RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC - WILLS - WIll of Samuel Sawyer - 1845 ============================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Becky Merrick becky@merrick.mv.com ============================================================== WILL OF SAMUEL SAWYER - 1845 Be it Remembered that I Samuel Sawyer of the County of Randolph and the State of North Carolina, Considering the Certainty of Death and the uncertainty of life and being at this time of a Sound mind and disposeing memory, do make this my Last will and testament. Touching such worldly Estate as it has pleased god to bless me with in this life-- 1st That all my Just debts and funeral Expenses be paid out of my Estate as soon as can Conveniently be done---2nd I give and bequeath to my two sons Alexander and Enoch the tract of Land on which I now live to be divided between them as follows---Beginning at a stake the north west Corner, thence a South East course till it strikes the Little Branch about half way Between my Stable and Alexanders fence, thence down said branch to Carraway Creek thence down a Creek to Jekie Ford, thence nearly a straight line to Davidsons line leaving the spring on the upper part to Alexander, the upper part in which he now lives to him and his heirs for ever-- To Enoch the Lower part on which he now lives, to him and his heirs forever-- it is further my will that my wife Ann Sawyer, have her Support on Enochs part; to have my dwelling house and kitchen and half of the Land at her disposal during life for her part of the Land to be her choice---3rd I will and bequeath to my Son William the west part of the tract of Land on which he now lives called the Clark place together with one half of the J. Robbins entry divided by a north and South line, also the East half of the Lynthecumn tract for Dougans new road to be the line also a small piece of Land bought of Dougan to him and his heirs for ever---4th I will and bequeath to my Grand daughter Sarah Sawyer Daughter of my Son Thomas--- the tract of Land on which her mother now lives about one hundred and seventy five acres, to her forever in case of her dying without heirs, I wish the Land to be the property of my other heirs---5th I will and bequeath to my daughter Mary, the East part of the Clark Tract of Land about one hundred and forty acres, Together with the East part, of the Robbins Entry - also an Entry of nine acres on the East of the Clark Tract, to her and her heirs forever--6th I will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth the tract of Land on which S Fields now lives Together with an entry of forty nine acres Joining it--also the Alexander entry also the west side of the Lynthecumn tract To her heirs forever---7th It is my will that the plantation on which James Terrel now lives containing Eighty three acres be sold and the money equally divided amongst my six children---8th I will and bequeath to my wife Ann Sawyer one horse her choice one Cow and Calf. Hogs Sufficient to make her meat, one Sow and pigs besides two head of Sheep Together with all my house hold and Kitchen furniture also all my farming tools---9th I give and bequeath to each of my daughters Mary, and Elizabeth one horse their choice also one Cow and Calf Each and four head of sheep each---10th I will and bequeath to my son Samuel one sucking Colt---11th It is my will that my wheat fan remain on the plow for the use of the family, all to have an Equal part in it---12th I will and bequeath the residue of my property to my living children to be sold and the proceedes equally divided amongst them---Lastly I appoint my wife Ann Sawyer - and my son William Executors of this my Last will and Testament as with ....my hand and Seal this the 28th of September 1843 attest--Nathan Farlow Barnabes Nixon Samuel Sawyer (Seal) State of North Carolina Court of Phase and quarter Sesion Randolph County May Term 1845 The Execution of the Last will and testament of Samuel Sawyer Deceased was duly proven in open Court Barney Nixon and Nathan Farlow the two Subcribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded Hugh Mc Cain CCC