Robeson County, NC - Will of Archibald Wilkison, 1831 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WILL OF ARCHIBALD WILKISON OF ROBESON COUNTY, NC 1767-1831 Below is a transcript of a manuscripts found at the NC Archives. It is recorded in will book A page 228 and was probated to an order of court February, 1831. Archibald evidentally did not have any children. State of North Carolina In the name of God Amen Robeson County I Archibald Wilkison of the said County and state being of sound and perfect memory Thanks be to God for his goodness do make this my last will and testament in manner as follows. Item 1. I leave to my brother Angues youngest son named Edward Wilkison all my possessions of land, horses, cattle and every earthly possession that I have. Item 2. I leave the aforesaid Edward Wilkison the management of everything heir and executor to my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. July the 6th day 1808 Archibald Wilkison X his mark Test Niel Rae Gilbert Brown X Below are transcripts of documents found at the NC Archives in the original manuscripts area CONCERNING ARCHIBALD WILKISON 1810-1883 of Robeson county, NC __________________________________________________________________________ NC, Robeson County In Superior Court before C. B. Townsend Judge probate In the matter of the administration of the estate of Archibald Wilkison B. F. McLean being duly sworn says: that Archibald Wilkison late of Robeson County is dead without leaving any will and testament and that the said Archibald Wilkison having been dead more than six months, that he the said B. F. McLean is the proper person entitle to administer on the said estate of said Archibald Wilkison. And this defonent function such that the value of the personal property of said estate so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application is about four hundred dollars and that Christian Wilkison his widow and his children Corrinia Wilkison, D. Patrick Wilkison, M. E. Wilkison and Archie Wilkison are entitled as heirs and distributers thereof, that all his four last named children are minors under age of 21 years and without guardian. B. F. McLean ____________________________________________________________________________ North Carolina Superior Court Robeson County Before C. B. Townsend B. F. McLean Adm. Arch Wilkinson vs. Christian Wilkinson, guardian ad Lilin Margaret Wilkinson, Pat Wilkinson, Corrina Wilkinson, Archie Wilkinson Take notice that on the 14th day of September 1888 before C. B. Townsend, Clerk Superior Court of Robeson county this office in court house in Lumberton, the undersigned will move to have the sales of land made by heirs on 9th June 1888 to Mr. McNair, C.R. Rotholy, O.H. Blocker, J.C. Hooper, Sandy McKay, confirmed so her report this day filed and said clerk where and when you may appear and object and you will be heard. August 24th 1888. B. J. McLean commissioner ____________________________________________________________________________ North Carolina Superior Court Robeson County Before C. B. Townsend B. F. McLean Admin Arch Wilkinson vs Christain Wilkinson Guardian ad Litine Report of Commissioner Margaret Wilkinson Corrina Wilkinson etals The undersigned commissioner appointed to make sale of the lands divided in petition would respectfully report that on the 9th of June 1888 on the public square in the town of Maxton, in accordance with law and at time of said date, after due advertisement, be exposed for sale and sold for cash to the highest bidder, the lands stated in petition; etal is to say be sold: To Sandy McKay, the lot near Maxton on which he now lives containing 1 acre for $59.17 To J. C. Hooper, the lot near Maxton on which he now lives containing 1 1/6 acre for $69.30 To O. H. Blocker, the vacant lot near Maxton between Hooper land McKay land entailing 3/5 acre for $30 To Murphy McNair lot no. 1 near Maxton containing 2 1/4 acres for $103 To Murphy McNair lot no. 2 near Maxton containing 2 1/5 acres for $100 To C. E. Rotholz, lot no. 3 near town of Maxton containing 2 1/5 acres for $86 To O. H. Blocker lot no. 4 near Maxton containing 2 1/5 acres for $93.25 That the lots have all brought a fair price or your commissioner believes and that all the for chosen have complied wit their bid Wherefore he pays that said sale be confirmed and your commissioner ordered to make title to the purchase. B. I. McLean Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of August 1888. O. S. Hayes notary Public ______________________________________________________________________________ Robeson County Shoe Heel Township In the matter of Christian Wilkinson Widow of Arch Wilkison dead Report of the Commissioners The undersigned W. B. Harker Justice of the Peace and E. L. McCormas and E. F. McRae commissioners duly summoned and sworn do hereby assign and allot to Christian Wilkison widow of Arch Wilkison decd the following articles of Personal Property of the value amount to wit. 155 bushels corn $55; 18 bushels Wheat $27; 2 bushels Rye $2; 6 bushels oats $4.50; 20 bushels pense $16; 50 lbs. bacon $5; 605 lbs port @ 8cents $48.40; 6 hogs $15; l horse $50; 2 corn scales $20; lcrib top feeder $3; 1 stack top feeder $2; 1 crib $15; 1 pen shucks $1.50; 4 hills sweet potatoes $20 total 384.90 Aunt brot. oven $384.90; 3 feather beds (60 lbs) $20; 5 bedsteads & bedding $11.00; 3 buckets .50; 1 grindstone .75; Kitchen furniture $8; 11 chairs $2; l sewing machine $25; l clock $2; The library $2; 3 tables $1.50/l clothes rack .50j; 1 spinning wheel .25; 8 plows $2.50; l shovel .40; 4 hoes .50; 2 forks .50; 1 buggy $5.00; 1 rockaway $20; llet plow gear .25; 6 sheep $5; l blacksmith tools $6. Total $514.55 We also find upon examination that the number of the family of the said widow exclusive of herself is there (3) There being a deficrinary of the articles on hand, to make up a years support we assess such deficiency at $85.45 to be paid by the personal representative this 27th day of July 1884. W. B. Harker, E. L. McCormas, E. T. McRae coms. ______________________________________________________________________ North Carolina Robeson County In the matter of B. F. McLean, Administrator of Arch'd Wilkison. We the undersigned, being the widow and all the heirs at law of Arch'd Wilkison deceased, have this day received of B. F. McLean, Administrator, of the estate of the said Arch'd Wilkison, deceased, the sum of Two hundred and five dollars and sixty seven cents ($205.67) in full settlement and discharge of any and all amounts due us by him as administrator of said estate. We further certify that we have carefully examined his final account as such administrator, both receipts and disbursements, and find it correct and do hereby recommend that the clerk of the Superior court of Robeson county grant to the said B. F. McLean his final discharge as such administrator. Christian Wilkison, Corinnia C. Wilkison, P. P. Wilkison, Maggie E. Wilkison, A. A. Wilkison ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Johnny Dunlap - ___________________________________________________________________