GOLDEN VALLEY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, Rutherford County, NC USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Compiled by Bill Floyd ( Copyright, 1997 W.D. Floyd For name searches of this index, use the "Find" or "Search" feature of your browser. GOLDEN VALLEY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN GVB To get to this church you need to go west on highway NC226 past the Golden Valley cross-roads. Go about 2 miles or until you come to a junkyard of "heavy equipment" on your left. By heavy equipment, I mean motor graders, earth movers, and bulldozers. The road that you want is on the left just past the junkyard. If you pass the Camp McCall road, you have gone too far. After you make the left turn, you will need to go a couple of miles out this dirt road and you will find the little church on your left. This inventory was done on February 6, 1997. THE SURNAMES COCHRAN, FRANKLIN, POWER, SMAWLEY, UPTON, WILSON, YELTON Upton, Louise Yelton February 13, 1923 June 8, 1949 Franklin, Infant Franklin, Infant Smawley, Herman March 6, 1900 September 5, 1981 Smawley, Paul September 6, 1895 December 20, 1967 Smawley, Joseph M. October 30, 1853 March 5, 1931 Smawley, Sarah L. November 25, 1864 June 10, 1937 Smawley, Rosa Lee March 6, 1898 July 23, 1965 Wilson, Hazel Cochran c1916 ------ Wilson, Claude B. c1910 c1994 Cochran, Gladys "Peggy" ------ January 30, 1958 Cochran, Mary Ellen February 26, 1887 March 7, 1920 Cochran, Avery June 11, 1881 November 20, 1965 Power, Lois Cochran July 23, 1914 ------ Power, Garnett G. April 22, 1921 December 24, 1967 Yelton, Virgil April 3, 1921 January 23, 1922 Yelton, Evelyn November 16, 1919 September 2, 1980 Smawley, Sarah Lee March 29, 1920 April 2, 1980 Smawley, Lucy Helen April 26, 1918 October 4, 1962 Smawley, Elsie Marie June 12, 1921 April 6, 1934 Smawley, Mabel Snead September 21, 1887 January 20, 1971 Smawley, Omar Fillmore June 23, 1891 October 3, 1970 15, 1970 Brindle Joseph June 12, 1837 April 15, 1917 Brindle, Joseph June 8, 1837 July