Richmond County NcArchives Deed.....Pate, Thomas - November 25, 1818 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joseph Harris Scarborough July 27, 2009, 5:34 pm Written: November 25, 1818 Deeds/Land Records: Thomas Pate, 1818: Richmond Co., NC Grant Thomas Pate Book K, pg. 47 Register of Deeds Richmond County, North Carolina (Rockingham) Viewed and copied 13 July 2009 Transcribed 27 July 2009 Thomas Pate 50 Acres [brackets are the transcriber's insertions] State of North Carolina No. 1735. Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty schillings for every hundred acres hereby granted, paid into our Treasury by Thomas Pate, have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Thomas Pate a tract of Land Containing Fifty acres lying and being in the County of Richmond, Beginning at a pine, one pine pointer on the South said of Breakfast branch, the beginning corner of his old fifty acre survey and runs North Seven chains and fifty links [495 ft.] the the run of said branch, down the various courses of said branch to McNeill's line with his line South Twenty four chains [1584 ft.] to his corner with his other line South fifty four degrees East Twenty one chains [1386 ft.] to Thornton's line of Fifty acres with his line South Sixty West Eleven chains and 25 links [742.5 ft.] to a pine, three pines pointers South twenty two East five chains & seventy five links [379.5 ft] to a large pine two pines pointers, South forty four West fourteen chains to a stake some pine pointers, Samuel Pates corner, West Three chains and fifty links [231 ft.] - then direct to the beginning Entered 19th March 1817- As by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear - together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Land belonging or appertaining To hold to the said Thomas Pate his heirs and assigns forever - yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General assembly from time to time may direct; provided always that the said Grantee shall cause this Grant to be Registered in the Registers office of our Said County of Richmond within twelve months from the dater hereof - otherwise the same shall be void. In Testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made patent, and our Great Seal to be thereunto affixed - Witness John Branch Esquire, our Governor, Captain General, and Commander in chief at Raleigh the 25th day of November in the 43rd year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen. Jno Branch By Command Wm Hill, Secretary Recorded in the Secretary's office L B Harden, P Sec. {flourish] Note: This Thomas Pate may have been the son of Daniel Pate of Wayne Co., NC. Daniel died in Wayne County in 1791, and names son Thomas in his Last Will & Testament. A Thomas Pate sold his interest in his father's estate in Wayne County, 1811. This Thomas appears on the Richmond County Tax List in 1812. His 1854 obituary states that he was from Wayne County. This may constitute enough evidence to say they are one and the same man. However, a record that states this has not been found. A valid DNA sample from a documented ancestor could help determine the answer to this long standing question.[jhs 07/09] This land is located NW of Gibson, NC between there and Hamlet, NC, near the once thriving community of Ghio. The lands of assumed kinsman Thoroughgood Pate are SW of Gibson. The location does not preclude a relationship. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.3 Kb