POLK COUNTY, NC - CEMETERIES - Moores Grove Baptist Church ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: W.D. Floyd wdfloyd@rfci.net ==================================================================== MOORES GROVE BAPTIST CEMETERY Polk County, NC By W. D. Floyd This cemetery can be reached from Highway NC-108 by turning south on the first paved road west of the Rutherford County line. It is called Old #19 Pea Ridge Rd. follow this road to the road that turns right just past Manus Methodist Ch. The cemetery/church will be at the end of the road. I didn’t find anyone to ask but I am pretty sure this is an African-American cemetery. I was there Ferbuary 9, 1999. THE SURNAMES BARBER, BURGIN, BUSH, DAVENPORT, DAVIS, DOUGLAS, DURHAM, GRAY, HARRIS, JACKSON, KING, LITTLE, LYNCH, MILLER, MILLS, MOORE, PAYNE Miller, Lee A. September 6, 1924 August 13, 1991 Unknown Miller, James, Jr. July 4, 1970 January 14, 1971 Davenport, Johnny Roger March 16, 1944 February 15, 1968 Davenport, Sarah January 2, 1943 July 23, 1963 Barber, Wake Forest No Dates Davenport, George c1917 c1973 Temp. Harris, Jesse March 12, 1912 December 13, 1994 Temp. Davis, Louise c1912 c1990 Temp. Miller, Ray, Jr. February 9, 1954 June 7, 1968 Miller, Cynthia B&D August 1, 1967 Miller, William D. May 13, 1919 January 2, 1966 Miller, Boyd c1913 c1998 Temp. 2 Unknowns Bush Annie L. c1907 c1980 Temp. Bush, Joe Lee c1904 c1965 16 Unknowns Mills, Annie died July 7, 1937 w/o George Mills Mills, Cora c1886 c1970 Temp. Mills, William S. c1888 c1959 Miller, Robert H. December 8, 1911 June 10, 1990 Miller, Mattie M. February 8, 1913 ------ Douglas, Otis c1911 c1995 Temp. Burgin, J. C. c1914 c1993 Temp. King, Ida Love July 15, 1890 March 29, 1979 King, Stanley Henry May 6, 1913 April 5, 1972 WW II King, Mount January 17, 1880 Novmber 19, 1958 Payne, Julia King July 1, 1920 January 13, 1940 9 Unknowns Little, Othella King January 25, 1910 June 11, 1991 Little, James Boyce March 24, 1890 April 14, 1969 4 Unknowns King, L. B. October 12, 1877 January 20, 1948 King, J. W. July 6, 1874 August 29, 1937 King, Mary October 20, 1877 c1919 King, Henry No Dates King, Elizabeth No Dates King, Roy L. November 25, 1902 June 30, 1938 Unknown Miller, Romie Lee April 3, 1923 November 7, 1993 King, Roy Canler September 2, 1922 February 8, 1927 s/o Rev. JB King Mills, Lou R. died December 6, 1909 Moore, Ance? No Dates King, Sarah November 1935 June 2?, 1937 King, Barbara Ann May 13, 1941 August 11, 1941 Lynch, Charles c1954 c1995 Temp. Mills, Deller Died December 8, 1909 Mills, Mary Dates Unreadable Durham, Lula August 25, 1864 September 12, 1921 Moore, Anna January 11, 1885 November 15, 1939 Davis, George, Jr. February 21, 1941 August 6, 1965 Moore, George ???? August 28, 1851??? July 5, 1927 Payne, Gettie c1890 c1943 Mills, Susan Anna died May 11, 1950 Gray, Lela c1889 c1945 Gray, T. A. c1879 March 31, 1957 Mills, Elsie c1855 April 11, 1917 Jackson, Macroy c1936 c1986 Temp. Jackson, Mallory July 31, 1940 July 22, 1988 Jackson, Martha F. December 8, 1903 April 15, 1992 These pages and information thereon are not to be reproduced in any form for profit or distribution without the permission of W. D. Floyd © Copyright 1997-1998