RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Joseph Robbins - 1788 ============================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: John German german@jarman.net ============================================================== Joseph Robbins Last Will and Testament 22 May 1788, Randolph Co., NC (Original Will, North Carolina State Archives, C.R.081.801.11) In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Robbens Sr. Being Weak of Body But of Sound Mind and Memory Knowing that it is appointed for all Men to Die, Do Make and Ordain this My Last Will and Testament.. First, I Resign My Body to the Dust, and My Soul to God Who Gave it to be Desently Buried at the Descretion of My Executors Herein after Mentioned Item. My Will is that My Beloved Wife Eales Robbens have and Injoy and peasibly Possess All that Piece of Property of Land With the Benifits thereof Wherein I Now Live During her Natural Life or While she Remains a Widow Except that Part that I Gave and Bequeth to My son John Robens on the East End of said Tract By the Conditions Agreed Line Maid by Me and My son John Robbens. Begining Where said Line Crosseth on the path that Leads to Wm. Robbins, Thence Down said Path Near A South Coarse to a pine, Thence a South East Coarse Along a Cross Fence to A Black Oak tree on the Bank of Carraway Creek Thence Down the Menuvers of Said Creek to the Bent Thence to the top of the Hill, Thence Along the top of Said Hill Crossing Caraway Creek to the Line Which piece and Persell of Land Above Mentioned I Will and Bequeth to My son John Robbens, As Above Excepted, With All the Benifits thereof. Item. My Will is that My Beloved Wife Eales Robbens Have and Injoy all and Singular the Benefits of My Lands Whereon I Now Live, Except What is Before Excepted, as Also All My Movable Property. Upon said plantation, With the Neagros During hir Natural Life or While she Remains a Widow But if My Beloved Wife Eales Robbens Should think Proper to Mary, My Will is that the Benefits of said Lands Fall unto My son William Robbens Hands to be Cept for Him By His Executors to he Comes of Age, also one Negro Child I Leave and Bequeth to My son William Robbens Named Daniel Item. My Will is that if My Beloved Wife Eales Robbens Dies or Marries that My Negros Jupiter and pat With their offspring Shall be Equaly Devided Amongs My ["two" crossed out and "three" inserted] sons Joseph Robbens And John Robbens ["& Wm Robbins" inserted] Share and Share Alike Item. My Will is and I Bequeth the Whole Benifits of Five Hundred Acres of Land Lying in Randolph County on Moores Road in two surveys to My Daughters Anna Robbens Nancy Robbens Mary Robbens & & Elender Robbens Share and Share Alike to Be Equaly Devided among them By My Executors as thi shall think Proper. Item. My Will is and I sine over All My Right title and Intrist of one tract of Land on Cortleys Creek to Benjamin Curtise from Me and My Heirs for Benjamin Curtise His Heirs & Assignes for Ever Item. I Will and Bequeth to My Daughter Rachel one Cow to be Deliverd to hir Next Fall By My Executors. Which is in Full all that I will to Hur the said Rachel out of My Real and Personal Estate. Item. I Will and Bequeth to Daughter Eales Now the Wife of Thos. Curtise Ten Shillings Which in Full of Hir the said Eales share of What I Leave hir out of my Real and Personal Estate. Item. I Will and Bequeth to My son Joseph Robbens ten Shillings Over and Above What I have Given him Before Which is in Full For his Share of My Real and Pesonal Estate Item. My Will is that two Hundred & sixty Acres of Land Lying on the trading Road Be sold by My Executors to pay of My Just Debts as soon as My Executors shall think Proper Item. I Constitute and Appoint My Beloved Wife Eales Robbens and My son Joseph Robbens My Executors Both of My Real and Personal Estate and Make this to Be My Last Will and Testament in Witness Whereof I Do hereinto Set My Hand And affix My seal Dated this twenty second Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Eight 1788 and the twelth year of American Independance Sined sealed and his Delivered in Presense Joseph + Robbens {Seal) of Us . . . Mark John Collier his hir William + Robbens Eales A Robbens (Seal) Mark Mark North Carolina Randolph County The Execution of the Will & Teestament was proved in Open Court by the Subscribing Witnesses and admitted to Record J Harper Recd. in Book A page 61. [Transcribed by John L. German, C.G. on 15 August 1999.]