RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC - WILLS - John Wilson Kindley & Elizabeth J. Kindley - 1915 ************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Vickie Crim Davis vcdavis@netunlimited.net *************************************************************** Will of John Wilson Kindley and Elizabeth J. Kindley Recorded in: Randolph County - Superior Court State of North Carolina May 29th, 1916 Vickie Davis, descended from Mary Delphina Kindley and Henry Branson Ridge, has transcribed this will. *{note: I have left the spelling exactly as it was written, but have added commas and punctuation as needed} The children mentioned in the will are: ~ M.A. Richardson (Amanda {Manda} Armintie Kindley m. George Richardson) ~ G.K. Kindley (General Kilpatrick Kindley m. Charity M. Gallimore) ~ F.G. Kindley (Flora Gnettie Kindley m. 1st - William G. Snider & m. 2nd - James Cornelius Ridge) ~ S.A. Skeen (Susan Arena Kindley m. J. R. Skeen) ~ M.D. Ridge (Mary Delphina Kindley m. Henry Branson Ridge) ~ J.T. Kindley (Jesse Thomas Kindley m. Sallie Caroline Bean) ~ Cicero R. Kindley m. Celia Pierce ----------------------------------------------------------------------- North Caroliner Randolph County This will maid this the 25 day of August 1915 We each of us J.W. Kindley and E.J. Kindley Being of sound mind and of Good memory Do this day rite out our will and Request as life is uncertain we Each of us do this day will and Bequth to our seven children M.A. Richardson , G.K. Kindley , F.G. Ridge , S.A. Skeen , M.D. Ridge , J.T. Kindley , Cicero R. Kindley the Remainder of our plantation that has not Ben disposed of none as the Blaylock place also the Kindley Tract of land And our percnol property or Money on hand if any or Noats or eney thing That is remanding on hand not disposed of. Further that No won of our children or sonenlaw or Daughtern laws or Grand Children nor eneywon fer them shall not Bring forth eney charg or lawsuit or attempt to do so against Either won of us our Adminestraitor or Exector or our estat in eney way whatever and in cas she or he or eney won for them dos Bring forth a charg or a lawsuit or attempt it tha shall hav no interest or sher in our estate ther part or sher shall be Equelley devided around to the Rest around Equl alike sher by sher around at the deth of the last one of us. We do will and Bequth the Above naimed lands , woods , wars ,mines . Minerals , Warters and all the apertainceces therto belonging and personal property or money if eney on hand or eney thing els on hand not disposed of as soon as poseable after the last one of our Dethes it shall Be sold at publick oction for cash then devid the Money arising from the sail of said lands and property or eney part that is Remainding on hand of our estate after all lafel Dets and Docterbills , Berel Expences , funrel acasins and toonstones and all cost arising on the saim shall be paid . Then the Remainder left on hand not Disposed of shall be Equeley Devided around to each won alik of our seven Children : C. R. Kindley may settel our estat as Exector to our will he may have the chance to select another man as Exector jointly with him as he may sefit. Given under our hand and seal this the 25 day of August 1915. J. W. Kindley {seal} E.J. Kindley {seal} The above written insrument was subscribed by the said J.W. Kindley & wife E.J. Kindley in our presents in the presence of each other & acknowledged by each of them to each us and they at the same time declared the above instrument so subscribed to be their last will and testament & we the tesstators request in their presents have signed our names as witnesses thereto. This Aug 25 1915. C.H. Phillips W.H. Moore W.H. Lawrence , J.P. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The state of North Caoliner Randolph County August the 25th day 1915 , each won of our children was nothified that we was a Going to let Cicero R. Kindley have the uper sid of our plantation down to the Big rode expressly for the purpose of seeing to each won of us during the remainder of our lives when we cant do for our selves and Each won was willing to it and concented to it this given uner mi hand and seal. J.W. Kindley {seal} Witnesses : C.H. Phillips W.H. Lawrence W.H. Moore Randolph County I, F.M. Wright , Clerk Superior Court , for County aforesaid , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the last will and testament of J.W. Kindley , deceased , as filed for probate and probated and recored in my office, In testimony whereof , I herewith subscribe my name and attach the official seal of said office. This , May 29th , 1916. F.M. Wright Clerk Superior Court