Rowan County NcArchives Obituaries.....Ney, Peter Stewart December 1846 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank February 15, 2008, 2:07 am Dec. 24, 1846 Charlotte Journal DIED, at the house of O. G. FOARD, ESQ., near Cowansville, Rowan County, N. C., of Typhus Fever, PETER STEWART NEY, aged about 68 years. MR. NEY was a native of Scotland, where he received a liberal education: before the completion of which his father emigrated to France, which then became the land of his adoption. Possessing a disposition somewhat impulsive and adventurous, and remarkable for the tenacity to attachments formed, he, without hesitation, joined the Revolution of his adopted Government which was convulsing the whole of the European Continent, attached himself to, and shared the fortunes of, the then great mover of events -- Napoleon. Upon whose expulsion from France, he became himself an exile, and found a home upon our own genial soil. He bore upon his person the deep scars of many wounds, to testify his services in his country's armies which were directed by that too ambitious Corsican. He landed in Charleston, S. C., and after spending a few years in the upper Districts of that State, he became a citizen of this section of North Carolina, in which he has ever resided, and employed himself from choice,in the humble, though honorable vocation of school teaching; in which capacity he dispensed substantial blessings, and reared for himself a monument which gold could not buy. He possessed an intellect of the first order, highly cultivated and adorned, and remarkably stored with useful intelligence. His manners were easy and courteous, and his disposition social, communicative and generous to a fault. He commanded the high regard of all who knew hin; and his many virtues will live green in the memory of all who could appreciate them by having been ONE OF HIS PUPILS File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb