Moye Senr " 6 6 4 plates " John Harper " 3 6 5 Do " William Hart Junr " 5 " 1 Sett of Cups & Saucers " Jonathan Frizsell " 6 6 1 Pitcher & Tea pott " Joel Moye " 7 6 1 Lott Crockery " Thomas Ormond " 3 1 1 Do " Joel Moye " 7 6 1 Mugg " Francis Darden " 5 " 3 Reap Hooks " James Jordan " 10 1 Earthen Bole & Two potts " Francis Darden " 11 6 20 Lights of Glass " Francis Darden " 17 6 1 Chest of Cloaths " William Hart Junr 2 1 6 1 Armed Chair " Joel Moye " 9 " 5 Chears " Francis Darden " 18 0 6 Ditto " Jolley Olds 1 7 1 Chest " Francis Darden 3 11 _ 1 Do " Jolley Olds 2 12 1 Feather Bed & furniture " Francis Darden 15 0 0 1 Do Do " Joel Moye 15 19 Amot Card forward L 534 15 10 Amot. Brought forward.....L 534 15 10 1 Feather Bed & furniture To Francis Darden 13 0 0 1 Do Do " Joel Moye 4 11 0 1 Do Do " Jolley Olds 15 0 0 1 Copper Water pott " Francis Darden " 8 _ 1 Cow hide " Sarah Brown " 15 _ 1 Saddle " Isaac Pipkin 1 1 _ 2 Cow hides " David Clark 1 19 _ 3 Do " David Clarke 2 0 _ 1 Chear Box and tin " David Clarke " 10 6 1 Cotter & hames " Jolley Olds " 8 _ 1 Do " Francis Darden " 2 6 1 Saddle " George Moye 1 7 6 1 Trunk " Joel Moye " 12 6 1 Small Do " Joel Moye " 9 6 1 Sugar Box " Joel Moye " 1 2 1 Ox yoke " Joel Moye " 2 6 2 Sifters " Francis Darden " 4 2 1 Do " Wm Williams " 2 3 1 Barrell Pork " James Holland 5 10 0 1 Barrell Pork " Jolley Olds 5 15 6 1 Side of Leather " James Holland " 19 1 1 Do " William Williams " 12 _ 1 Lott of Wax & Tallow " James Holland " 18 1 95 lb Hogs Lard @ 1/__ " Hardee Handcock 4 15 " 1 Tub with Lard " Jolley Olds 3 2 8 30 lb Hogs Lard " Abraham Darden 1 2 6 1 Quart Pott " Richard Williams " 9 6 1 Jugg " Joel Moye " " 6 1 half pint pott " Joel Moye " " 6 1 Dutch Oven " Jonathan Frizsell 1 5 2 Books " Joseph Darden " 11 _ 1 Do " Joel Moye " 3 1 1 Bible " Joel Moye " 9 _ 1 Book " Abraham Darden " 75 " 2 Sermon Books " William Moye Jr " 9 1 Do " Abraham Darden " 5 6 1 Bresh " Jonathan Frizsle " 3 _ Amot Card forward L 604 9 11 Amount Brought forward....L 604 9 11 1 Case Razors & Strap To Jolley Olds " 11 6 7 Acts of Assembly " Joel Moye " 10 1 Prayer Book " Jolley Olds " 4 6 2 Looking Glasses & C " William Williams " 2 0 1 Pair Silver knee Buckels " Abraham Darden " 6 1 1 Barr plow " Jolley Olds " 11 _ 1 Martins Justice " Abraham Darden " 18 6 1 Bee hive " William Moye Senr 1 0 0 1 Do " Joel Moye 1 10 0 1 Do " William Moye Junr 1 5 7 1 Do " William Moye Junr " 15 7 1 Loom " Jolley Olds 1 6 1 Lott Hogs Lard " David Clarke " 8 _ 1 Pair Saddle Bags " Cornelius Rawls " 13 6 1 Churn & Stand " Jolley Olds " 13 " A Sett Chear Harness " George Moy 1 0 0 1 half Bushell " James Holland " 11 _ 1 Piggon " James Holland " 0 6 1 lott of Old Barrells " Cornelius Rawls " 4 _ with flax Cuol 1 lott flax " Jolley Olds " 15 " 1 Case & Bottles " William Williams 1 4 2 Slays & Harness " John Joiner " 11 6 1 Lott of old Harness " Richard Williams " 7 1 Slay to Jolley Olds " Jolley Olds " 6 1 Case of knives & forks " Jolley Olds " 15 " 1 Do " Richard Williams " 7 6 1 lott of Barrells " William Moye Senr 2 2 50 lb Seed Cotton " Jonathan Frizsle 1 5 50 lb Do " Richard Williams 1 5 50 lb Do " George Moye Junr 1 5 50 lb Do " Jolley Olds 1 9 2 50 lb Do " Joel Moye 1 5 3 Barrells with Vinigar " Joel Moye " 15 3 Do " Francis Darden " 4 _ 1 Tray & Stand " James Holland " 8 1 1 lott old Barrells " Jolley Olds " 8 1 Saddle " Jolley Olds 2 15 6 1 Hand Mill " William Williams 4 0 6 Amot Card forward.........L 638 1 4 Amount Brought forward....L 638 1 4 1 Looking glass To Joel Moye " 15 " 1 gods & c " Francis Darden " 0 6 1 Table Cloth & Towells " Joel Moye " 9 0 1 Do Do " Francis Darden " 8 9 1 lott of Cotton " Jolley Olds " 11 _ 1 lott Trumpery " Joel Moye " 3 6 1 Small Sugar Box " William Williams " 5 1 lott of Leather " James Holland " 4 3 hones " Alligood Olds " 4 6 1 gimbled " David Clarke " 0 01/2 1 Lott Scanlling & Sills " Joel Moye " 10 _ 1200 Shingles " Joel Moye " 14 15 Geese " William Riddick 3 0 0 2 Ducks " Francis Darden " 2 6 ¼ yards negro Cotton " Abraham Darden 1 5 6 2 Handkerchiefs " Joel Moye " 1 1 Pair Silver Shoe Buckels " Abraham Darden 1 2 6 2 Silver Stock Buckels " Joel Moye " 15 " 1 Pocket Compass & C " Richard Williams " 3 " 1 Sadde Lock & C " Joel Moye " " 2 ½ Dozen Silver Tea Spoons " Richard Williams 2 10 0 1 Lott Boc Fall Hinges " Richard Williams 1 1 " 1 Lott of Gun flints & C " Joel Moye " 4 _ 1 lott fish Hooks " Wm Moye Senr " " 6 1 Pair Shoe Buckels & C " Hardee Handcock " 10 5 1 Pair Money Scales " Joel Moye " 7 6 1 Book " Joseph Darden " " 1 1 Still " Wm Moye Senr 35 1 1 pair Warping Boxes " Francis Darden " 2 6 1 Lott Clothes " Frances Darden " 2 1 Lott Clothes " Abraham Darden " 2 1 Coat " Joseph Darden " 10 _ 1 Lott gun Locks & C " Benjamin Tison " 1 " 1 Pair Spectacles " George Moye " 4 1 Cyder Traft " Joel Moye " 1 1 Pair Loom Timples " Jolley Olds " 1 Amot Card forward.........L 689 14 3 ½ Amount Brought forward....L 689 14 3 ½ 3 Old Cart Boxes To Joel Moye " 2 6 3 Lancels " Joel Moye " 2 6 1 Large Muskitt " Alexander Parker 1 5 0 1 Baskett " Richard Williams " " 6 1 pair leather Traces " Loe Jackson " 8 0 1 Stock lock " Elias Carr " 5 6 1 Plow hoe " Abraham Darden " 4 1 3 Weeding hoes " Abraham Darden " 12 0 4 Ditto " Jolley Olds " 8 0 4 Rackoon Skins " Richard Williams " 7 0 2 Books " Isaac Pipkin " 10 _ 1 Rule Razor Strap & C " Joel Moye " 1 2 1 Lott Barrled & Iron Bolt " Richard Williams " 2 0 1 large fishing hook & C " Joel Moye " " 1 1 Horse Mortar " Joel Moye " " 6 1 Lott Fodder " Joel Moye 1 11 1 35 head of hogs " Abraham Darden 16 0 1 4 head of Shoals " Frances Darden 2 5 _ 33 head Hogs " Frances Darden 23 0 _ 1 sow " Isaac Pipkin 1 5 1 29 head hogs " Joel Moye 18 0 _ 1 Calf " Jolley Olds " 4 0 5 Gords with Soap greese " Frances Darden " 4 1 Bridle " Jolley Olds " 12 8 10 lb Sheeps Wool " Joel Moye 1 0 5 1 Square & C " Joel Moye " " 4 80 lb Cotton " Frances Darden 2 0 0 3 lb Wool " Frances Darden " 12 1 Woomans Saddle " Frances Darden 2 1 0 1 Mare " Jolley Olds 30 " 1 Heffer " Abraham Darden 1 10 1 Larg hog " William Moore " 10 1 Plow Stock & Traces " Abraham Darden " 2 6 1 Lott of Rope " Abraham Darden " 7 8 L 796 6 3 ½ Amount of Tarr and Turpentine Sold the 20th March 180 26 Barrells Tarr To Joel Moye 18 7 0 26 Do Do " Abraham Darden 18 7 27 Barrels Turpentine " Joel Moye 22 3 6 34 Do Do " Abraham Darden 22 L 877 11 9 ½ Inventory of the Lands, Negroes, Bonds & Notes & Accts 400 ½ Acres of Land whereon the said William Darden decd last Lived 276 ¾ Acres Joining William Ormond & others__ __ 1 Negro Man Harry Some obligations in the 1 Negro Man Jack Hands of Jethro Darden 1 Negro Man Moses to Collect for the said 1 Negro Woman Isbel Wm Darden dec, the amt 1 Negro boy Carey I know not_______ 1 Negro Boy Harry John Clarke's note 1 Negro Boy Mikel Ballance due 1 Negro Girl Trellis on demand 3rd Nov 1797 5 0 0 1 Negro Girl Hannah Wm Hart Senr Note 2 13 6 1 Negro Girl Doll on demand 8th May 1800 1 Negro Boy Charles Wm Tisons Note for 54 1 old Negro Woman Hannah while Shads decd 1794 Jany A Note of hand Given Oliver Smiths Bond three by Jesse Pipkin bal. Due 6 7 hundred and fifty pounds make a Title to a Tract of Land John w Folks Note 8 16 5 William hart Junr Note for L2 18 3 on demd 23rd Decr 1800 on demand 7th April 1800 Acct against Charles Malcom McDuffie & Willis Williams " 19 9 Darden Note on demand Acct against 26th July 1793 L7 0 0 Sherrard Hines & others 3 12 6 Malcom McDuffie's Note there also other Accts Balance due L1 13 4 upon Books of William James Calefs Note to William Darden but as it very uncertain Darden Admr of David Darden what part of them are due or Decd Balance Now due L44 9 11 what amount is recoverable thought proper not to Inventory Particularly & I Will also here James Calefs Bill Sale for a that many of the Accts & Notes here Negro Girl to pay L106 0 0 in Mentioned & Particulars are Bill Sale given to David Darden out of date on the Circumstances of Fell to William Darden Persons Owing them Desperate as part of his Legacy L106 0 0 James Calefs obligation Balance due L11 8 0 (signed) Joel Moye An Account of Articles Set fourth by the men Appointed At Court to allow the Widow Darden, Towit Eight hundred Wt Bacon, One Beef twenty five Weight Hogs Lard. One Bee hive, Six pounds of Sugar, four Barrels of Corn, four Bushels of Pease, one Bushel of R Rice, all the wheat that is in the wheat Field, Supposd to Be thirty Bushels, three turkeys, & twenty Fowls State of No Carolina Greene County August Term 1801 Then was the within Account of Sales & Inventory of the Estate of William Darden Dec Returned By Joel Moye the Admr thereon & c J. Hooker C.C I hereby Certify the foregoing to be a just & true Copy from the Original as Returned and filed in Office. Given under my hand & C Office this 17th day of February A. Dom. 1807 Attest J. Hooker C.C. Jethro Warren