Robeson County NcArchives Military Records.....Mercer, John Picket 1912 Civilwar - Rosters ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sam West September 3, 2013, 6:55 pm JOHN PICKET MERCER, Calvert, Texas – Born in Robertson County, N. C., about seven miles east of Lumberton and enlisted in the Confederate Army on April 20, 1861, at Lumberton, as private in Company D, Second North Carolina, Fitzhugh Lee’s Brigade, Army of Virginia. My first Captain was R. M. Norman of Lumberton, N. C. In April, 1862, was changed to the Fifty-first North Carolina, Company D, Capt. Jas. W. McDonald of Fayette, N. C. Additional Comments: Source: REMINISCENCES OF THE BOYS IN GRAY 1861 – 1865 Compiled by Miss Mamie Yeary, McGregor, Texas Published for the author by SMITH & LAMAR Publishing House N. E. Church, South Dallas, Texas Press of Wilkinson Printing Company, Dallas, Texas Copyright 1912 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb