Robeson County NcArchives Photo Document.....Minutes ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Newman July 31, 2013, 10:04 pm Source: F H L Microfilm #554636 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 251.8 Kb County court minutes 1797-1813, North Carolina, Superior Court (Robeson County) – 1806-1813 (/) torn or otherwise too damaged to read [Deeds were always either "acknowledged in open court" or "proved by oath of...." and then ordered to be registered; to eliminate redundancy, these have been abstracted simply as "acknowledged" or "proved by...."] Page 284 [image 362a] Deed from John Hamons Senr to Martin Martin proven by Sherwood Fort Stephen Grantham appointed Constable in Capt Barnes district who entered into bond with Moses Hill his security Soloman Thomas appointed admr to the estate of Anne Thomas decd who entered into bond with Duncan Campbell his security Ordered that the sheriff sumon the following gentelmen as Jurors to attend at next November term (to wit) John Lewis Hector McLain Danl Stewart Norman Gillis Archd Smith Senr James McNall Junr Hugh McGugan Danl McMillen Alexr Johnston Isaac Bird Malcom Brown Malcom Murphy Archd Little Senr William Morris Hardy Councill Charles Councill William Atkinson Richard Merser Danl McAllpen John Murphey Peeter McGerhey Archd McPhaul William Thompson (HS) Saml Britt Angus Black Jesse Pitman (Hog S) John Campbell Duncan Brown Thomas Townsand Jesse Lee Junr Angus McLain & Murdock McInes Deed from William Normant to Charles McDugal proven by Malcom McNeill Page 285 [image 362b] The petition of James Stewart & James McQueen esquires praying that the sheriff be directed to summon a Jury of twelve men to out assess the value of so much of the lands of John Campbell as shall be sufficient to enable them to cut a ditch or drain so that the tract of land commonly called the White Oak may be drained was granted Ordered that the sheriff summon twelve good and lawfull men according to the prayer of the petition Ordered that a Commission be issued from the Court directed to William Todd and Robert Wharton esquires of the City of Philade[l]phia to take the acknowledgement of Probates of Certain Deeds one from Henry Wood and wife to Levi Ellmaker File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb