Barger/Berger, George H. - 1820, Rowan County, NC - Wills Submitted by Stephanie Harrison May Sessions 1820 In the name of God Amen! I George H. Barger of Rowan County -Being weak in body but of sound mind & memory, but considering the uncertainly of this life, do make, publish and declare this my last will & Testament in manner & form following. First I recommend my soul to God, that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent christian like manner at the discretion of my exrs. - and my worldly goods - I dispose of in manner & form following. - First I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Catharine one negro woman named Judy - and two negro girls Loah & Liza and also the increase of the said negro woman Judy - one sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, four cows & six sheep - one bed & furniture that she now sleeps on and also one bed & furniture upstairs - her choice, one chest of drawers and two notes I have on my son Henry Barger - amounting to upwards of eighty dollars and all the kitchen furniture my riding chair and harness one comb & tackles belonging to it and all the geese & fowls & all my hogs & one big wheel and one little wheel and one reel - the above mentioned property to her and her heirs for ever. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved son Henry Berger one hundred acres of and lying in the rocks and one thousand acres of land in the state of Teneessee, it being a part of two land warrens of twelve hundred and twenty acres - each now in the hands of William Wilson and also one negro man named Leven and one negro boy named Adam and one wind-mill and all the skill-vessels and all my farming tools and all my carpenter tools - to him and his heirs forever. - Thirdly. - I give to my dearly beloved daughter Sally - one dollar, considering she has had her part in full of my estate, before this time. - Fourthly. - I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved daughter Margaret one negro woman named Hannah and one negro boy named Levi, which negros she has in possession at this time, this to be her part of my estate, besides what she has received from me before this time.- Fiftly. - I give and bequeath to the heirs of my daughter Christina Leopard decd. one negro girl name Jane and her increase and also one bed and furniture to be equally divided among all the heirs of my said daughter Christina decd. - when her youngest child comes of age to be their part in full of my estate.- Sixthly. - I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved daughter Barbary the sum of fifty dollars - to be paid by my son Henry Berger in two years after my decease to be her part in full of my estate.- 7thly.- I give and bequeath to my grandson David Masters one negro boy named Harris - which said boy he has in possession at this time, this to be his part in full of my estate.- 8thly. - I give and bequeath to my three grand sons Henry Berger, John Berger & Peter Berger the balance of two lands warrens in possession of William Wilson in Tenesse containing twelve hundred and twenty acres, each after the said William Wilson getting one third part of said land and my son Henry Barger one thousand acres of said land - the balance of said land to be equally divided between my three grand sons Henry Berger, John Berger & Peter Berger to be their part in full of my estate. - 9thly. - I give and bequeath to my grand children the heirs of Jacob Tenoe & Catherine Tenoe decd. - one quarter of a dollar to each of them and to be their part in full of my estate.- -2- 10thly. - I give and bequeath to my grand sons George Master and John Masters one half a dollar to each of them to be their part in full of my estate. 11thly. - I give and bequeath to my two grand sons John Stirewalt and Henry Stirewalt one dollar to each of them to be their part in full of my estate.- 12thly. - I give and bequeath to my grand daughters Catherine Barger wife of Jacob Byerly - Elizabeth Berger wife of Andrew Holshauser - Margaret Berger and Leah Berger the sum of ten dollars to each of them to be paid by my son Henry Berger within two years after my decd. - to be their part in full of my estate. 12thly. - And all my property that is not mentioned in my will, I allow it to be sold by my executors and the money arising there - from all debts due to me after all my honest debts are paid I allow the balance to my wife to dispose of it as she thinks proper. - And lastly - I do constitute and appoint my son Henry Berger and my grand son Henry Berger my executors of this my last will & testament and I hereby revoke & make void all other wills that I hereof made before this time and I hereby ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will & testament, in witness thereof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this third day of February one thousand, eight hundred and nineteen- George H Berger (Seal) Signed sealed & acknowleded in the presence of Robert Morgan Abraham Siffart Peter Eldlman Note: Will probated May Court, 1820 Rowan County Vol 1.1,page 3 ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file.