Richmond-Guilford County NcArchives Deed.....McKenzie, Kenneth - Thomas, Et Al, Elizabeth November 2, 1811 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette May 22, 2006, 4:56 am Written: November 2, 1811 Recorded: November 16, 1885 Richmond County, NC Deed Book PP, pages 51-52, Microfilm 082.____: Deed to Kenneth Mackenzie From ELIZABETH, Nathan, James, and Eli Thomas “This indenture made this 2nd day of November in the year 1811 between ELIZABETH THOMAS, Eli Thomas, James Thomas, Nathan Thomas of Kentucky, JOSEPH MCDOWELL and ELIZABETH, his wife, of Tennessee, and Elijah Thomas of North Carolina, being the heirs of PHILEMON THOMAS of one part, and Kenneth McKenzie of the state of North Carolina, Richmond County, of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of 400 dollars to us in hand paid on or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained and sold by these presents, do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said Kenneth McKenzie, his heirs and assigns: “All that tract of land or parcel of lands lying on the Northeast side of Pee Dee River and on the Southeast side of Cartledge’s Creek, beginning at a stake at a red oak gum and post oak, position said to be on W. S. Shurley’s grant, and runs North 48 West down the river’s course of a branch 84 poles to Cartledge’s Creek, then South 70 West down the various [courses] of the creek 36 poles to John Smith’s corner, then South 15 West 18 poles to a red oak and pine, then South 7 West 140 poles to a pine, then South 75 East 14 poles to a white oak, the South 112 poles to a blackjack and pine, then North 75 West 25 poles to McKenzie’s line, then South 50 poles Crawford’s Road to a stake pine and blackjack pointers, then South 75 East 70 poles to a corner, then North 16 East 130 poles to a corner, then North 13 West 16 poles, then North 11 East 25 poles to the beginning, containing 150 acres, together with houses, , etc.” Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Peter Covington Signed ELIZABETH her mark THOMAS, Nathan Thomas Jane Thomas Eli Thomas James Thomas JOSEPH MCDOWELL ELIZABETH her mark MCDOWELL Volley her mark Thomas Elijah Thomas North Carolina Richmond County “On this 16th day of November 1885, personally appeared before me, Z. F. Long, clerk of the Superior Court, J. E. Covington, who being duly sworn, says: That the grantor, bargainer or maker of the annexed deed, and the witness thereto are dead or cannot be found, and that he cannot proof of their handwriting.” J. E. Covington [This Elizabeth McDowell is the daughter of Philemon Thomas and Elizabeth Thomas of Richmond Co, NC; her husband Joseph is the grandson of Joseph McDowell of Guilford Co, NC] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb