MELVIN HILL CH. of the BRETHREN CEMETERY - POLK COUNTY, NC ******************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. File submitted by W. D. Floyd These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Return to the NCGenWeb Archives Table of Contents ******************************************************************* MELVIN HILL CH. of the BRETHREN CEMETERY Polk County, NC By W. D. Floyd On Highway NC 9, go to the Green Creek Community and find a road off to the east called Chesnee Rd. Go about two miles and find a road to the right called Melvin Hill Ch. Rd. Cemetery will be about a half mile on the left. I was there July 15, 1998 and started the audit in the southeast corner of the cemetery. THE SURNAMES ALLEN, BARKER, BENNETT, BOWERS, BRADFORD, BRANCH, BRANSCOM, BUCKNER, BURNETTE, CANTRELL, CHILDERS, CLEMENT, COBB, COLE, COLLINS, DAMERON, EDWARDS, FRASURE, GILBERT, GRAY, GREENE, GREGG, HANNON, HEAD, HENDERSON, HENSLEY, HIGGINS, HORN, HUNTLEY, IVIE, JOHNSON, JOLLEY, KENNEDY, KIMBRELL, LANFORD, LAUGHTER, MCENTYRE, MORRIS, NICKHOLSOM, NODINE, NORVILLE, PARKER, PETERSON, PHILLIPS, PITTMAN, PRINCE, RADFORD, RANDOLPH, REID, RIDDINGS, RIDINGS, ROBB, RUNGE, SCRUGGS, SILVER, SMALLEY, SMITH, STACY, STEADMAN, TESSNEAR, THOMAS, WEBB, WESTBROOK, WILLIS, WILSON, WORKMAN Edwards, N. T. No Dates Edwards, Texie No Dates Childers, Boy No Dates Edwards, Mrs, Jake No Dates Peterson, Joseph September 21, 1936 April 15, 1937 Peterson, Noah March 26, 1906 November 1, 1963 Peterson, Flora May 15, 1909 December 12, 1978 Silvers, J. March 10, 1869 February 20, 1929 Silvers, Rebecca Randolph June 4, 1869 December 13, 1950 Higgins, George D. c1919 c1989 Higgins, Mildred W. c1927 c1987 Phillips, Martha Age 79 No Dates Nickholsom, Dorothy H. c1921 c1993 Pittman, Katherine H. c1923 c1983 Pittman, Jesse C. c1917 ------ Hensley, Cora L. Phillips April 19, 1900 January 31, 1976 Hensley, William R. September 30, 1888 October 22, 1960 Hensley, Twins No Dates twins/o Will Hensley Silvers, Boy No Dates s/o Lee Gilbert, Baby No Dates baby/o Henry Frasure, William M. c1867 c1945 Frasure, Lottie B. c1879 c1924 Buckner, Andrew Dale July 17, 1994 Dameron, Smith Age 76 No Dates Dameron, Amanda C. Age 76 No Dates Prince, Mary Sue Gilbert November 1, 1907 September 10, 1993 Prince, Glenn D. December 28, 1908 August 20, 1996 Cantrell, Etta Ree October 25, 1921 ------ Cantrell, John A. January 13, 1917 September 12, 1991 WW II Randolph, Hannah No Dates Peterson, Lillian Died c1933 Peterson, Catherine Died c1928 Peterson, Paul Died c1926 Peterson, Jeanette Age 3 No Dates Gray, Lloyd E. February 6, 1916 February 2, 1957 WW II McEntyre, Gladys Ridings Gray c1921 c1982 Ridings, Nora Steadman October 7, 1879 March 4, 1964 Unknown Cantrell, Larry Edward February 20, 1957 March 12, 1996 Reid, Paul E. June 26, 1926 October 20, 1964 Reid, Ruth Greene March 17, 1925 ------ Reid, Paul S. March 15, 1945 ------ Reid, Barbara R. September 18, 1939 ------ m 1/29/63 Reid, Todd Stephen April 7, 1965 June 27, 1981 Randolph, John January 14, 1913 December 19, 1960 WW II Riddings, Ellis Simpson April 18, 1898 February 27, 1981 Ridings, Grady D. November 8, 1891 March 27, 1971 s/o Wm. & Emily Ridings, W, Govan June 26, 1879 October 30, 1967 Ridings, Alex Miller October 27, 1900 April 11, 1961 Ridings, Aunt Polly August 2, 1856 March 15, 1943 Ridings, William c1853 c1923 Scruggs, J. F. February 17, 1877 February 19, 1935 Scruggs, Elizabeth P. October 25, 1884 April 21, 1970 Scruggs, Jack August 26, 1912 January 8, 1997 Scruggs, Elsie S. January 30, 1919 ----- Randolph, James c1925 c1926 Randolph, S/Sgt. Ward September 10, 1923 April 15, 1945 WW II Randolph, Merritt October 2, 1886 January 19, 1967 Randolph, Martha Jane September 1, 1892 August 27, 1975 Randolph, Roy September 11, 1915 December 4, 1993 Randolph, Beatrice G. August 8, 1923 ------ Workman, Sena R. July 20, 1893 July 20, 1956 Radford, Sarah c1868 c1944 Randolph, T. G. February 13, 1926 58 years old Randolph, John H. February 14, 1857 January 5, 1931 Randolph, Betty E. November 9, 1867 April 21, 1946 Randolph, Meredith A. April 9, 1868 March 2, 1952 Randolph, Elizabeth September 1, 1874 April 13, 1957 Stacy, John Robert August 29, 1917 June 6, 1990 Bennett, John No Dates Stacy, J. W. c1865 c1935 Stacy, Cora L. c1867 c1956 Stacy, Ira L. September 20, 1886 April 15, 1967 Stacy, Frances R. September 8, 1891 July 1, 1966 Collins, Allen I. May 12, 1920 January 9, 1982 Collins, Alice Stacy March 21, 1921 ----- Willis, Thomas G. June 30, 1895 March 8, 1959 Willis, Ethel E. January 20, 1896 November 13, 1984 Smalley, Infant July 19, 1950 July 23, 1950 s/o Roy Willis, Haskie No Dates Higgins, Jessica Corrine May 3, 1989 Higgins, Lula B. November 7, 1910 December 22, 1993 Higgins, Columbus April 24, 1902 May 16, 1994 Higgins, Anne C. November 6, 1928 ------ Higgins, Ervin G. April 12, 1931 January 18, 1977 Kennedy, Elvia H. c1913 c1993 Kennedy, Robert J. c1904 c1984 Morris, Mrs. Joe No Dates Morris, Baby No Dates baby/o Joe Higgins, Melvin No Dates Allen, Baby No Dates baby/o Cate Branch, Baby No Dates baby/o Maggy Higgins, Tillman, October 13, 1871 June 12, 1950 Higgins, Betsy July 12, 1876 September 19, 1958 Higgins, Baby No Dates baby/o Noey Higgins, Baby No Dates baby/o Charlie Higgins, Woodrow M. June 14, 1915 April 13, 1992 Higgins, Ruth W. July 25, 1918 ------- Laughter, Susie Higgins c1896 c1967 Higgins, Georgeana No Dates Wilson, Gilbert W. January 9, 1901 March 29, 1952 Webb, Joe W. June 5, 1907 May 17, 1949 Webb, Bertha R. March 8, 1908 May 2, 1975 Clement, Max Dean c1925 c1998 Clement, Flora Webb c1931 ------ married 48 years Webb, Sue July 2, 1935 ----- Webb, Edna A. November 28, 1908 November 29, 1988 Webb, Walter W. January 10, 1905 October 19, 1973 Webb, Mote No Dates Webb, Emma No Dates Webb, Julia R. October 15, 1863 January 6, 1941 Webb, Merdie W. January 3, 1861 April 24, 1934 Webb, Baby No Dates baby/o Walter Wilson, Bessie W. February 9, 1900 February 9, 1923 Parker, Wesley No Dates Johnson, Jane No Dates Higgins, Mary No Dates Higgins, Baby No Dates baby/o Mary Higgins, Alice B. c1864 c1956 Higgins, Grant D. c1869 c1941 Higgins, Ellen B. September 15, 1884 January 15, 1992 Higgins, Grover C. September 15, 1877 May 22, 1962 Kennedy, Joice c1939 c1939 Higgins, Infant No Dates i/o Grover Westbrook, D. H. c1848 c1927 Westbrook, Mary Rachel c1854 c1934 Westbrook, Walter D. January 29, 1887 June 7, 1968 Westbrook, Flora Jane April 30, 1884 March 11, 1966 Westbrook, Bennie A. July 11, 1878 April 8, 1941 Westbrook, Broadus W. February 9, 1889 April 18, 1954 Westbrook, Buria M. July 3, 1889 October 10, 1980 Jolley, Church c1873 c1957 Jolley, Roslie W. c1876 c1935 Westbrook, Jackson F. February 8, 1908 May 11, 1987 WW II Jolley, Clyde Dean January 25, 1904 September 5, 1949 WW II Jolley, Herber Getis January 25, 1910 April 23, 1954 Jolley, Keisler G. April 27, 1907 February 1, 1965 Lanford, John B. February 15, 1912 July 11, 1974 Lanford, Kevin Jon February 26, 1975 November 23, 1992 Lanford, Andrea Diane April 25, 1969 Westbrook, Bessie Suzanne February 23, 1887 November 11, 1972 Westbrook, Foster C. October 15, 1872 April 16, 1954 Westbrook, Lucy A. July 6, 1854 January 26, 1930 Westbrook, D. C. May 18, 1850 June 14, 1923 m 2/18/1879 to Lucy A. Cantrell Cantrell, Martha L. c1915 ------- Cantrell, Ivoe E. c1912 c1982 Cantrell, Gertrude Lancaster February 29, 1894 May 20, 1988 Cantrell, Archie D. December 31, 1891 December 15, 1939 Cantrell, Jessie H. June 21, 1889 April 22, 1974 Cantrell, James H. January 12, 1882 September 21, 1969 Cantrell, Gladys March 3, 1910 June 24, 1933 Cantrell, Dorinda March 4, 1856 August 20, 1938 Cantrell, John April 26, 1851 April 21, 1921 Huntley, Rebecca H. September 29, 1892 January 5, 1925 w/o GG Huntley Huntley, George G. June 26, 1884 May 26, 1962 Huntley, Bertha M. February 22, 1893 January 2, 1968 w/o GG Huntley Huntley, George Willard January 27, 1915 October 25, 1941 Gregg, John B. March 22, 1891 January 31, 1978 WW I Gregg, Ruth R. July 11, 1908 October 11, 1977 Smith, Baby No Dates baby/o Ralph Johnson, Paul E. March 15, 1925 May 31, 1996 WW II Tessnear, Infant May 23, 1950 s/o Bud & Nina Tessnear, Carol Joan March 17, 1949 January 23, 1950 d/o Bud & Nina Tessnear, Omie Bradford September 25, 1915 Feb 11, 1944 w/o AB Tessnear Bradford, Mary W. December 4, 1892 November 6, 1987 Bradford, Henry E. January 29, 1891 May 20, 1964 Bradford, Wiley No Dates Bradford, Wiley Son No Dates Johnson, Ruby Mahaffey March 30, 1928 May 7, 1990 Johnson, James Arthur February 14, 1920 ------ Mahaffey, Etta Jones June 30, 1900 December 4, 1981 Mahaffey, Ed L. May 30, 1903 ------ Huntley, Charles G. January 2, 1925 November 17, 1988 Huntley, Blanch Ophelia March 3, 1922 baby/o GG Huntley Huntley, James Burrel February 27, 1920 baby/o GG Huntley Johnson, R. S. c1845 c1925 Johnson, Martha c1848 c1928 Greene, Lynette July 25, 1935 May 11, 1949 Greene, Daniel March 18, 1895 June 15, 1953 Greene, Della J. November 18, 1905 October 24, 1995 Henderson, Etta Bryant Age 93 No Dates Henderson, George Age 75 No Dates Burnette, David J. July 3, 1879 April 18, 1959 Burnette, Ada J. September 2, 1880 January 25, 1971 Horn, Sara Jane Gilbert February 15, 1871 July 7, 1942 Henderson, Alonzo October 6, 1913 January 5, 1965 Henderson, Gussie R. February 28, 1891 February 26, 1976 Henderson, Phillip July 20, 1885 February 28, 1966 Barker, Ronnie C. June 26, 1951 October 21, 1971 Johnson, John W. September 26, 1911 December 13, 1977 WW II Henderson, Oneil Neil May 30, 1933 (Aug 16, 1932 on Mil. Mark.)Mar 3,1987 Korea Johnson, Infant May 16, 1971 d/o Joe H. Johnson Johnson, William Earl October 8, 1922 March 23, 1968 Ivie, Judge S. March 28, 1905 December 4, 1987 WW II Gilbert, Ellen W. April 20, 1911 ------ Gilbert, Lynn L. March 25, 1906 February 3, 1966 Gilbert, Addie N. August 20, 1877 January 4, 1975 Gilbert, Wade H. August 22, 1876 February 14, 1935 Hannon, Ocie Henderson August 18, 1909 ------ Hannon, Arthur F. December 19, 1906 March 11, 1946 WW II Johnson, Mollie R. November 9, 1895 December 17, 1982 Johnson, W. Loren January 18, 1891 May 23, 1967 Johnson, Pearl Reed June 3, 1900 December 27, 1977 Johnson, Thomas F. March 31, 1897 October 9, 1963 Johnson, Baby No Dates baby/o JM Johnson Johnson, Callie E. August 15, 1872 July 28, 1944 Johnson, James H. February 24, 1869 October 3, 1920 Head, Sinclair Edwin June 22, 1860 February 19, 1928 Head, Margaret M. June 21, 1861 May 19, 1930 Head, Grace C. c1897 c1954 Head, Otho Lee c1891 c1965 Gilbert, A. Claude April 15, 1892 September 28, 1960 Gilbert, Meldora H. October 17, 1894 April 29, 1978 Gilbert, Gerald K. November 8, 1932 ----- Gilbert, Nancy B. April 2, 1943 ------ Johnson, Clarence B. c1914 c1983 Johnson, E. Lucille c1913 c1969 Gilbert, William H. November 1, 1897 November 12, 1990 Gilbert, Alice H. January 3, 1897 January 14, 1995 Norville, Broadus G. January 25, 1936 September 12, 1996 Norville, Helon Gilbert January 28, 1925 ------ Runge, Albert February 4, 1920 ------- Runge, Vernell H. May 25, 1920 December 2, 1987 Johnson, Walter M. December 29, 1926 September 24, 1988 WW II Cobb, Nothing Else Steadman, Sudie H. February 24, 1903 ----- Steadman, Clarence A. October 6, 1898 March 22, 1966 Steadman, Nola Kimbrell July 20, 1878 April 5, 1965 Steadman, Romeo November 24, 1874 October 15, 1955 Allen, Addie Kimbrell June 25, 1890 January 26, 1970 Kimbrell, Loretta April 4, 1854 July 1, 1936 Kimbrell, Michael March 4, 1854 October 1, 1921 Gilbert, Connie Evans June 11, 1918 October 30, 1982 Gilbert, Donald Roscoe September 21, 1917 March 22, 1990 Bowers, Evelyn Cole No Dates Bowers, Oscar Hampton July 16, 1897 October 5, 1978 WW I Cole, Claude October 6, 1913 September 23, 1932 Head, Laura Covington November 16, 1884 December 31, 1963 Head, William Thomas December 21, 1885 July 9, 1966 Head, Mary F. c1885 c1921 w/o WT Head Branscom, George A. c1855 c1945 Branscom, Etta Reed c1861 c1936 w/o GA Branscom Robb, Jennie M. c1859 c1929 Johnson, J. Ed November 22, 1894 October 29, 1965 Johnson, Carrie J. January 23, 1897 August 22, 1983 Johnson, J. Clinton August 17, 1903 April 4, 1979 Johnson, Luetta M. August 5, 1908 November 9, 1991 Johnson, Robert S. June 1, 1911 October 1, 1979 Johnson, Velma S. September 5, 1911 February 5, 1995 Thomas, Ada M. December 10, 1911 November 9, 1973 Thomas, Robert E. February 16, 1917 ------ Nodine, Boney P. December 17, 1927 ------ Nodine, Margie A. June 21, 1929 December 25, 1986 Gilbert, Max D. July 8, 1921 December 15, 1989 WW II Gilbert, Evelyn B. September 11, 1925 ----- Morris, Meldora c1898 c1968 Morris, Ben F. c1891 c1958 Morris, James Andrew April 26, 1880 May 23, 1951 Morris, Laura Calvert April 2, 1873 May 19, 1951 Morris, Herman, Eugene December 8, 1910 August 21, 1936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HomePage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These pages and information thereon are not to be reproduced in any form for profit or distribution without the permission of W. D. Floyd © Copyright 1997-1998 Be in Touch