Fortune-Melton-Rollins Family Cemetery, Rutherford County, North Carolina USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Compiled by Bill Floyd ( Copyright, 1997 W.D. Floyd For name searches of this index, use the "Find" or "Search" feature of your browser. THE FORTUNE -MELTON-ROLLINS FAMILY CEMETERY FMRC Copied by Mrs. Lucy Fortune Ellis, Rt. 2 Bostic, NC This cemetery is located in Golden Valley, Rutherford County, NC, six tenths of a mile South of the intersection of highway 226 and the Sunshine Road # 1006 at Bulter's Store, and several hundred yards off the West side of the Sunshine Road #1006. This family cemetery was on the land of John Melton, later that of his son, John Martin Melton,and then a grandson, Julius Fortune. It is now owned by his grand-daughters,Mary F. Geer and Lucy F. Ellis. There are 71 graves, with 9 of them being slave graves. Many of the graves are just marked with field stones. Graves that have tombstones with names: John Melton aged 64 years Died 14 May 1813 Sarah Melton aged 87years Died 27 Feb 1836 Katherine Melton Feb 14, 1791 Aug. 24, 1881 Elijah Melton, 57 years4 mo. Died Feb 1, 1851 Melton ? 1843 Infant son of ? John Martin Melton 20 Sept. 1795 3 May 1877 Louranie Melton 22 March 1811 15 June 1898 Sarah Lucinda Melton Fortune aged 23y,1m,10d Died 7 March 1853 Julius C. Fortune, 9 Nov. 1852 7 March 1926 Mary I. Fortune 3 Aug. 1855 12 Nov. 1903 T. Gray Fortune 1 Oct. 1882 8 June 1883 Infant Fortune son of Julius Died 18 Feb 1894 Nancy L. Fortune, aged 5y,3m,9d. Died 15 Nov 1854 J.M. Mode, 21 Oct. 1843 17 Sept. 1922 Huldah D. Mode, 17 Aug. 1833 22 March 1920 Rev. B.E. Rollins 25 Dec 1825 22 April 1879 Mary L. Melton Rollins 9 Oct. 1836 1 Oct. 1901 Kate L. Rollins 25 Aug. 1875 23 Dec1903 C. Zeno Rollins 11 Dec 1872 19 Dec 1899 Zubia F. Rollins aged 4m,23 d. Died 22 Nov 1855 Adelmus S. Rollins aged 6 days Died 4 Jan 1857 H. Coran Rollins 26 June 1853 21 Feb 1881 Octavia Zennie Rollins Calton 1 Oct. 1881 Melton,Infant 12 Nov. 1856 Mary K. Melton 8 Nov. 18? John H. Grayson 18 June 1808 5 April 1851 D.W.M.G. Died 2 March 1841 B.G. 1829 M.V.G. 4 Jan 1844 S.M. 17 Sept. 18?? M.M. W.C. Melton Died 23 Dec 1843