Robeson County NcArchives Photo Document.....Minutes ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Newman July 31, 2013, 9:33 pm Source: F H L Microfilm #554636 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 221.0 Kb County court minutes 1797-1813, North Carolina, Superior Court (Robeson County) – 1806-1813 (/) torn or otherwise too damaged to read [Deeds were always either "acknowledged in open court" or "proved by oath of...." and then ordered to be registered; to eliminate redundancy, these have been abstracted simply as "acknowledged" or "proved by...."] Page 252 [image 346a] John Drinkwater Benjamin Arnet Alfred Rowlands Hands and Jesse Lees hands Ordered that Thomas Harrington be overseer of the road leading form Bladen County line ? and crossing Powers Bridge to the Stage Road near the Great Marsh Ordered that Daniel Chisholm be overseer of the road in room of Colin McLachlin and that the former hands work under him Ordered that the sheriff summon the following persons to Wit Peter Kelly Archd McEachern Daniel Johnson Hugh McColl Peter Johnson Neill McDuffy John Shaw Donald McAlpin Alexr Johnson James Stewart John Stewart Malcom Stewart Angus Munn Dond Shaw and alexr Campbell as a Jury to view the road leading form the fork at McEacherns to the County line near Norman ?s and likewise that part of it leading to McFarlands Turn Pike and that they report to next term whether one or both of the said two roads are of public utility and should this jury aforesaid be oppinion that any part of said roads are usefull and ? to promote the general good they may proceed to lay off such part & report to next term Page 253 [image 346b] Ordered that Archibald McLeran Esquire who was appointed guardian to Daniel McLeran a minor orphan be released from his said guardianship Deed from Martin Lewis & wife to William Ward acknowledged Deed from Daniel McPherson to John Wilkison proved by Angus Love Deed from Malcom Thompson to Duncan McArthur [acknowledged] Deed from John Little to Henry Taylor proved by Jonathan Sanderson Deed of gift from Daniel McNeill to Mary Macneill proved by Neill Murphy Bill of sale from Duncan MacMillan to Mary McMillan proved by James McNeill File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb