Glover Cemetery, Rutherford County, North Carolina USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Compiled by Bill Floyd ( Copyright, 1997 W.D. Floyd GLOVER CEMETERY By W. D. Floyd This cemetery is located about two miles from Ellenboro, NC off the Hollis Road. After you get to the bottom of the hill about one and a half miles out of Ellenboro. I think it is the first driveway to the left before you get to the top of the next hill. The cemetery is a hundred or so yards down the driveway. You can’t miss it if you have the right driveway. I was there October 13, 1997. There are about a dozen graves marked with field stones. THE SURNAMES BRIDGES, EDWARDS, ELAM, GLOVER, GOFORTH, MCDANIEL Elam, Dorcas Glover September 2, 1896 March 18, 1972 Bridges, Leonard 32y, 7m, 13d July 12, 1858 Edwards, Mary A. 33y, 3m, 14d June 7, 1870 Edwards, James M. May 8, 1830 October 13, 1885 Edwards, Joseph C. July 7, 1868 August 23, 1885 Edwards, Bunyan B. June 6, 1870 July 30, 1915 Edwards, Fannie G. January 17, 1875 March 20, 1959 Glover, J. Hoyle April 23, 1887 September 16, 1978 Glover, Josie B. Roberson January 22, 1870 October 23, 1930 w/o JEG Glover, James E. November 30, 1859 March 17, 1928 Glover, Ellen Bridges February 11, 1862 December 27, 1883 w/o JEG McDaniel, Sarah F. April 26, 1866 November 26, 1886 McDaniel, James Craton June 22, 1860 March 1, 1935 McDaniel, Byron Olof July 22, 1893 August 29, 1894 McDaniel, Susan Melton January 6, 1873 January 4, 1897 Bridges, Wiley March 11, 1806 June 23, 1891 Bridges, Elizabeth February 6, 1814 June 18, 1892 w/o Wiley Glover, Sallie September 16, 1882 July 26, 1895 d/o James Goforth, Infant September 4, 1922 d/o JHG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HomePage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These pages and information thereon are not to be reproduced in any form for profit or distribution without the permission of W. D. Floyd © Copyright 1997 Be in Touch