Robeson County NcArchives Photo Document.....Minutes ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Newman June 30, 2013, 8:43 am Source: F H L Microfilm #554636 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 231.7 Kb County court minutes 1797-1813, North Carolina, Superior Court (Robeson County) – 1806-1813 (/) torn or otherwise too damaged to read [Deeds were always either "acknowledged in open court" or "proved by oath of...." and then ordered to be registered; to eliminate redundancy, these have been abstracted simply as "acknowledged" or "proved by...."] Page 58 [image 249a] Ordered that Duncan Campbell be noticed to appear at next court to show cause before Matthew Powers his security for a certain guardianship should not be released from this securityship? Ordered that the Prison Bounds in the town of Lumberton be extended so as to include the house and lot where on Mr. Noyes now lives Ordered that the County Treasurer pay Jacob Pope Standard Keep of Robeson County the sum of seven pounds seventeen shillings and two pence being the sum expended by him in the purchase of weights and measures for the use of said County Ordered that Richard Thomas be overseer of the road in room of Simon Willis Ordered that the Old Bridge on the Creek at the Town of Lumberton be sold under the Directtion of the Sheriff and that the money arising therefrom shall be appropriated to the use of the County Ordered that John Blount be allowed thirty two shillings for his attendance during this term Deed from Angus Gilchrist to Archibald McNull proven by John Stewart Deed from Archabald McNull to Stephen Paul acknowledged Ordered that Jacob Merser be allowed the sum of thirty two shillings for his attendance this term Page 59 [image 249b] The Committee who were appointed to settle with the Administrators of Daniel McPherson deceased reported, ordered to be filed William Mooney an orphan child was bound to Samuel Johnston untill he arrive at the age of twenty one he now being thirteen The Report of of the Committee who were appointed to settle with David Legget Administrator of Robert Council was returned and filed Bill of sale from John Bailey to Thomas Shanks proved by Duncan Crawford Court adjourned until tomorrow 10 o'clock File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb