Robeson County NcArchives Photo Document.....Minutes ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Newman November 16, 2012, 9:56 am Source: F H L Microfilm #554636 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 235.5 Kb County court minutes 1797-1813, North Carolina, Superior Court (Robeson County) (/) torn [Deeds were always either "acknowledged in open court" or "proved by oath of...." and then ordered to be registered; to eliminate redundancy, these have been abstracted simply as "acknowledged" or "proved by...."] Page 26 [image 16a] Joseph Lee Esquire returned an execution at the suit of Elizabeth Cade against Hillory Manning with all the proceedings on said suit for four pounds 18/ & costs levied by Benjamin Lee constable on two hundred acres land including the plantation whereon the said Manning now lives ordered that the sheriff sell said land Court adjourned untill tomorrow nine o'clock Wednesday January 3rd Day 1798 Court met according to adjournment Present the worshipful Elias Barnes George Moore & Joseph Lee Esquires Ordered that Captain Randol Curry be patrole in his own district Deed from Daniel Campbell to Neill McCorvie proved by Finla McCorvey Deed from Robert Haills to Charles Barker acknowledged Deed from John Corneill to Mark Powers proved by James Moore Ordered that William Moore Junr be overseer of the road in room of Simon Willis Ordred that Neill Brown Esquire be overseer of the road from Lowrys Bridge as far as he worked said before he was appointed overseer of the new road & work the hands that formerly worked on said road Ordered that Lewis Tiner? be overseer of the road in room of William Thompson Page 27 [image 16b] Ordered that Thomas Barnes John Willis & William Moore Esquires assess the town property in this county for the year 1797 Ordered that the hands in the following lines from Lumberton up the east side of the raft swamp / to wit / beginning at Saddletree Bridge thence to Charles Pates thence to Enoch Hammons then agreeable to the old district to the raft swamp then down said swamp to drowning creek then down the creek to Lumberton including all the hands between the road creek and raft swamp and that James Humphrey be overseer in room of Jesse Harrel The Court proceeded to lay a county tax for the year 1797 when they assess one shilling and nine pence on the poll & seven pence on every hundred acres of land in this county and one shilling and nine pence on every hundred pounds town property Robert Haills Sheriff allowed thirty five pounds for his extra services for the year 1797 and Josiah Barnes Clerk for the same year allowed twenty pounds for his extra services and five pounds for this book and stationary Court adjourned untill tomorrow nine o'clock Thursday January the 4th 1798 Court met according to adjournment Present the worshipful Joshua Pharoah George Moore & Joseph Wood Esquires Samuel Biggs and John Blount constables allowed sixteen shillings each for two days attendance at last election - and also allowed thirty two shillings each for their attendance this term File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb