Robeson County, NC - Will of Enoch Ward, 1869 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the name of God! Amen I Enoch Ward of the County of Robeson and State of North Carolina do this the 28th day of July 1869. Make Publish & declare this my last will and testament in manner & form following. First. I give and devise all my land in Robeson County supposed to be one hundred & Thirty Eight (138) acres to my beloved wife Emily Ward for and during the term of her natural life to hold use occupy the same so long as she may live. Second. At the expiration of the life Estate of my wife, my will, and desire is & so devise, that my two sons Henry Ward & Stephen Edmund Ward own my lands, equally share and share alike to them & their heirs in fee simple. My will & desire is that my two sons above named Henry and Stephen shall have the privilege if they see fit to do so, to remain on the place together with my wife during her life time. Third. To my beloved wife I give & bequeath during the term of her natural life all my personal property of every kind & description to use the same in her support & at her death, should there be any of the persoal property remaining, my will & desire is that the same be equally divided between my two sons, Henry & Stephen Ward. Share & Share alike. Fourth. I nominate appoint & constitute my two sons Henry Ward & Stephen Ward Exectors to this my last will & testament. Enoch Ward Witness WO Norment NA McLean From the contributor: Enoch Ward was born Apr 19, 1799 and died Sep 14, 1871. He married Emily Council born Jul 25, 1806 and died Nov 22, 1881. Both are buried in Meadowbrook Cemetery in Lumberton, NC Emily Rhodes Ward Enoch Ward ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Michael Walters ___________________________________________________________________