Robeson County NcArchives Photo Document.....Minutes ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Newman July 30, 2013, 12:49 pm Source: F H L Microfilm #554636 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 211.4 Kb County court minutes 1797-1813, North Carolina, Superior Court (Robeson County) – 1806-1813 (/) torn or otherwise too damaged to read [Deeds were always either "acknowledged in open court" or "proved by oath of...." and then ordered to be registered; to eliminate redundancy, these have been abstracted simply as "acknowledged" or "proved by...."] Page 218 [image 329a] Deed from John Fields George Fields Lucretia Fields and Hardy Nobles to William Britt proved by Absalom Pitman Deed from Margaret Little to John Smith proved by Alexander Patterson Deed from Donald McDonald to John McGugan proved by Archd McNeil Joshua Singletary an orphan child now of the age of six years was bound to John Dowd untill he arive at the age of twenty one Archibald Curry appointed Constable in Captain McPhat[ter]s District and entered into bond with Duncan McBride his security Deed from Isaac Sulivan to Jesse Musslewhite proven by Danl Shaw Deed from Jacob Blount Senr to Mark Carter acknowledged Deed from Isaac Sulivan to Neill McMillen proven by John Regean Step[h]en Grantham appointed Constable in Capt Barnes District and entered into bond with Slaughter Hill his security Page 219 [image 329b] Deed of gift from the Revd Colen Lindsey to Archd C Lindsey and Colen Lindsey proven by Thomas Davis Esqr Deed from Alfred Rowland to Isaac Sulivan acknowledged Deed from Gilbert Cox to Isham Cox proven by Silas Ivey Deed from Neill McMillen to Isaac Sulivan proven by John Regan Esqr Ordered that John Blount be allowed the sum of twenty four shillings for his service this term and one day last term Ordered that Jacob Merser be allowed the sum of sixteen shillings for his attendance as Constable this term Ordered that Archd McNeill Joseph Regan and Sherwood Fort be requested to examine the new road of which Jacob Rhodes is overseer and report to next term in what condition the road may be in Ordered that Bengeman Blount be overseer of the road leading from Lumberton crossing Lumber river at Normants Bridg and that the same hands that worked under the last overseer including those hands that formerly worked on the Creek Lewis Johnson appointed Constable in Captain Torrys district and entered into bond with Joseph Newberry his security File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb