RICHMOND COUNTY, NC - WILLS - William Stringfellow, 20 Aug 1824 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Brenda McLendon bmclendon@ac.Net ==================================================================== WILLIAM STRINGFELLOW WILL In the name of God Amen. I William Stringfellow of the County of Richmond and State of No. Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do this the 20th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say First. I give and bequeath unto Dudley Baldwin son of Jesse Baldwin one negro by the name of Sheppard to his proper use forever. 2nd. I give and bequeath to Eli Stringfellow Son of Enoch Stringfellow one negro by the name of Henderson to his proper use forever. 3rd. I give and bequeath to William T. Smith two negroes one by the name of Jane the other Mary. One feather bed and furniture to his proper use forever. 4th. I give and bequeath to Susannah S. Steel wife of John Steele two negroes one by the name of Viney the other by the name of Washington to her proper use forever. 5th. I give and bequeath to Patience H. Smith two negroes by the name of Monah and Sarah one feather bed and furniture to her proper use forever. 6th. I give and bequeath to Thomas C. Smith one negro by the name of Friday one bed and furniture to his proper use forever. 7th. I give and bequeath to Annis Chappel wife of James Chappell -?- one negro by the name of Peter to her proper use forever. 8th I give and bequeath to William Stringfellow son of Robert Stringfellow one negro girl by the name of Lowa to his proper use forever. 10th. To my negro man Abel and Rose his wife I leave them to be free for their meritorous services and good behavior towards me also I leave them their bed and furniture also the said negroes Abel and Rose I leave them under the care of Enoch Stringfellow and John Steel. 11th. I give and bequeath to my brother Enoch Stringfellow all my land and possessions to his proper use forever and all the balance of my estate to be sold and the money equally divided between Dudley Baldwin, Eli Stringfellow, William T. Smith, Susannah S. Steele, Patience H. Smith, Thomas C. Smith, William Stringfellow. And I hereby make and ordain my worthy friends Stephen Williams, John Bowden, John Steel Executors of this my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I the said William Stringfellow have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of: Stephen Williams Wm. Stringfellow (Seal) Richard Sproler Jenkins Bennett To Mr. John Steel. Notice I William Stringfellow leave this money to be equally divided between William, Susanna, Patience and Thomas Smith. Do as I have directed. State of North Carolina January Term 1825 Richmond County The handwriting of this paper was proven by the oath of Edmund Deberry. Ordered to be recorded. M. D. Crawford, Clerk January Term 1825 The last will and testament of Wm. Stringfellow was proven by Stephen Williams, Richard Sproler and Jenkins Bennett. Ordered to be recorded. M. D. Crawford, Clerk (Note: There was no 9th item listed in the will)