Robeson-Richmond-Cumberland County NcArchives Obituaries.....Pittman, Jordan Lee January 26, 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Terry Johnson February 27, 2010, 9:39 pm Robesonian: 03 March 1908 ROBESONIAN: 03 MAR 1908. DEATH OF MR. JORDAN LEE PITMAN Mr. Jordan Lee Pitman died at his home in East Lumberton in the 74th year of his age. Thus, one by one, the faithful who followed Lee and Jackson cross the River and join their beloved companions on the shores of peace and eternal happiness. Mr. Pitman was a member of Co., A, 46th Regiment, North Carolina Troops. After the War he returned to his home in Wishart's township. He lived a quiet, industrious life. Being married twice he was blessed to raise an unusually large family of children, most of whom together with his second wife survive. He has heard the voice of the Good Shepherd and entered the Fold. At the time of his death he was a member of Antioch Baptist Church, and was laid to rest in the Family Cemetery. Funeral services by the pastor. May the God of all comfort, sustain and bless those who have been bereaved of such a father, brother and friend. Additional Comments: NOTE: Terry Johnson 19 Oct 2008 Born: 16 Feb 1832 in the Burnt Islands, Wishart's Township, Robeson, North Carolina. Died: 26 Feb 1908. Husband of Mary Jane Israel daughter of John Israel & his wife Molcy Hester. Marriage to Mary Jane Israel: 22 Jun 1856, Robeson, North Carolina. Children of Jordan Lee Pittman & Mary Jane Israel are: David Miles Pittman, John Lemuel Pittman, James Bethel Pittman, Mosley Ann Pittman, Emmaline Pittman, Susan G. Pittman, Jackson Lee Pittman, Cornelius Lott Pittman, Claricy Jane Pittman, Alfred Rhodes Pittman, Sarah Elizabeth Pittman and Mary Lee Pittman. Children by 2nd wife: Bettie Wilkins are: John Pittman, Jesse Pittman, Claude Pittman and Lottie Mae Pittman. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb