Robeson County NcArchives Obituaries.....Powers, Sallie Elizabeth Townsend December 17, 1927 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steven Hinson April 8, 2014, 12:02 pm The Robesonian, December 19, 1927 The Robesonian Lumberton, NC Monday, December 19, 1927 ------- Mrs. J. H. Powers of B.T. Section Dies ------- Beloved Woman Succumbs to Long Illness at Age of 56 Years - Funeral From Home and Interment in Family Cemetery. Mrs. John H. Powers died at her home in the Barker-Ten Mile community Saturday morning at 7:45 o’clock at the age of 56 years. Mrs. Powers had been in poor health for approximately a year, and her death had been expected for some time. Funeral services were conducted from the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock by Rev. L. Sasser, pastor of Ten Mile Baptist church, of which she was a member, assisted by Rev. J.A. Dailey, pastor of Barkers Methodist church, Dr. C.H. Durham, pastor of the First Baptist church, Lumberton, and Rev. Euclid McWhorter, pastor of Chestnut Street Methodist church, Lumberton. Interment was made in the family cemetery. Mrs. Powers was a beloved woman, a consecrated Christian, who has meant much to the community in which she has lived. Since the middle of the summer, at which time she returned from a sanatorium, she has been at her home, and all that loving hands could do for her has been done. She will be sorely missed in the Barker-Ten Mile section. She is survived by her husband, who is one of the trustees of the Barker-Ten Mile School, and by the following children: Mr. C.A. Powers, R.1, St. Pauls; Mrs. R.C. Burns, Goldsboro; Mrs. H.S. M’White, R.1, Lumberton; Mrs. Charles English, R.1. Lumberton; Mr. Boyd Powers and Misses Annie Neal, Vashti Hallie and Dorothy Elizabeto of the homestead, R.1 from Lumberton. The following are surviving step-children: Mr. Nash Powers of Tampa, Fla., Miss Mary Martha Powers of Lumberton and Mrs. Purvis Powers and Mr. Claude Powers of the community. Messrs. J.I. and N.A. Townsend of R. 1 from Lumberton are surviving brothers. She is also survived by one half-brother, Mr. W.P. Barker of Lumberton, and by two half-sisters, Mrs. A.B. King of St. Pauls and Mrs. H.L. Broadwell of R.1, St. Pauls. Vast Throng Gathered. Seldom is such a crowd gathered together in Robeson County as assembled at the Powers home Sunday afternoon as impressive funeral services were conducted by four ministers. Automobiles thronged the avenue to the home, the neighboring fields and all the yard. Hardly had one-third of the cars left the home when beginning of the funeral procession reached the cemetery at the conclusion of the services. Rev. Mr. Sasser paid a beautiful tribute to Mrs. Powers as a devoted wife, a loveable companion, an effectionate, cheerful and kind mother, a lovely sister, a consecrated Christian, and one of the finest neighbors in all that section. She fell in love with Christ when but 14 years of age, he said, and followed him for 42 years, unto her death. Sketch of Her Life. The following sketch of her life was read: Mrs. Sallie E. Powers, daughter of Charles and Catherine Townsend, was born October 1871 and had entered into her 57th year. She married J.H. Powers on December 25, 1892, and to them were born 10 children, 9 of whom are living and 1 dead, 4 boys and 6 girls. Carl, the oldest, died at about a year old; the other 9 as follows are living: Charlie, Eva, Gladys, Boyd, Vivian, Annie Neal, Hallie, Vashti, and Dorothy. Six step-children, 4 living and 2 dead: Nash of Tampa, Fla., Mary Martha of Lumberton, Lelia and Clyde of the community; 10 grandchildren, 2 brothers, 2 half-sisters, 1 half-brother survive. “She accepted Christ as her savior when she was 14 years old and connected with the Ten Mile Baptist church. She was a faithful and loyal member 42 years into her death. She had a cheerful disposition and was ever ready to render service wherever she could.” “Her health failed her more than a year ago, and she had been confined to her bed since July but did not mummer nor complain, and her hope grew brighter as the end grew near.” At the house a choir composed of Messrs. R.E. and H.A. M’White, Roy Ivey and Mrs. D.B. Oliver of the community and Mrs. R.E. Lewis and Mr. C.B. Skipper of Lumberton sang “How Firm a Foundation,” “Have Thine Own Way” and “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere”. At the grave the following songs were sung: “Shall We Gather at the River,” “Oh Think of the Home Over There,” “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” and “Abide With Me”. The grave was banked with beautiful flowers. Pallbearers were Messrs. LeRoy Townsend and Reuben M’White of the community, Mr. Leslie King of St. Pauls, Dr. M.F. Townsend, Dr. D.D. King and Mr. C.M. Barker of Lumberton. Floral bearers were Misses Edith Jones, Dixie Townsend, Marsie Howell, Mary Catherine Townsend and Mrs. LeRoy Townsend of the Barker-Ten Mile community, Mrs. F.K. Biggs, Misses Fodie, and Mae Townsend and Bertha Barker of Lumberton, and Miss Sallie King of St. Pauls. Additional Comments: Birth Date: Oct. 13, 1871 Father: Charles Townsend 1843 – 1923 Mother: Catherine Ann Musslewhite 1833 – 1913 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.5 Kb