Robeson-Edgecombe-Nash County NcArchives Military Records.....Drake, Albriton 1833 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sam West April 11, 2015, 5:40 pm Pension Application Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the act of CongreSs passed June 7th 1832 State of Kentucky ) Muhlenberg County ( On this 23d day of October 1833 personally appeared before me William Campbell a Justice of the peace for said County, Allbriton Drake a citizen of said County aged Seventy four years of age who being, duly Sworn according to law doth on his Oath make the following declaration in Order to obtain the benefit of the act of CongreSs passed June 7th 1832. That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named Officers and Served as herein Stated to wit: He entered the army of the United States as a Private in the month of October 1777 as a Volunteer for three months the Regiment Commanded by Colo Long, the name of the Captain in my first declaration I stated that I did not recollect but I now recollect that it was Capt. Gaddy Weavere married to the Six Runs on our way to Moores Creek in North Carolina in order to drive a large number of Tories that had embodied near said creek Genl CaSswell there engaged them & defeated the Tory Army before the Company to which I was attached Joined CaSswell we were in hearing but could not get up in time to take part with the Genl in the ingagement, the brige was destroyed. We were discharged for that tower of duty by Colo. Long. And about the first of January 1778 he again entered the Service of the United States as a Lieutenant in a Company Commanded by Capt. Avan the Battallion by Majr. Peoples all under command of Genl. Jones we were recd as three month Volunteers we started for South Carolina we were marched to Charlotte or near the State line Here Genl. Jones after keeping the troops some time refused to cross the state line and to march into S. Carolina the Tories had become berry troublesome in N Carolina was one case. I presume of his unwillingness to leave the State of N Carolina, but he never the less published an Order that all those where were willing to inliSt in the regular Service might do so and many of them did inlist in that service those that did not were stationed at Charlotte until about the time of the Expiration of the three months when we were discharged by Order of Genl. Jones. Shortly after I returned home say April 1778 the Governor of N Carolina called out the lighthorse troops of Nash County to guard him to Fayetteville the then seat of Government the Capt was Avent my self Lieutenant. The Governor ordered Maj Griffen (who commanded our troops then) to march to the red field ford in Order to supprise the Tories commanded by Colo Fanning & who was doing much mishief at that time but failing in Ou enterprise We were placed under the Command of Colo Maybin by Genl. Griffen who marched in all through the Country in search of Fanning we went to Hilsborough & from there to a Mountain which we surrounded & took one of Fannings men & hung him the name of the mountain not recollected. We were then Marched home the last of July or first of August 1778. The Company to which I was attached being the lighthorse of the County we were not discharged, but were kept up as Rangers being a volunteer Company in the service of the State. I was in no General engagement – Had a skirmish with Capt. Beard & his Tories. This deponent and his Father were taken prisoners but were Shortly released by the Company of Capt. Trowlen and Capt. Beard was taken prisoner & hung. He is not certain as to the length of time that this service continued but he will say that he was not discharged until some time in the fall of the year 1782 and was not at liberty to engage in any civil pursuit during the time. He removed from Nash County in N. Carolina to Robertson County in the same State in the year 1787, that he removed from Robertson County N Carolina to Muhlenberg County Kentucky in the year 1809, where he has resided eversince. That he has no documentary evidence of his service and has lost all his discharges. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present – and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of any Agency of any State. And if the department requires his commission he cannot produce it therefore claims his pension as a Private he knows of no person but (?) Horn that he can prove any of his services by. Sworn to & subscribed the day & year aforesaid. A.B. Drake W Campbell JP 1st Where & in what year were you born I was born in Edgecombe County N Carolina in the year 1760 2nd Have you any record of your age and if so where is it. I have none nor never had I have kept my age by that of my wife as she was borne & raised near my fathers & there is Only five years difference in our ages. 3d Where were you living when called into serves where have you lived since the Revolutionary war & where do you now live McGIRT CEMETERY 4th How were you called into service were you drafted were you Volunteer, ir were you a substitute. I was always a Volunteer 5th State the names of the regular officers or some of them who were with the Troops where you served such Continental and Militia Regiments as you can recollect. The length of time is such that I cant recollect any other officers than those already named except Genl. Davy & Capt. Hogg. 6th Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so by whom was it given and what has become of it? I recd a discharge from Colo Long & from Genl Jones or Majr Peoples which are lost 7th State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighbourhood and who can Testify as to your character for varacity & their belief of your services as a soldier of the Revolution. Majr M Wells, The Honbl Alney (?) James Weir Edward Rumsey & Colo Francis P. Pennington are of that number W Isaac Bard Clergyman residing in the County of Muhlenberg and Charles F Wing residing in the Same county hereby Certify that we are well acquainted with Allbriton Drake who has subscribed & sworn to the above aforegoing declaration that We believe him to be seventy four years oa age that he is reputed & believed in the neighbourhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion. We also certify that his the said Drakes infirmity is such that he is now & has been confined to his house for several years pass. Sworn to & subscribed the day & year aforesaid. Isaac Bard C T. Wing And I the said William Campbell Justice of the peace as aforesaid having met at the house of said Allbriton Drake he being unable to appear in Court by reason of his bodily infirmity being confined to his house do hereby declare my opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interragotorries prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he States And I further certify that the Revd. Isaac Bard who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman resident of said County and that Charles T. Wing who has also signed the same is a resident of the county aforesaid and is a crediable person and that their Statement is intitled to credit. Given under my hand this 23d day of October 1833. W Campbell JP State of Kentucky Franklin County I Jas W. Batchelor Notary Public in and for the County and state aforesaid do certify that satisfactory proof was this day exhibited to me that Albertain Drake died on the 14th day of November 1835, leaving Ruth Drake his widow who died on the 4th day of March 1847 leaving John Drake, Sophia Volunten, Alfred Silas Drake, Marby Collins Drake, James Penney Drake, Benjamin Mitchell Drake, William Drake and Edmund Drake her only Surviving children and that Silas Drake and Edmund Drake are her administrators. In testimony whereof I do hereto affix my Seal of Office and subscribe my name This 4th day of November 1851. Jas. W. Batchelor Notary Public Franklin Co. Ky. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.2 Kb