Robeson-Cumberland-Bladen County NcArchives Wills.....McDougald, Alexander 1847 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Glenda McDougald March 11, 2006, 6:20 pm Source: Nc State Archives, Estate Records, Robeson County Written: 1847 Alexander McDougald Will lst. I give and bequeath to my below son, Duncan McDougald one hundred & thirty acres of land, (?) a part of the 380 tract, located as above mentioned (?)if he will not come back to the place, the land to be given to Mary Laman during her life time - The aforesaid land which I leave to Duncan if the should not come to claim it to be equally devided among my children, exception that my son Alexander is to have fifty dollars and said land. 1848 - W.2 - pge 35 AA - 194 John BB - 306 Laman BB - 586 L----? DD - 341 FFF - 457 FF - 236 FF - 240 Z - 329 Z - 137 Z - 382 T - 274 V - 598 V - 39 X - 640 Y - 55 EE - 425 AA - 705 B - 337 FF - 73 HH - 77 HH - 78 HH - 78 HH - 28 JJ - 126 FFF - 397 FFF - 919 GGG - 321 LLL - 851 - M.A. McDougald acre to J. A. McNeill GGG - 568 AAA - 122 Dougald McD to H. & D. (?) 48 acres DD - 691 CC - 713 BB - 791 Additional Comments: This document is on 2 pages of legal paper.The original is located in the North Carolina Archives in Raleigh, NC. I don't know what all these letters and numbers represent. The names, Malcolm McDougald and wife, Flora A. McNeill II with the date Aug - 13- 1870 are written out to the side of the numbers on the 2nd. page. The document is not signed. I have another court document that was notorized May 8, 1890, that states that Alexander McDougald died in Robison County, NC in 1847 leaving a last will and testament and leaving him surviving as his heirs at law and distributors the following named sons and duaghters, to wit: Archibald McDougald, Dougald McDougald, Catharine McDougald, Mary Lamon with her Cr.Deft(?) Neill Lamon, Duncan McDougald, Sarah Livingston, John McDougald, Nancy Johnson and Alexander McDougald. This document was filed in Superior Court before C. B. Townsend Esq C. S. C. in Robeson County, North Carolina May 8, 1890. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb