Rutherford Memorial Cemetery, Rutherford County, North Carolina USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Compiled by Bill Floyd ( Copyright, 1997 W.D. Floyd RUTHERFORD MEMORIAL CEMETERY By W. D. Floyd This cemetery is just south of Chase High School. It should be easy enough to find by following the signs to the school and then looking a little more to the south for the cemetery. I started this inventory October 29, 1997. The cemetery is in sections or “gardens” and I am going to have the garden name at the start of each section and then every where else I will just use the first letter of the garden name and I will call them sections. THE SURNAMES ADAIR, ADAMS, ALCORN, ALDRICH, ALDRIDGE, ALEXANDER, ALLE, ALLEN, ALLEY, ALLISON, AMOS, ANTHONY, ARROWOOD, ASHE, ATKINS, ATKINSON, AUSTIN, AYERS, BAILEY, BAKER, BALLENGER, BARNES, BAYNARD, BEAM, BEASON, BEAVER, BEHELER, BIDDY, BIGGERSTAFF, BISHOP, BLACK, BLACKWELL, BLAND, BLANTON, BOHATY, BOND, BOONE, BOWEN, BOYLES, BRADLEY, BRANNON, BRIDGES, BRIGMAN, BRITT, BROOKSHIRE, BROWN, BRUEGGE, BRUMFIELD, BRYANT, BUCHANAN, BUCKALOO, BUFF, BULLOCK, BUMGARDNER, BURDIN, BURGESS, BURLESON, BURNETT, BURNETTE, BURNHAM, BUSHONG, BUTLER, BYERS, CABANISS, CALDWELL, CALHOUN, CALLAHAN, CALVERT, CAMPBELL, CAMPFIELD, CANNON, CARPENTER, CARROLL, CARSWELL, CARTER, CARVER, CASH, CASSADY, CHAMPION, CHILDERS, CHILDRESS, CLARK, CLAYTON, CLEMMER, CLINE, COBB, COFFEY, COLE, COLLINS, CONDREY, CONNER, COOPER, COSTNER, COVINGTON, COX, CRAIG, CRAWFORD, CRAWLEY, CROCKER, CROTTS, CSOKA, CUDD, DALE, DANIELS, DEBRULE, DEDMON, DEECE, DEESE, DEYTON, DILL, DILLS, DOBBINS, DOGGETT, DOTSON, DULA, DUNCAN, DURHAM, DYER, EAKER, EARLEY, EARLS, EDWARDS, ELLIOTT, ELMORE, ENSLEY, EPLEY, EPPS, ERVIN, ESTEP, EVANS, EVERIDGE, FARINELLI, FARMER, FIORITO, FISH, FISHER, FITTS, FLYNN, FORTUNE, FOWLER, FRADY, FRANCIS, FRAZIER, FREEMAN, FUNDERBURKE, GALLOWAY, GARVIN, GAULT, GEENE, GEER, GIBSON, GILBERT, GILLESPIE, GIVENS, GLAWSON, GLICKMAN, GOBLE, GODFREY, GONZALEZ, GOODE, GORDON, GOSEY, GOWENS, GRANT, GRANTT, GREEN, GREENE, GRENLEE, GRENWAY, GUFFEY, GURLEY, HALL, HAMES, HAMMETT, HAMRICK, HANEY, HARDIN, HARDWICK, HARGETT, HARMON, HARRILL, HARRIS, HARVILL, HAWKINS, HAYNES, HEAD, HEISEY, HENDERSON, HENSLEY, HENSON, HERRING, HESTER, HICKS, HILL, HINES, HOGAN, HOLLAND, HOLLIFIELD, HOLMES, HONEYCUTT, HORNE, HORTON, HOWELL, HOYLE, HUCKABEE, HUDSON, HUGHEY, HUMPHRIES, HUNT, HUSKEY, HUTCHINS, HYDER, INGLE, ISREAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JENKINS, JENNINGS, JOHNSON, JOHNSTON, JOLLEY, JONES, KANIPE, KAY, KEETER, KELLER, KELLY, KENDRICK, KENNEDY, KIMBRELL, KING, KISTLER, KNOX, KOSLOSKI, KUYKENDALL, LAMB, LANCASTER, LANDIS, LANE, LANGLEY, LAUS, LAWLER, LAWS, LAYNE, LEDBETTER, LEE, LEWIS, LIMA, LLOYD, LOGAN, LOMINAC, LOVELACE, LOWERY, LUCKADOO, LYDA, LYNCH, MAHAFFEE, MANESS, MARLOWE, MARSHALL, MARTIN, MASK, MASON, MATHIS, MAUNEY, MAXEY, MAYNOR, MCBRAYER, MCCOMB, MCCOMBS, MCCRAW, MCCURRY, MCDANIEL, MCDEVITT, MCENTIRE, MCFALLS, MVFARLAND, MCGINNIS, MCGUIRE, MCGUIRE-COWAN, MCINTURFF, MCKINNEY, MCSWAIN, MEDFORD, MELTON, MICHAEL, MICHALOVE, MILLARD, MILLER, MILLS, MISJA, MITCHELL, MODE, MOORE, MORGAN, MORRIS, MORROW, MOSLEY, MOTT, MURRAY, MURRELL, NANCE, NANNEY, NEAL, NEWTON, NICHOLS, NISCHWITZ, NIX, NODINE, NORMAN, NORRIS, NORVILLE, OLIVER, OWENS, PADGETT, PAGE, PAINTER, PANNELL, PANTHER, PARKER, PARRIS, PEAESON, PEARSON, PENNINGTON, PETERSON, PHILBECK, PHILLIPS, PIERCY, PIES, PINSON, PINTUFF, PLOTAST, POLAND, POPE, POTEAT, POTEET, POWELL, PRICE, PROPES, PRUIETT, PUTMAN, PYE, PYLE, QUARLES, QUEEN, QUINN, RABB, RADFORD, RAINWATER, RAMSEY, RANDALL, RAY, RAYBURN, REINHARDT, REYNOLDS, RHYMER, RICE, RIDINGS, ROACH, ROBBINS, ROBERSON, ROBERTS, ROBERTSON, ROBINSON, ROGERS, ROLLINS, ROME, ROSS, ROWE, RUPPE, RUTLAND, SARRATT, SCHAFFER, SCOGGINS, SCOT, SCRUGGS, SEAY, SEGERS, SERES, SHEHAN, SHERLIN, SHEW, SHORT, SHYTLES, SIGMON, SILVERS, SIMMONS, SIMONS, SIMPSON, SISK, SMART, SMITH, SNYDER, SORGEE, SPAKE, SPEARS, SPLAWN, SPRATT, SPROUSE, STACEY, STACY, STAMEY, STANLEY, STEPHENS, STEWART, STREET, STRICKLAND, TALBERT, TATE, TAYLOR, TEASTER, TESENIAR, TESSENIAR, TESSNEAIR, TESSNEAR, THOMAS, THOMPSON, TIPTON, TOMS, TONEY, TROTTER, TROUT, TURNER, VAMBAKETES, VANCE, VASSEY, VESS, VICKERS, WALDROP, WALKER, WALL, WALLS, WALSH, WARD, WARLICK, WATERS, WATKINS, WATTS, WEASE, WEAVER, WEBB, WEBSTER, WEESE, WEIBERG, WELLS, WEST, WHEELER, WHITE, WHITLOCK, WILKIE, WILKINS, WILLIAMS, WILLIS, WILSON, WOFFORD, WOMACK, WOMICK, WOOD, WOODS, WRIGHT, WYATT, YELTON, ZELINA, ZERBACH APOSTLE GARDEN Reinhardt, Navoid August 30, 1923 January 27, 1996 WW II Reinhardt, Hattie Dobbins April 27, 1924 McComb, Michael J. c1933 ------ McComb, Angela F. c1934 c1997 Scot, Clarence December 28, 1927 August 4, 1993 WW II Spake, Frances Cline January 20, 1934 October 31, 1989 Cline, Cecil Mills c1913 c1996 Cline, Margie Ashe c1913 ------- Cline, Robert Gene c1935 ------- Cline, Etta Mae Wease c1926 c1994 Butler, Leroy B. February 16, 1926 January 15, 1990 WW II Butler, Evelyn Lewis May 21, 1930 ------- Owens, Howard C. c1911 c1984 Owens, Mallie M. c1915 ------ Williams, Macon McClain January 18, 1908 November 18, 1977 WW II Williams, Grace H. c1909 c1983 Hamrick, M. Furman July 14, 1882 February 3, 1955 Hamrick, Alma D. January 14, 1887 February 5, 1965 Gonzalez, Anne J. March 5, 1907 January 31, 1980 Csoka, Anna Orosz January 19, 1884 October 31, 1984 Hamrick, Roland Bunyan July 3, 1894 October 25, 1967 WW I Hamrick, Thelma Robbins October 11, 1898 August 14, 1989 Webster, R. Hoyle c1895 c1972 WW I Webster, M. Lou c1901 c1960 Stewart, Ruth Webster c1903 ----- Stewart, Howard S. c1908 c1979 Hicks, Arthur W. July 22, 1909 June 2, 1967 Hicks, Maggie B. October 3, 1908 July 21, 1986 Maness, Harold Dean November 28, 1934 June 3, 1968 Maness, Frieda M. January 13, 1941 ------ Maness, Euin Elbert January 5, 1900 December 14, 1966 Maness, Hattie Shields September 8, 1900 December 24, 1986 Powell, Effie E. October 1, 1891 January 9, 1919 Powell, Broadus D. March 13, 1897 December 10, 1979 Poland, Gregory Franklin November 4, 1967 September 10, 1993 Brigman, Imogene Stamey c1945 c1997 Temp. Herring, Beverly Kaye June 20, 1969 February 23, 1990 Kelly, T. F. c1917 ------- Kelly, Violet Hill c1923 ------ Hll, Jake P. May 18, 1884 March 5, 1968 Hill, Norma P. March 25, 1890 March 25, 1964 Powell, Lillie C. c1908 c1984 Powell, Amos D. July 19, 1928 May 10, 1953 WW II Powell, Mitchell D. March 21, 1951 October 20, 1978 Harris, Jack January 31, 1931 January 29, 1991 Davis, Connie Kennedy c1959 c1987 Haynes, Virginia Laws August 13, 1920 September 9, 1991 Laws, Jackie Norris May 17, 1946 June 27, 1986 Newton, Juanita Hall c1939 ------- Newton, Robert Ivey c1920 c1996 Mauney, Lona Bell Green c1929 ----- Mauney, James Horace c1928 c1982 Stamey, Peggy J. c1953 ------- Stamey, William D. c1951 c1996 Stamey, William Michael October 9, 1971 January 1, 1992 Jones, Joseph Lawson c1933 c1992 Jones, Mavis Cannon c1930 ------ Neal, Louis P. c1891 c1947 Neal, Ida B. c1891 c1978 Cassady, Henry Gibbs c1913 ------- Cassady, Evelyn Mathis c1920 ------- Plotast, Karl Edward February 18, 1916 March 8, 1993 WW II Nance, James Matthew September 19, 1985 Edwards, William A. July 24, 1935 May 15, 1994 Edwards, William J. February 25, 1903 December 6, 1961 Edwards, Seenia T. July 21, 1903 September 24, 1986 Covington, Ralph E. June 22, 1905 August 14, 1955 Covington, Pearl P. December 22, 1913 ------ Beaver, Louise Earley c1928 ------ Beaver, Russell Lee c1933 c1991 Jennings, Eddie Billy Carol June 12, 1950 August 27, 1969 Jennings, Mary Ella C. c1931 c1980 Jennings, Billy JOe c1932 c1979 Jennings, Nellie C. c1911 ------- Jennings, Eddie T. c1909 c1988 Jennings, Eddie Clint March 22, 1981 s/o Eddie Jennings, David Eugene c1935 c1997 Temp. Silvers, Lawrence August 9, 1939 May 27, 1993 Alley, Charles Bruce c1940 c1991 Alley, Louise Whitmire c1941 ------- Morris, Ralph May 28, 1927 April 25, 1983 Korea Jones, Lee M. April 6, 1933 October 26, 1993 Alley, Oscar William, Jr. May 11, 1929 ------ Alley, Doris Arrowood September 28, 1931 March 23, 1995 West, James Wilborn, Sr. July 6, 1915 January 15, 1958 Humphries, Graham July 16, 1924 February 24, 1983 Lowery, Joel Douglas March 9, 1943 June 9, 1981 Lowery, William Furman June 20, 1920 July 29, 1985 WW II Alley, Henry, Jr. April 15, 1933 July 29, 1956 Alley, Caroline H. c1901 c1957 Alley, Henry L. c1907 c1959 Lee, Ethel Alley c1912 c1985 Alley, Charles L. December 15, 1926 August 22, 1954 WW II Bradley, Ray D. c1905 c1989 Bradley, Baker c1899 c1979 Bradley, Bertha W. c1905 c1996 Bradley, Blake B. c1897 c1979 Lowery, Linda April 27, 1940 October 3, 1944 Lowery, W. Jennings c1949 c1968 Wells, Ann Dalton c1917 ------- Wells, John Freeman c1915 c1991 Putman, Mary J. c1912 c1990 Putman, Thomas A. c1902 c1994 Stacey, Bernie Wilson c1914 c1996 Stacey, Albert Hugh August 26, 1919 October 12, 1982 WW II Nanney, Reba Wilson July 20, 1945 July 16, 1989 Quarles, Joseph c1918 c1997 Temp. Watts, Louella C. c1875 c1986 Watts, Julius H. c1919 c1982 Whitlock, Annie W. c1918 ------ Craig, Loyd Walter August 11, 1911 August 21, 1996 Craig, Virginia Tate August 30, 1922 ------ Rollins, James J., Jr. May 29, 1918 January 7, 1994 WW II Rollins, Clara Lee c1919 c1997 Blanton, Virginia L. October 26, 1919 February 9, 1989 Page, James Thomas August 4, 1927 March 9, 1955 WW II Goode, Carthul Jennings February 21, 1909 November 24, 1979 WW II Goode, Mary E. Henderson c1911 ------- Earls, Forest Jennings March 29, 1930 September 5, 1975 Korea Earls, Katherine Harrill c1936 ------- Padgett, Sherman Harrill c1910 ------- Padgett, Kathleen Turner c1912 ------- Head, June Peck December 8, 1942 September 30, 1978 Wilson, Alva Lockman August 30, 1908 May 11, 1983 Wilson, Morris M. August 25, 1910 September 11, 1974 Lane, Dallas M. May 9, 1921 November 10, 1994 WW II Lane, Helen B. October 16, 1921 -------- Givens, Daisy J. c1906 c1996 Givens, Baxter C. c1902 c1981 Blanton, Noram G. c1909 c1977 Blanton, John B. c1916 c1982 Ayers, Mleta Givens c1907 c1988 Ayers, James Carl c1902 c1994 Williams, Jerry M. c1948 c1993 Farmer, Monte Wilson July 30, 1920 September 3, 1987 WW II Hoyle, C. Jeffery May 21, 1960 December 30, 1960 Hoyle, Rosie W. c1912 c1983 Hoyle, Grady T. c1913 c1995 Segers, Carl A., Sr. c1909 c1997 Moore, Susie P. c1918 c1994 Barnes, Charles Buddy, Jr. December 28, 1959 February 24, 1991 McCurry, Charles c1918 c1967 McCurry, Estelle c1916 c1980 Harris, Billy Bruce March 30, 1942 April 26, 1989 Harris, Hazel Byers August 23, 1944 ------ Byers, Irwin E. c1917 c1996 Byers, Julia H. c1915 c1985 Farinelli, August A. c1905 c1987 Farinelli, Fay Sekulski c1907 -------- Pinson, Stephen Reid February 9, 1948 September 12, 1992 Vietnam Arrowood, Fred, Sr. January 19, 1917 February 7, 1989 Buff, Susannah R. August 23, 1889 September 17, 1965 Robinson, Martha G. c1893 c1961 Robinson, James C. November 14, 1888 June 10, 1957 WW I Head, Clara Robinson May 30, 1895 January 25, 1978 Fortune, Harbert L. January 21, 1872 November 18, 1960 Fortune, Jennie G. August 26, 1882 September 7, 1958 Lewis, Worth T. c1909 c1994 Lewis, Evelyn Tanner c1908 c1994 DeBrule, Nellie Head c1910 c1991 DeBrule, George Palmer c1910 c1972 Hoyle, Georgia Fortune April 15, 1907 September 16, 1995 Tate, Helen M. August 15, 1917 -------- Tate, Paul E. January 12, 1910 March 27, 1967 Black, Victoria Jones c1913 c1992 Black, Fitzhugh Lee c1907 c1987 Padgett, Corene McCraw c1927 ------ Padgett, Dock Oliver c1918 ------ Padgett, Jimmie Daisy July 10, 1895 January 17, 1963 Padgett, Dock Hick January 11, 1889 May 25, 1961 Padgett, Dorothy M. c1924 c1987 Padgett, Frank Dixon January 27, 1926 November 22, 1993 WW II Greene, Brandon Kevin September 2, 1977 s/o Boyce Greene, Gregory Boyce January 10, 1964 January 10, 1964 Walker, Robert G. c1932 c1965 Carver, Daisy Pinson c1915 c1994 Carver, William M. c1913 c1985 Robinson, Ellie M. c1897 c1988 Dobbins, Ethel Robinson March 20, 1918 ------- Dobbins, Raleigh Robert September 15, 1919 November 25, 1988 Fish, Wanda Oneida October 19, 1947 January 30, 1991 Vietnam Britt, Laura Ann May 1, 1967 December 25, 1995 Atkins, Larie Lee c1913 c1992 Atkins, Ruth Hardin c1916 c1993 Bridges, John Ricky March 22, 1960 June 26, 1988 Britt, Joshua Carl November 8, 1987 November 10, 1987 Fish, Alden Eugene c1932 c1988 Pinson, Dever Lane c1917 ------ Pinson, Rossie Huskey c1912 c1985 McEntire, William Gerald May 29, 1912 October 13, 1981 WW II Johnston, David T. December 1, 1924 June 9, 1986 WW II Arrowood, Bobby Gene April 4, 1946 June 18, 1988 Arrowood, Melvin Lee, Sr. November 15, 1944 March 21, 1995 Henderson, Leonard James c1928 ------ Henderson, Bessie McDaniel c1928 ------ Epley, Dewey December 20, 1919 April 9, 1988 WW II Jolley, Dennis Ray c1953 c1977 Duncan, Monnie Ford May 3, 1914 March 23, 1989 Holmes, Samuel E. c1915 c1962 Holmes, Estelle W. c1915 ------- Boyles, Pauline White February 11, 1917 January 8, 1993 White, Marvin G. c1906 c1995 White, Geneva H. c1907 ------- Dobbins, Robert Henry c1913 c1997 Dobbins, Ethel White c1908 c1990 Burgess, Martin V. Buren October 22, 1902 October 19, 1964 Burgess, Kathleen M. July 6, 1907 March 31, 1992 Phillips, Gorman C. August 18, 1907 February 11, 1963 Phillips, Bernice W. October 23, 1908 January 29, 1986 Head, James E. c1880 c1972 Head, Eunice H. c1881 c1971 Kennedy, Moses B. September 1, 1905 February 6, 1971 WW II Kennedy, Mable S. c1906 -------- Callahan, Nell B. August 31, 1904 July 31, 1965 Callahan, George W. December 24, 1901 July 30, 1966 Head, Nora P. c1887 c1961 Head, Louis c1885 c1986 Phillips, Howard W. July 10, 1911 June 28, 1964 WW II Black, Sara S. c1912 c1976 Black, Orland H. c1909 c1990 Holmes, Lula Mae August 20, 1898 August 28, 1979 Holmes, James A. January 25, 1879 December 13, 1964 Pinson, Alma G. c1897 c1968 Pinson, Lawrence G. c1891 c1973 Ashe, Mary Lee H. c1913 c1993 Ashe, Luther C. c1911 c1995 Sorgee, Alice O. October 17, 1884 April 9, 1962 Sorgee, J. Henry March 13, 1885 July 22, 1967 Sorgee, Irene M. c1920 ------- Sorgee, James Clyde May 25, 1921 September 19, 1971 WW II Honeycutt, Eloise S. c1910 ------- Honeycutt, Jesse W. c1905 c1975 Honeycutt, Ocie Thrift c1914 -------- Honeycutt, James Pink c1909 c1981 Everidge, John P. August 26, 1935 March 5, 1995 Wilson, Myrtle Edna February 12, 1919 ------- Wilson, G. Crowder August 25, 1917 June 2, 1994 WW II Fish, Paul Jerry February 29, 1936 April 15, 1989 BEATTITUDES James, Clarence E. c1899 c1973 James, Lola R. c1900 c1979 James, Levi c1925 c1986 James, Mildred Bradley c1925 -------- Byers, Vera Sisk May 3,1914 November 14, 1949 Byers, W. Paul December 30, 1912 February 24, 1967 Bowen, Margaret Quinn c1931 ------- Bowen, Charles George c1928 c1982 Bowen, Canary A. c1898 c1988 Bowen, Arthur c1882 c1963 Splawn, Mattie September 2, 1882 October 12, 1964 Splawn, James R. July 7, 1927 August 21, 1975 Splawn, Stossel S. c1905 c1981 Splawn, Teenie Byers c1904 c1982 Bowen, Alexander Anthony September 2, 1989 Heisey, Harold S. c1912 -------- Heisey, Anita L. c1898 c1975 Propes, William Issac August 24, 1877 August 14, 1961 Propes, Frances Pruitt November 2, 1882 December 22, 1965 Waters, Myra Greene c1907 c1987 Waters, Carl Jay c1904 c1974 Blanton, Lissie Hamrick c1899 c1990 Blanton, Rev. Marion D. c1900 c1994 Hollifield, George, Jr. January 19, 1948 August 22, 1991 Vietnam Honeycutt, Lillie H. c1894 c1977 Honeycutt, Loran D., Sr. c1893 c1956 Honeycutt, Edith Mathis c1918 c1994 Honeycutt, Howard Clay c1916 c1989 Henson, Helen H. c1919 c1972 Henson, R. Kelley c1913 c1987 WW II Dedmon, Annie Mae c1898 c1977 Dedmon, Fred Yancy c1902 c1963 Dedmon, Fred, Jr. January 10, 1930 January 27, 1930 Dedmon, Cindy Parris November 6, 1962 April 4, 1995 Huntley, Joseph Benjamin c1920 c1993 Huntley, Myrtle Baker c1922 ------ Condrey, Raymond Lee c1907 c1945 Condrey, Lois Honeycutt c1913 ------- Kennedy, Lindsay S. April 10, 1926 May 19, 1965 Honeycutt, Loran D., Jr c1925 c1961 Honeycutt, Catherine M. c1927 c1995 w/o Donald Q. Roach Goode, Charles A. c1890 c1961 Goode, M. L. “Fate” January 25, 1864 October 21, 1960 Goode, Irene Sprouse August 11, 1896 December 3, 1980 Bridges, Ruth G. c1912 ------- Bridges, Ervin E. c1911 c1986 Hill, Nellie K. June 1, 1898 March 28, 1968 Sprouse, Ruby Stanley June 12, 1904 Frbruary 14, 1997 Sprouse, John K. April 9, 1893 December 13, 1965 WW I Greene, Catherine S. c1922 ------- Greene, Albert C. October 9, 1912 March 8, 1970 WW II Greene, Tressie D. c1911 c1981 Greene, Arrie D. c1908 c1979 Allison, Charles A. c1903 c1960 Allison, Ethel P. c1908 c1966 Baker, Flora B. c1886 c1972 Baker, A. T. c1882 c1956 Baker, James Thomas, Sr. September 6, 1912 October 27, 1977 Baker, Mabel Sparks October 6, 1919 October 14, 1985 Phillips, Hazel Crowe c1923 ------- Phillips, Jack Pinkney November 3, 1922 September 26, 1981 WW II Ray, James Eddie February 12, 1946 February 10, 1986 Ray, Brenda Crowe August 14, 1946 -------- Philbeck, Charles Lester April 8, 1882 June 24, 1954 Philbeck, Etta Jolly October 20, 1884 June 3, 1970 Philbeck, Paul Dean September 26, 1954 August 8, 1986 Philbeck, Lillie Belle Sisk October 13, 1907 May 23, 1988 Conner, Charlie GOld September 15, 1916 January 2, 1990 WW II Conner, Louise Scruggs c1924 -------- Mathis, Charlie M. July 5, 1887 July 3, 1968 Waldrop, Catherine M. c1922 ------- Waldrop, T. J. c1919 c1981 Green, Samuel D., Sr. c1919 c1985 Green, Katherine Teseniar c1926 -------- Teseniar, Thomas R. c1906 c1981 Teseniar, Mattie W. c1906 ------- Teseniar, Rev. Elliott J. c1920 -------- Teseniar, Bonnie R. c1919 -------- Sprouse, Daniel Kenneth November 16, 1952 November 14, 1977 Vietnam Sprouse, Judith Diane June 9, 1960 June 11, 1960 Stanley, John C. February 12, 1910 August 5, 1963 Humphries, Alice R. April 15, 1908 May 10, 1994 Humphries, Horace R. April 4, 1908 May 29, 1963 Hamrick, Barbara Harris December 15, 1942 ------- Hamrick, Melvin T. July 24, 1945 January 26, 1995 Vietnam Snyder, Katherine M. c1894 c1971 Davis, Lula Mae c1889 c1957 Davis, Lunda L. c1889 c1960 Philbeck, Mary Sue O. c1916 ------ Philbeck, Willis Odell c1912 c1973 Deyton, Brian Travis October 7, 1971 December 30, 1982 Deyton, Maria Christine August 26, 1969 August 27, 1969 Fisher, Maggie M. c1908 -------- Fisher, George W. c1905 c1964 Beam, Tina G. c1903 c1996 Beam. Paul E. c1900 c1995 Beam. Charlotte N. c1874 c1957 Bland, Fairy Beam c1907 c1981 Deyton, Paul Eugene November 19, 1967 December 30, 1982 Deyton, Diane Radford January 11, 1947 December 30, 1982 Goode, Ernest T No Dates Goode, Grace Davis November 6, 1910 September 12, 1991 Adair, Randy Lee c1957 c1992 Adair, Pamela Melton c1960 --------- Wall, Paul A. c1910 -------- Wall, Etrula R. c1916 c1973 Baynard, Enos August 4, 1954 June 21, 1982 Baynard, James Logan January 3, 1926 November 1, 1963 WW II Baynard, Thomas J. July 23, 1903 June 21, 1957 Baynard, Sue Nanney c1903 c1992 Quinn, Joseph Earl June 14, 1932 June 4, 1983 Korea Fitts, Verda Rhea May 15, 1935 September 4, 1983 Goode, Edith Mozelle May 5, 1926 January 26, 1979 Goode, James Boyce December 12, 1924 February 26, 1980 Pye, Jackie H. March 12, 1930 September 14, 1995 Pye, Z. W. June 16, 1928 January 29, 1991 Pye, Florence B. March 26, 1910 March 14, 1993 Pye, Walker L. January 19, 1906 November 4, 1971 Arrowood, Charles Gilmer February 6, 1928 June 17, 1997 Temp. Arrowood, Effie Q. c1897 c1980 Arrowood, Millard L. c1892 c1962 Tate, Callie M. c1903 -------- Tate, Paul C., Sr. c1898 c1991 Costner, Aileen Scales June 27, 1898 February 27, 1994 Costner, C. W. September 28, 1898 April 24, 1957 Beam, Margaret H. c1924 -------- Beam, Wade C. c1928 c1996 Flynn, Bessie McEntire October 22, 1891 January 5, 1985 Flynn, Lawson Ervin June 28, 1881 November 29, 1956 Waters, John Wilbur October 23, 1920 January 6, 1966 Womack, Bate March 13, 1905 October 20, 1989 Tate, Myra Elese June 8, 1965 June 8, 1965 Nischwitz, Margareta Jochum c1904 c1994 Horton, Margot Nischwitz c1926 ------- Morrow, Nellie C. September 20, 1898 June 13, 1980 Arrowood, Gladys M. c1917 c1980 McBrayer, Reuben August 25, 1882 August 16, 1959 McBrayer, Donie B. August 13, 1883 November 15, 1956 McBrayer, Catherine E. June 11, 1912 January 24, 1981 McBrayer, Florence A. November 1, 1886 March 9, 1963 McBrayer, James W. October 21, 1915 October 20, 1995 Moore, Talmos Dee July 17, 1920 December 20, 1991 WW II Moore, Louise Norman April 22, 1920 ------- Robbins, George Landrum February 22, 1912 April 20, 1988 Robbins, Daisy B. Goode September 19, 1916 ------ Hardwick, John Philip January 30, 1927 June 27, 1995 Goode, Thomas Alan July 29, 1956 March 16, 1966 Bridges, Flossie P. c1906 c1954 Bridges, Cecil B. c1906 c1962 Morrow, Joel Ralph c1917 c1995 WW II Morrow, Macie Phillips c1921 ------- Jolley, Thelma P. c1910 ------- Jolley, Jack E. c1908 c1983 Harrill, Mattie Brandle c1905 c1996 Harrill, Simpson Edgar, Sr. c1895 c1984 Harrill, Simpson E., Jr. July 2, 1918 January 14, 1963 Tate, James Dennis c1909 c1980 Tate, Virginia Hughes c1907 ------ Sherlin, John Lee c1906 c1993 Sherlin, Vernice Dobbins c1910 c1981 Bridges, James Monte November 11, 1925 October 24, 1989 Robbins, Marty Chris c1956 c1975 Price, Belt c1912 c1990 Price, Ila Godfrey c1918 ------ Goode, Ronald Wesley September 2, 1969 Splawn, Brandy Michelle September 4, 1976 May 31, 1990 Hines, Aileen McCraw August 10, 1925 May 19, 1986 Godfrey, Aby Collins c1917 c1991 Godfrey, Claude D. c1914 c1954 Collins, Sallie L. c1878 c1963 Collins, Mark D. c1878 c1962 Painter, Forest Dean September 8, 1909 September 4, 1983 WW II Shehan, Eula D. c1908 c1990 Shehan, J. Dean c1904 c1969 Dobbins, Penora B. c1878 c1959 Dobbins, William T. c1880 c1956 Putman, Ethel Dobbins c1905 c1995 Putman, James Monroe c1904 c1996 Dobbins, Leuna R. c1914 ------ Dobbins, James Paul c1915 c1963 Miller, Ollie McK. c1887 c1972 Dobbins, James Paul, Jr. October 19, 1944 June 7, 1970 Ridings, Mack C. c1887 c1968 Ridings, Elsie c1908 c1966 Collins, Boyd “Buck” c1915 c1990 Collins, Elizabeth McEntire c1917 ------ Collins, Fletcher September 1, 1907 September 7, 1958 Dale, Claude Billy March 11, 1956 March 12, 1956 Godfrey, Gaston David February 23, 1942 March 18, 1966 Vietnam Bryant, Kay Frances September 27, 1954 October 27, 1954 Collins, Max Wade March 4, 1955 November 15, 1989 Collins, Hank L. October 2, 1956 January 31, 1968 Collins, Rhonda Kay May 18, 1954 October 17, 1958 Greene, Thos. Frank c1905 c1978 Greene, Ola White c1912 c1993 Greene, Bobby Joe May 30, 1931 December 26, 1996 Korea Norman, Kenny c1953 s/o Frank Norman, Scott c1969 s/o Frank Norman, Joey Franklin October 9, 1956 June 29, 1981 McDaniel, Woodrow W. c1918 ------ McDaniel, Ruth G. c1920 ----- Morrow, Claude B. c1893 c1963 Morrow, Doshie D. c1890 c1981 ETERNITY Weaver, Melvin Jay February 10, 1924 February 5, 1985 WW II Weaver, Alda Butler, November 7, 1927 ----- Teseniar, Quince B. c1903 c1975 Teseniar, Nellie W. c1911 c1990 Vassey, Ambrose Thomas c1874 c1952 Vassey, Hattie Maynor c1878 c1944 Vassey, Effie Mae c1876 c1961 Maynor, Henry P. c1887 c1959 Maynor, Nora H. c1892 c1967 Phillips, Joseph Will May 19, 1925 March 24, 1994 WW II Phillips, Frances Dobbins c1930 c1997 Dobbins, Dollie J. May 8, 1904 May 23, 1971 Parris, Jim G. c1874 c1954 Parris, Sarah E. c1880 c1969 Parris, Emma Myrtle April 12, 1899 July 13, 1983 Parris, Oscar L. April 15, 1901 April 14, 1964 Jackson, William Marion c1908 c1997 Hughey, Mamie Burgess June 6, 1905 June 6, 1987 Gamble, Nazie Vassey c1902 c1946 Lee, Vivian Vassey c1905 c1969 Teseniar, Sarah Alma c1911 ------ Hamrick, Ruth Bland c1924 ------ Hamrick, Charles Claude April 15, 1924 October 14, 1994 WW II Clayton, Lester Ann c1884 c1959 Clayton, J. Furman c1883 c1958 Crocker, Sudie H. c1903 ------ Crocker, Archie E. c1894 c1956 Padgett, Betty Jo February 11, 1944 November 24, 1963 Price, Romeo R. March 27, 1907 October 12, 1982 Jenkins, William Harrison June 9, 1934 February 18, 1971 Jenkins, James H. c1907 c1974 Jenkins, Eva G. c1905 c1984 Earls, Ollie Paul September 12, 1917 October 3, 1974 Earls, Shirley Adair November 23, 1916 May 6, 1987 Vassey, George Faye c1924 c1994 Vassey, Francis Dickson c1932 ------- Randall, Richard Kelly c1916 c1988 Randall, Eunice Jones c1919 ----- Parris, James Ishel c1908 c1989 Parris, Ethel McKinney c1906 c1983 Parris, James Winfred c1922 c1971 Parris, Hathleen H. c1924 ----- Parris, James Hugh August 11, 1948 September 7, 1989 Black, Earl Clifford, Jr. December 10, 1928 August 12, 1983 Melton, Maude Piercy c1901 ------ Melton, Hatcher c1896 c1986 Hawkins, Pearl Piercy c1898 c1994 Hines, Nancy Lynne June 27, 1962 June 18, 1983 Tate, Clyde William August 29, 1924 September 10, 1997 Temp. Tate, Boyce William October 3, 1951 August 4, 1996 Tate, Vance William September 26, 1974 February 19, 1997 Temp. Godfrey, T. B. “Bud” c1921 ------ Godfrey, Myrtle Collins c1920 ------ Greenlee, Joe Lane c1914 c1989 Greenlee, Marie Green c1921 ------ White, Lester L. c1897 c1975 White, Ruth P. c1907 c1993 Moore, Clifford C. c1912 c1997 Moorre, Mildred R. c1917 c1981 Silvers, Lloyd V. c1916 ------- Silvers, Anace A. c1915 c1963 Hamrick, Zeb Vance November 3, 1894 May 21, 1966 Hamrick, Worthy Jane February 10, 1897 March 3, 1955 Hamrick, David c1875 c1955 Kennedy, Lula Henson c1908 ------- Kennedy, Thurman c1906 c1981 Hall, James Ronald June 2, 1948 June 29, 1993 Hall, Josie Harris c1922 ------ Hall, Leroy c1923 c1989 Hardin, Roger D. c1952 c1973 Conner, Thomas B. October 8, 1913 September 28, 1967 Conner, Grace J. July 25, 1917 November 3, 1990 Conner, Steve Douglas July 13, 1950 June 5, 1994 Vietnam Conner, Roscoe c1911 ------ Conner, Annie L. c1916 ------ Nix, Lula Belle c1927 c1974 Nix, J. C. April 30, 1927 July 12, 1995 WW II Harrill, Grady K. March 9, 1901 January 20, 1961 WW II Ivey, Robert A., Sr. October 21, 1918 December 7, 1992 WW II Lawler, James Searcy January 27, 1923 January 12, 1981 Lawler, Carol Ann July 30, 1954 March 8, 1960 Simmons, Bert Arthur September 23, 1905 May 8, 1960 WW II Conner, Max Dean c1950 c1976 Conner, Janett Adams c1914 c1986 Conner, J. Richard c1905 c1990 Conner, Rass Everette c1908 c1991 Conner, Mildred Taylor c1923 ----- Lowery, Maggie H. c1905 c1992 Lowery, Clyde W. c1901 c1976 Duncan, Charlie M. February 20, 1894 January 30, 1970 WW I Duncan, Lucille Hill March 9, 1904 -------- Hardin, Roland Lawson December 22, 1905 October 15, 1979 Hardin, Essie Franklin April 26, 1908 May 26, 1990 Medford, Allen Reid c1953 c1997 Medford, Joy Harris c1959 ------ Cooper, Kathleen Brock c1910 c1997 Peterson, Lawrence B. March 12, 1916 November 10, 1963 WW II Peterson, Janelle I. May 27, 1921 December 31, 1994 Harris, Robert William August 19, 1930 ------ Harris, Gwendolyn Brock February 11, 1938 August 26, 1996 Ross, Felicia “Cissy” February 5, 1979 February 17, 1994 Isreal, R. A. December 4, 1904 August 21, 1976 Isreal, Inez B. March 28, 1906 June 19, 1966 Greene, Jackie Ray October 22, 1956 April 10, 1985 Greene, Tammie Michelle May 16, 1972 May 11, 1976 Clark, Clyde Darrin June 21, 1965 December 2, 1983 Poteat, Eunice Atkinson c1919 c1986 Poteat, David William c1922 ---- Scruggs, Jonnie Mintz January 1, 1926 December 6, 1980 Scruggs, Rose Seeback c1897 c1975 Scruggs, Benjamin Dewey c1901 c1986 Henson, Saly Jean c1932 ------ Henson, Neller Ree P. c1908 ------ Henson, W. Gordon c1906 c1992 Hawkins, Madelyne Scruggs c1922 ----- Hawkins, Paul Thomas c1922 ------- Short, Ella Humphries October 15, 1912 August 6, 1995 Short, Thomas B., Sr. February 24, 1916 May 14, 1982 WW II Short, Robert, Jr. November 22, 1926 December 28, 1984 Hawkins, Gilbert Scott December 23, 1964 May 8, 1989 Beheler, Katie Ann W. November 16, 1914 December 20, 1983 Moore, Bertie W. March 27, 1913 July 6, 1976 Baynard, Della Patterson c1922 c1989 Barnes, Denise Lynn February 29, 1960 January 27, 1979 Barnes, Ezma Jolley June 11, 1917 July 26, 1986 Henderson, Bertha B. c1900 c1993 Doggett, Evelyn H. February 18, 1929 August 4, 1980 Hill, Rucell E. April 29, 1928 June 11, 1975 Hill, Lloyd J. September 22, 1927 September 17, 1981 Condrey, Ernest H. c1909 c1988 Condrey, Dean Self c1906 c1978 Byers, Walter Lawrence c1928 c1987 Byers, Lucille Henderson c1933 ------- Lowery, Claude c1905 c1989 Lowery, Gracie McGinnis c1910 ------ Nodine, Luaner Wheeler c1896 c1996 Nodine, Thomas Edward c1916 ------- Nodine, Vergie Medford c1913 c1986 DEVOTION Harmon, Cynthia Gail August 12, 1957 March 23, 1966 Allen, Eugenia c1883 c1965 Allen, M. George c1886 c1961 Keller, Lillie M. c1885 c1969 Keller,Worth c186 c1946 Hamrick, Virginia Allen c1925 c1984 Hamrick, Charles Howard c1920 -------- Allen, Pearl c1897 c1961 Allen, John D. August 24, 1898 January 24, 1975 Dotson, Nell Melton c1910 ------- Dotson, Floyd Melvin c1911 c1979 Toms, Eloise W. c1922 ------ Toms, B. Helton c1919 c1980 Greene, Ruby Virginia c1922 ------ Greene, Jesse Boyd, Sr. c1919 c1986 Murray, Romeo Griffin c1905 c1980 Murray, Hazel Harris c1909 c1997 Allen, James R. April 28, 1920 February 12, 1964 WW II Allen, Frank Graham c1913 c1993 Allen, Agnes Padgette c1916 c1997 Robertson, Charlie J. c1879 c1961 Robertson, Octavia V. c1881 c1956 Allen, M. G., Jr. c1911 c1975 Allen, Virginia M. c1913 ------ Hogan, Thomas Eugene March 24, 1919 August 26, 1994 WW II Hogan, Hazel Cash c1921 ------- Cash, Broadus L. c1896 c1995 Cash, Rhoda S. c1900 c1977 Galloway, Philip W. November 6, 1948 July 3, 1976 Vietnam Galloway, James Arthur October 10, 1926 December 15, 1973 Hogan, Infant c1929 s/o WHH Hogan, Rebecca c1939 d/o WHH Hogan, Infant c1940 s/o WHH Stephens, Lana Jean February 7, 1950 February 8, 1950 d/o Jack Robertson, Carrie Daisy June 18, 1883 December 20, 1970 Robertson, Archie Bynam August 21, 1874 June 9, 1958 McBrayer, Blanche Allen c1919 c1983 Hutchins, Shirley Melton c1942 ------- Hutchins, Steve Wilson c1942 c1995 Conner, Ruby R. c1921 ------ Conner, Clyde April 7, 1914 January 6, 1975 WW II Conner, Burl David July 30, 1914 March 14, 1985 WW II Conner, Grace Henderson c1918 ------- Deece, Homer A. c1918 c1962 Deece, N. Ruth c1922 c1962 Haney, Furman John c1911 c1990 Haney, Ruth Wilson c1917 c1982 Toney, F. L. c1877 c1957 Toney, Ollie H. c1881 c1960 Hames, Forest August 25, 1904 September 23, 1976 Stephens, Jack Perry, c1927 c1982 Stephens, Ammie Lou H. c1929 ------- McGuire, Flora Hogan August 9, 1923 May 17, 1988 Hogan, Walter H. c1890 c1975 Hogan, Ruhamah H. c1897 c1967 Hogan, James Roy December 12, 1917 February 22, 1959 WW II Allen, W. Hicks c1898 c1972 Allen, Colon O. c1895 c1960 Cobb, Era Harmon c1910 ------- Cobb, W. Taft c1911 c1995 Randall, Mary Helen Cobb August 26, 1926 May 17, 1984 Randall, Hubert Glen June 23, 1923 March 27, 1995 WW II Powell, Iris Gilbert May 12, 1925 September 6, 1964 Powell, Joseph Claude July 31, 1915 September 17, 1983 Gilbert, Elsie R. c1899 c1967 Duncan, Jewel Edward January 21, 1935 May 13, 1997 Hames, Elizabeth Hogan c1927 ------ Hames, Broadus C. c1928 c1991 Henderson, James C. c1925 c1975 WW II Champion, Sue McCraw c1938 ------ Roach, Calvin c1934 ------ Roach, Ruby Toney c1935 c1988 Toney, Charlie Jackson c1907 c1994 Toney, Neoma Hudson c1914 c1983 Goode, Fred Harton August 21, 1931 November 29, 1988 Korea Melton, John Robert February 6, 1939 February 6, 1977 Melton, Claude L. October 13, 1907 October 31, 1972 Melton, Macie H. October 18, 1915 December 31, 1996 Duncan, A. Dee November 3, 1912 May 3, 1977 WW II Duncan, Ishmuriel R. c1915 c1977 Cabaniss, Davis H. c1917 c1963 Cabaniss, Mildred D. c1917 ------ Lamb, Guy W. October 5, 1911 May 21, 1965 Lamb, Virginia F. September 13, 1913 ------ Lamb, Reginald G. November 24, 1936 July 3, 1962 Lamb, Patsy G. May 8, 1938 December 26, 1970 Cobb, R. O. February 12, 1886 September 18, 1954 Cobb, Dora P. March 11, 1893 April 15, 1965 Cobb, Worth September 20, 1912 September 2, 1985 WW II McGuire-Cowan, Christopher William March 3, 1995 Elmore, Lois C. c1916 ------ Elmore, Charles H. c1911 c1976 Seres, Haylee Michelle September 29, 1992 McKinney, Carl Hugh c1909 c1996 McKinney, Alda Amos c1919 ------ Amos, Robert L. July 8, 1923 May 26, 1974 Amos, Rose E. c1923 ------ Amos, Willie c1906 c1983 Amos, Mary c1903 c1990 Hall, George W. c1883 c1975 Hall, Della N. c1880 c1963 Sisk, James F., Sr. January 29, 1912 June 14, 1993 WW II Sisk, Kathleen Hall December 6, 1919 ------ James, N. J. November 17, 1923 March 22, 1962 WW II Carpenter, W. Paul January 30, 1892 September 2, 1964 Carpenter, Dora H. April 7, 1892 January 3, 1964 McDaniel, James Reuben c1920 c1993 McDaniel, Wynelle Price c1921 ------ Bryant, Rev. B. Fred c1915 c1979 Bryant, Floris C. c1916 c1979 Bryant, Kenneth Coleman May 5, 1934 March 4, 1996 Weese, Claude Frank September 23, 1920 July 17, 1996 WW II Weese, Lydia M. c1906 c1962 Weese, David T. c1907 c1994 Melton, Edna James c1909 ----- Melton, Horace Milan c1906 c1969 Hall, George W., Jr. April 25, 1913 October 29, 1983 Gilbert, Shirley Greene c1935 c1974 Greene, Victoria White c1903 c1993 Greene, Clyde Hoey December 15, 1903 July 31, 1956 WW II Seres, Joseph Albert June 26, 1932 November 1, 1989 Korea Seres, Dorothy Sue c1932 ------ Seres, Joseph S. c1957 c1972 Jones, Earl c1902 c1994 Jones, Agnes L. c1897 c1991 McEntire, Dewey V. January 2, 1913 Janaury 23, 1971 McEntire, Ambrose December 21, 1905 January 24, 1961 Rowe, Elmer F. January 18, 1939 November 3, 1957 McEntire, Audrey T. August 1, 1910 October 14, 1970 Burgess, Jesse L. c1911 c1970 Burgess, Fannie H. c1914 ----- Holland, Walter E. c1903 c1957 Holland, Macie P. c1909 c1990 Kay, Emma March 23, 1903 May 12, 1928 Allen, Jobie May 20, 1872 April 20, 1927 Allen, Harriett Briggs March 27, 1881 May 13, 1967 Rice, Rev. J. S. c1906 c1968 Rice, Ethel A. c1904 c1970 Melton, Howard L. c1910 c1972 Melton, Selma S. c1910 c1987 Melton, Marlin E. c1899 c1987 Melton, Belle G. c1895 c1980 Wright, John L. c1903 c1981 Wright, Virginia B. c1911 ----- Shytles, Lydia Alford c1913 c1991 Shytles, Forest Fay c1908 c1987 Toney, Mary Harris July 29, 1917 April 30, 1993 Pope, Baby Boy December 14, 1969 Allen, G. E. May 1, 1911 July 15, 1997 Temp. Allen, Donna Jean November 8, 1948 d/o GEA Burnett, Mavis Mc. c1907 c1980 McEntire, William W. c1879 c1975 Lynch, Mozelle Bridges c1912 c1984 Lynch, Claude Emerson c1912 c1995 Lynch, Waldo c1889 c1959 Lynch, Cordie c1895 c1976 MIllard, Janie Stanley April 18, 1932 April 28, 1987 Piercy, Loyd D. c1913 c1974 Piercy, Edith R. c1918 c1993 Alle, Albert Lawton December 4, 1912 February 22, 1996 Bushong, Albert B. March 3, 1894 January 9, 1978 WW I Bushong, Estelle K. c1901 c1994 Wilson, Gregory Knox March 31, 1950 January 20, 1989 Shytles, George Russell August 31, 1906 December 12, 1984 Shytles, Pearl Neal April 26, 1908 May 18, 1965 Robertson, Azalee Greenway January 31, 1927 October 11, 1971 Newton, Howard J. September 12, 1925 September 15, 1963 WW II Fisher, Marguerite R. October 25, 1927 December 8, 1960 Fisher, William L. November 18, 1923 january 14, 1981 Allen, Ruby Joyce April 7, 1945 d/o ALA Bland, Helen W. c1902 c1997 Bland, Robert C. June 1, 1896 September 22, 1968 WW I Spratt, Robert R. August 8, 1914 September 26, 1978 WW II Bishop, Dovie Ann c1889 c1965 Bishop, Thomas M. c1892 c1969 Neal, Ruby R. c1912 c1968 Neal, Maude G. c1896 c1972 Holland, Herbert R. c1896 c1968 Holland, Beulah M. c1896 c1957 Woods, Bessie Allen c1899 c1991 Davis, Rev. Paul c1904 c1970 Davis, Lela Allen c1906 c1984 Allen, John Lloyd October 25, 1908 September 26, 1987 Ww II Maxey, Eliza Susan August 23, 1893 February 1, 1981 Maxey, Stacy E. September 30, 1909 April 29, 1970 Maxey, Grace R. August 9, 1909 July 31, 1976 Bland, Jack H. c1906 c1980 Greenway, Jim July 17, 1905 November 18, 1958 Greenway, Mary C. September 8, 1905 March 7, 1986 Lovelace, Onzie G. c1907 c1958 Lovelace, Carrie D. c1894 c1967 Seay, Mollie M. c1892 c1975 McFarland, Pantha Almina Wilson June 7, 1857 August 31, 1939 Schaffer, Annie V. c1869 c1963 Schaffer, Raymond L. April 1, 1894 October 14, 1968 WW I Horton, Roy H. c1909 c1970 Horton, Gene H. c1917 c1989 Bishop, John M. October 14, 1894 October 10, 1964 WW I Hames, Lorena C. c1910 c1981 Hames, Gary I. c1905 c1970 Phillips, Janie P. c1908 c1989 Phillips, Clifford D. c1907 c1978 Womack, Rena H. c1901 c1989 Womack, Morgan H. c1897 c1970 Womack, Inez G. c1927 ------ Womack, James c1923 ----- Coffey, Brian Keith January 15, 1957 December 11, 1973 Coffey, John Carlton January 30, 1934 December 16, 1995 Gillespie, Ruth Culbreth April 14, 1913 October 20, 1989 Lancaster, Essie Hyder c1897 c1965 Lancaster, Zeno B. c1892 c1979 Lancaster, Clyde D. February 3, 1919 February 6, 1984 WW II Robertson, Ada G. c1914 ------ Robertson, Major C. c1904 c1973 Smart, Ruth Mitchell c1918 ------- Smart, Thomas Oliver c1908 c1972 Smart, Genna Marie May 25, 1973 d/o Steve Hames, Dorothy Snyder July 9, 1933 April 9, 1978 Hames, Hal S. May 14, 1929 October 28, 1980 Moore, Polly Scruggs May 27, 1919 October 18, 1995 Moore, John Thomas March 5, 1917 April 17, 1994 Robbins, Hezzie B. April 10, 1911 February 15, 1990 Robbins, Beatrice B. May 12, 1935 ------- Coffey, Raymond M., Sr. c1912 ----- Coffey, Grace R. c1918 c1981 Melton, Barry Keith December 24, 1964 August 1, 1971 Melton, John Dee c1934 c1997 Temp. Womack, Virgil Lee c1925 ------ Womack, Virginia Hoyle c1926 ------ Robbins, Elmer L. c1906 ----- Robbins, Mallie H. c1903 c1994 Cole, Bridget Danielle January 22, 1994 June 28, 1994 Bridges, Edna Mott September 14, 1914 March 3, 1997 Bridges, Morris October 8, 1912 May 5, 1973 Blanton, James L. June 12, 1924 December 21, 1974 Robbins, Graham Baxter January 8, 1909 March 23, 1971 McKinney, Crayton Eugene, Jr. September 12, 1922 September 18, 1964 McKinney, Crayton Eugene August 29, 1883 April 27, 1965 McKinney, Eunice Fowler September 14, 1894 November 27, 1987 Harris, Madge F. c1904 c1974 Harris, George C. c1906 ------ Splawn, Lennie B. c1909 c1984 Splawn, Robert Shuford c1905 c1969 Splawn, Marshall Gerald October 2, 1946 July 30, 1980 Earley, Lillie Mae P. c1900 c1987 Earley, William McKinley c1902 c1973 Adair, Edisto McDaniel c1911 c1996 Adair, James Berton c1907 c1971 Grant, Virginia T. c1914 c1981 Grant, Marion T. c1910 c1972 Evans, Shirley Bradley April 4, 1936 July 3, 1995 Evans, Jonas Yates December 21, 1925 February 6, 1994 Evans, Richard Lee January 3, 1978 March 25, 1978 s/o Micheal Evans, Micheal Yates July 24, 1954 July 9, 1992 Ingle, Homer Dean c1935 c1992 Ingle, Marie Smith c1936 ------ Parris, Bryson c1907 c1975 Parris, Almeda c1920 c1983 Robertson, Paul Thomas December 12, 1920 October 4, 1990 Fowler, Charlie B. August 24, 1901 April 2, 1976 WW I Fowler, Muriel R. c1910 c1994 Carter, David Earl c1904 c1997 Carter, Connie Fowler c1908 c1985 Ingle, Annette Lynn October 8, 1971 July 11, 1988 Ingle, Daniel Lee November 29, 1978 July 6, 1988 Mode, Joe C. c1888 c1971 Mode, Alice H. c1896 c1969 Cash, Ruth Mode June 21, 1920 October 23, 1983 Willis, Burgess G. c1877 c1964 Willis, Frank B. c1909 c1986 Willis, Ellen H. c1906 c1987 Putman, Inez C. c1911 ------ Putman, G. Kenneth c1909 c1979 Burleson, Meredith Robbins c1925 c1997 Burleson, R. S., Jr. c1926 ------ McDaniel, Alice H. c1920 c1982 McDaniel, Columbus W. c1907 c1987 Allen, Gary c1953 c1996 Wyatt, George D. February 17, 1928 March 28, 1970 Spears, Essie D. c1904 c1982 Spears, Fred Albert March 16, 1923 April 1, 1978 WW II Spears, Lydia G. c1923 c1997 Wyatt, Percy R. c1902 c1983 Wyatt, Mattie T. c1893 c1977 Hammett, James Wm. c1936 c1988 Hammett, Betty Painter c1931 c1995 Toney, James Ray September 11, 1933 April 30, 1991 Korea Toney, Mary H. Sisk c1929 ------ Toney, Infant October 12, 1954 s/o James Toney, Etta F. c1904 c1993 Toney, Furman William February 6, 1893 April 9, 1976 WW I FAITH Gonzalez, Antonio April 29, 1904 December 12, 1976 Gordon, John July 14, 1896 December 2, 1972 WW I Norris, Olive J. April 24, 1874 March 23, 1963 Knox, Arey Dee March 13, 1897 February 13, 1971 WW I Marlowe, Emma F. c1905 c1994 Marlowe, Paul c1912 c1990 Ervin, Jean Padgett October 7, 1939 ----- Ervin, Doyle Pinkney June 21, 1932 June 3, 1996 Korea Burnette, Mamie Davis c1907 c1992 Burnette, Lee L. c1906 c1983 Epps, Barnie Grayson January 17, 1918 April 19, 1979 WW II Moore, Cova Whitaker c1923 ----- Moore George Ernest, Sr. c1921 ------ More, George Ernest, Jr. June 5, 1942 September 18, 1981 Earley, Eva Vassey c1913 ------ Earley, Everett George c1907 c1989 Radford, FayVette March 26, 1920 March 30, 1983 Fisher, Christine Carver July 23, 1934 ----- Fisher, Herman Jackson October 23, 1930 January 29, 1992 Wright, Estelle Dobbins c1910 c1995 Wright, James Moser c1912 c1997 Dobbins, Rev. James Ray c1945 c1994 Webb, Merland B. c1917 c1978 Harris, Aster A. April 6, 1915 May 27, 1981 Ww II Francis, Christopher Edwin May 14, 1973 s/o Charles Rice, Melbert N. March 4, 1928 March 9, 1988 Burnham, Robert Edward c1936 c1977 Korea Burham, Rozelle, Miller October 18, 1935 ------ Dobbins, Jesse Lee August 21, 1907 August 18, 1977 Carver, Claude Alexander August 2, 1908 September 4, 1991 Carver, Leora G. Reece May 23, 1911 February 4, 1990 Bailey, George Binum, Jr. June 8, 1925 September 2, 1996 Bailey, Pearl Arrowood November 20, 1920 April 14, 1994 Hester, Kenneth David March 17, 1961 December 27, 1981 McSwain, Chivous Bostic September 9, 1930 September 1, 1989 Korea McSwain, Mamie Petty December 10, 1926 January 14, 1992 Ruppe, Boyce Lee November 27, 1927 January 10, 1993 Ruppe, Viola Bradley September 29, 1906 June 8, 1985 Cash, Clyde Benjamin June 22, 1909 May 3, 1993 Cash, Gladys Padgett July 21, 1917 August 15, 1986 Cash, Randy Clyde October 17, 1951 ------ Mason, Troy Herbert c1925 c1978 WW II Mason, Mildred Burnette January 23, 1928 January 7, 1997 Carswell, John W. September 23, 1915 September 29, 1978 WW II Padgett, John Bynum c1906 c1995 Padgett, Georgia Powell c1914 c1993 Ramsey, James A., Sr. c1906 c1980 Ramsey, Nannie H. c1909 c1991 Conner, James W. c1881 c1974 Conner, Lula L. c1894 c1983 Campbell, Ocie Pauline c1910 c1991 Butler, Haskin June 28, 1902 April 20, 1977 Radford, Paul September 6, 1923 July 9, 1981 WW II Coffey, Raymond M., Jr. c1937 c1993 Coffey, Geneva Ramsey c1929 c1994 Toney, Lenora W. July 27, 1901 August 8, 1991 Toney, W. Crawford May 19, 1901 November 25, 1961 Arrowood, R. Mandy October 20, 1890 February 24, 1978 Arrowood, John Bynum April 25, 1891 March 21, 1973 Moore, Mary Frances April 23, 1932 May 7, 1991 Conner, Mildred Smith c1931 c1995 Conner, Fred c1929 ------ Padgett, Shirley Tesseneer March 22, 1943 ------ Padgett, Roy Morris November 26, 1941 July 23, 1991 Toms, Betty H. c1914 ----- Toms, James W. c1916 c1989 Tate, S. Gail Toms April 26, 1946 ------ Tate, James Harold, Sr. November 20, 1941 July 25, 1995 Vietnam Kennedy, Lawanda Kay January 12, 1958 November 27, 1963 Rome, Gregory Lynn April 4, 1951 February 2, 1971 Rome, Janie Ruppe January 6, 1926 February 5, 1995 Freeman, Sharon January 27, 1971 d/o STF Deese, Billy Wayne October 5, 1963 January 27, 1964 West, Daisy Waters c1918 ------ West, John Henry c1915 c1989 McSwain, David Earl April 12, 1925 June 19, 1973 WW II Smith, Lillian Byers July 26, 1912 February 9, 1985 Smith, Wilbert C. May 20, 1905 May 4, 1972 Adams, Perry June 19, 1926 December 26, 1977 WW Ii Splawn, Odell J. April 8, 1922 November 13, 1980 WW II Tessnear, Leona Robbins c1928 ----- Tessnear, F. Thomas c1926 ----- Robbins, Viola T. c1909 ------ Robbins, H. Archie c1908 c1978 Tipton, Magdalene T. c1912 ----- Tipton, Wm. Gaston c1907 c1986 Poteet, Sarah A. c1904 c1982 Poteet, George T. c1894 c1981 Arrowood, Vicki Hollifield February 6, 1954 March 9, 1978 Grantt, Arthur B. June 10, 1941 June 24, 1971 Francis, Billy Dale January 2, 1963 April 22, 1963 Francis, Anne Allen c1916 ----- Francis, John Perry c1916 c1959 Lowery, Clara T. c1913 ----- Lowery, Norman L. c1913 c1979 Parker, Rev. Kenneth c1931 c1992 Parker, Alpha Flack c1932 ---- Vance, James Anthony c1937 ------ Vance, Hope Bridges c1939 c1995 Turner, Herman Daniel c1932 ----- Turner, Nancy Ensley c1936 ------ Ensley, John Franklin c1911 c1979 Ensley, Ozelle Smith c1918 c1992 Williams, Donald Larry October 18, 1945 September 15, 1985 Williams, Charles H. June 6, 1910 July 25, 1978 Williams, Mary Goode December 18, 1910 September 10, 1985 Waters, W. Grady c1915 c1988 Waters, Addie S. c1915 ----- Gosey, Paul J. c1926 c1981 Gosey, Lucille H. c1925 c1982 Henson, Grady Lee April 9, 1919 March 14, 1993 Henson, Genell Holtzclaw November 8, 1929 ------ Godfrey, Charles Ricky February 8, 1949 November 29, 1975 Godfrey, Randy Dean April 26, 1964 June 14, 1987 Earls, Elizabeth Revis Walker December 25, 1897 April 15, 1991 Kennedy, Clarence J., Sr. c1905 c1984 Kennedy, Della Murray Wife c1981 m1/31/25 Vickers, J. Grover c1919 c1987 Vickers, Lillie Mae B. c1915 ------ Vickers, J. Frankie c1971 c1979 Vickers, Joseph Wm. c1947 ------ Vickers, Janice Greene c1949 ------ Ramsey, John Kingsley November 24, 1959 July 12, 1985 Smith, HOmer Howard May 17, 1922 January 17, 1997 WW II Kimbrell, Coy Caldwell May 20, 1918 May 5, 1965 Mason, Ruby Lucille February 12, 1913 February 14, 1984 Atkinson, Lela D. October 19, 1888 March 25, 1972 Hargett, Reba Wall May 3, 1922 ----- Hargett, J. C. June 7, 1921 May 17, 1994 WW II Caldwell, Jerry W. c1934 c1978 Caldwell, Brenda F. c1943 ------ Poteat, Eula Greene c1916 c1987 Poteat, William Thomas c1914 c1977 McCraw, Rebecca S. Poteat c1888 c1975 Childers, Hettie Humphries c1912 ----- Childers, Jessie Wilborn c1909 c1995 Tate, James Harold, Jr. April 19, 1965 ------ Walker, Nathan Daniel September 15, 1930 October 1, 1990 Gosey, Jimmy M. April 25, 1957 November 9, 1995 Bradley, Thomas Ray c1965 c1980 White, Morgan Leroy April 21, 1909 November 1, 1979 Webb, J. W. April 11, 1922 September 12, 1991 WW II Webb, William Roger December 16, 1941 December 23, 1986 Green, Mittie Jenkins May 4, 1905 November 1, 1987 Green, Ralph Lewis May 27, 1911 January 19, 1985 Frazier, Cophelia M. c1925 c1991 Frazier, Melvin J. c1924 ----- Allen, Virgie Harris c1911 c1995 Allen, Troy Arthur c1913 ------ Frazier, Carrie E. April 10, 1897 February 1, 1977 Frazier, John D. December 24, 1894 January 27, 1976 WW I Pearson, Willie Lee c1916 ---- Pearson, Hattie Hawkins c1920 c1989 Goble, Estelle M. c1896 c1987 Goble, Robert Lee c1886 c1981 Tate, Viola Goble c1923 ----- Tate, Harold Junior c1925 ----- Hamrick, Charles Amos February 17, 1892 December 13, 1962 WW I Hamrick, Maudie Smart c1897 c1991 Wall, William A. November 26, 1925 September 25, 1986 Wall, Dorothy Scruggs December 12, 1928 ------ Luckadoo, George Taft c1909 c1984 Luckadoo, Maggie Wise c1914 ------ Luckadoo, Judy Mae July 6, 1940 May 15, 1944 d/o GTL Rainwater, Frank c1897 c1972 Rainwater, Amy G. c1906 c1980 Murray, Elijah J., Jr. c1921 c1995 Murray, Inez J. c1922 c1980 Jones, Johnnie c1902 c1977 Jones, Esther P. c1908 c1990 Huckabee, Homer C. May 7, 1924 June 3, 1973 WW II Harris, Roscoe Timmey c1942 c1966 Smith, Henry E. July 13, 1891 June 17, 1950 Smith, Lydia S. September 11, 1895 August 11, 1974 Hensley, Burgess Gaither March 22, 1889 March 21, 1978 WW I Hensley, Pollyal Media May 21, 1898 July 11, 1982 Hensley, Narm November 30, 1922 January 19, 1968 Hensley, Ardle May 13, 1920 May 27, 1973 Hogan, Betty Lou August 15, 1932 January 21, 1968 Hensley, Sherrill March 2, 1930 March 12, 1990 Arrowood, Deodus c1912 c1955 Arrowood, Lydia c1912 c1991 Harris, Weldon O. c1898 c1986 Harris, Stella J. c1900 c1975 Harris, Gother c1927 c1982 Harris, Lucille C. c1927 c1996 Wilson, Archie c1900 c1972 Wilson, Willie H. c1901 c1985 Allen, Albert Lee c1921 c1981 Allen, Margaret Wilson c1923 --------- Wilson, Nola c1902 c1968 Wilson, Everett c1900 c1979 Stacy, Ebby Cooper c1910 c1969 Austin, Lafayette M. c1900 c1993 Austin, Nellie H. c1903 c1994 Arrowood, Muriel Robbins July 29, 1909 ------- Arrowood, Charlie Baylus April 6, 1906 June 23, 1989 Jones, Joseph Clarence April 18, 1923 July 2, 1983 Keeter, Mamie Roberts April 7, 1896 November 22, 1988 Roberts, Rose Bell c1893 c1959 Wilson, Minnie D. c1891 c1975 Wilson, Walter L. c1887 c1968 Wilson, Verna c1887 c1973 Harris, John L. May 9, 1918 September 22, 1990 Byers, Miles E. February 7, 1931 August 30, 1986 Korea Arrowood, Betty R. c1933 ------ Arrowood, Adam W. c1932 c1966 Arrowood, Helen J. c1935 ------ Arrowood, James B. c1934 c1972 Womick, Henry Hudson c1912 c1984 Womick, Edna Fowler c1919 ------- Smith, Grace Givens June 27, 1920 ------- Smith, John Nathan October 9, 1919 February 11, 1990 Wright, Mary Smith December 7, 1925 November 3, 1994 Wright, Zane Gray October 17, 1921 June 15, 1981 Bryant, Lishey K. c1899 c1986 Bryant, Tom M. c1900 c1987 McCraw, Ethel Bell February 22, 1897 December 26, 1983 McCraw, Thomas Pate March 5, 1901 May 14, 1964 Campfield, Helen Grant August 10, 1917 March 23, 1985 Campfield, Leonard Burean May 29, 1914 September 18, 1991 Grant, Irene Hensley c1921 c1989 Grant, Furman A. January 20, 1915 March 7, 1988 WW II Blanton, Mary Ellen c1934 ------ Blanton, Franklin Hugh October 11, 1933 June 13, 1987 Guffey, Daniel Lee October 10, 1937 August 3, 1994 Jones, Glen Thomas May 11, 1926 February 12, 1989 WW II McCraw, Glen Thomas May 23, 1964 March 25, 1984 McCraw, Patsy Jean Hodge December 23, 1939 -------- McCraw, Claude Woodrow June 14, 1936 December 13, 1989 McDaniel, Joseph Charles February 27, 1915 January 5, 1996 McDaniel, Katy Durham September 23, 1920 March 20, 1996 McDaniel, Samuel Charles June 10, 1941 February 21, 1984 s/o JCM Durham, Sam S. c1896 c1973 Durham, Vinia B. c1892 c1975 Thomas, Alta Durham c1918 ------ Thomas, James Edward c1914 c1988 Rollins, Willie D. August 2, 1924 July 2, 1992 WW II Rollins, Sara W. c1926 ------ Fowler, Alice Burnett c1894 c1984 Trout, Vernon Jerry, August 15, 1945 April 1, 1994 Trout, Bob J. March 14, 1912 July 5, 1983 WW II Trout, Robbie Millwood September 28, 1912 May 10, 1992 Epley, David May 21, 1941 September 23, 1997 Temp. Gordon, Max c1901 c1975 Gordon, Ora Jane November 6, 1915 August 24, 1997 Temp. Hensley, Joe c1905 c1977 Hensley, Reba N. c1907 c1970 Hollifield, Clarence Paul December 12, 1922 December 18, 1982 WW II Hollifield, Clyde E. April 25, 1920 May 10, 1979 WW II Hollifield, Vaughta H. c1897 c1976 Tessneair, Ruby Mae H. c1916 ------- Arrowood, Harold T. August 3, 1928 May 13, 1985 Korea Arrowood, Madeline Hensley April 11, 1930 September 5, 1994 Martin, John M., Sr. c1872 c1953 Kennedy, Essie Jeanette No Date November 11, 1992 Calhoun, Ethel V. c1911 c1969 Calhoun, Marion W. c1909 c1969 Calhoun, Rev. Charles T. c1928 ------ Calhoun, Carrie Epley c1925 c1982 Seay, Vada L. c1919 ----- Seay, James S. September 1, 1918 June 28, 1973 WW II Thompson, Jermany Lee March 9, 1979 s/o Tammy Frazier, Melissa D. June 14, 1974 June 19, 1974 Frazier, Letha C. c1915 c1985 Frazier, Frank H. c1913 ------ Tessnear, Emmett B. May 27, 1915 February 11, 1979 WW II Wilson, Mary Koon July 14, 1925 ------ Wilson, David Vernon October 11, 1924 May 26, 1984 WW II McCraw, Mary Durham c1926 ------ McCraw, Winfred A. c1927 c1985 Walker, Tanya Short c1967 ------ Walker, Richard Dean c1966 c1987 Harvill, Thomas Arthur c1926 ------ Harvill, Betty Jean Rye c1930 c1997 Scruggs, Glen Thomas c1928 ----- Scruggs, Orella Thrift c1929 c1993 Wilson, Margaret August 2, 1951 June 8, 1995 Melton, Estie Byers December 31, 1924 December 2, 1994 Frazier, Joseph Donald c1939 c1981 Hicks, Jimmy Douglas April 26, 1946 March 13, 1996 Laws, Joseph Daniel c1929 c1994 Laws, Charlotte Hensley c1929 ------- Hensley, George Ray, Sr. c1932 c1984 Hensley, Vivian Womick c1932 ----- Calhoun, Marion Mike October 22, 1959 December 9, 1959 Calhoun, Georhe Lee February 19, 1937 March 13, 1980 Warlick, Tate June 18, 1914 November 16, 1989 Warlick, Ann Kennedy No Dates Martin, John M., Jr. March 15, 1920 November 22, 1954 WW II Bond, Janette B. c1919 ----- Bond, Cecil D. c1917 c1957 Allen, Joseph Patrick November 17, 1933 December 14, 1996 Allen, Patricia Hollifield March 6, 1935 ----- Hollifield, Julia A. c1904 c1990 Hollifield, Joseph C. c1902 c1990 Toms, Mary Emma K. c1910 ------ Toms, C. Glen c1905 c1990 Mitchell, Rosley Dobbins c1920 c1990 Mitchell, Worth H., Sr. c1919 ----- Campfield, Martha Jane Lovelace c1930 c1988 Campfield, James Walter, Sr. c1929 ------ Frazier, Eula Conner No Dates Frazier, Clyde Thomas August 23, 1922 July 12, 1986 Melton, Gladys Ruff c1942 ------ Melton, Mark Anthony c1953 c1997 Jones, Margaret Epley c1937 c1994 Jones, Foy Lee, Sr. c1931 ----- Nix, Nora Mills c1914 c1991 Nix, Fred Marshall c1908 c1986 Mask, Alma Ford c1919 ----- Mask, Jack Bryan c1909 c1984 Mask, Grace Head September 2, 1938 July 25, 1984 Mask, William Charles, II September 10, 1985 Brookshire, Larry Dean July 17, 1959 August 30, 1992 Mask, William Charles October 29, 1957 July 2, 1991 Frazier, Richard Pearson, Jr. c1926 ----- Frazier, Vonnie Lovelace c1933 c1994 Huskey, Charles F. July 16, 1922 April 15, 1991 WW II Huskey, Ruby Norman c1923 ------- Kennedy, Paul M. c1909 c1989 Kennedy, Ollie Grant c1915 c1983 Vambaketes, Jamie Elizabeth January 11, 1981 June 13, 1983 d/o Kathy V. Horne, Melba Kennedy April 25, 1937 ----- Horne, James H. August 28, 1936 September 15, 1994 Ruppe, Ruby Lavender c1953 ------ Ruppe, Calvin Miles c1948 c1981 Hill, Roger Dale February 18, 1953 April 17, 1993 Hawkins, Argan Aldo May 20, 1910 December 1, 1984 Parker, Annie Sexton March 28, 1913 June 10, 1987 Bradley, Olen P. Teseniar Parker c1894 c1980 DeBrule, H. Josh May 12, 1927 March 25, 1986 WW II Elmore, Henry Hiram October 28, 1919 August 9, 1984 Jackson, Archie Bynum c1905 c1991 Jackson, Nola Ree W. c1906 c1971 Wall, Michael Keith June 8, 1957 February 18, 1959 Bradley, Jennie Sue c1920 c1963 Bradley, Taylor c1908 c1997 Jolley, Olema P. c1910 c1975 Jolley, Wm. Houston c1939 c1978 Jolley, Inez Street c1915 c1985 Jolley, R. B. c1912 ------ Newton, Gertrude Laws November 10, 1898 January 31, 1991 Newton, John Perlie January 25, 1902 July 17, 1987 Laws, Eva H. c1906 c1971 Laws, Zafe F. c1900 c1986 Newton, Billie Sue Waters c1933 ----- Newton, Charles Edward c1926 c1991 Tate, Anthony Kevin August 19, 1965 February 13, 1991 Campbell, Wallace W. October 5, 1914 April 27, 1991 WW II Edwards, Aylene Martin c1924 c1986 Edwards, Dewey Samuel c1923 ------ Smith, Louise Bouknight c1922 c1984 Smith, Luther Boyd c1924 --- Alexander, Arnold U. October 9, 1921 February 27, 1995 Pearson, Carrie Alexander c1932 ------ Pearson, R. Baxter, Jr. c1928 c1991 Pearson, Hansel S. October 24, 1952 May 5, 1962 Edwards, Herbert Henry June 16, 1914 April 4, 1983 WW II Edwards, Dovie Patterson c1918 ----- Burnett, Howard W. July 17, 1916 August 13, 1995 WW II Hawkins, Finette W. May 27, 1887 February 4, 1968 Gamble, Arnold Reid c1915 c1992 Gamble, Dorothy Jenkins c1921 ------- Teaster, Clyde May 28, 1925 August 17, 1981 WW II Teaster, Frances McSwain c1927 ----- McSwain, George I. c1907 c1962 McSwain, Bessie L. c1910 c1992 Ward, Cecil D’arcy c1936 c1994 Ward, Betty Teseniar c1936 ----- Hyder, D. B. c1886 c1964 Hyder, Nellie R. c1910 c1971 Holland, John David October 11, 1922 October 19, 1976 WW II Ramsey, Coy Reuben c1913 c1986 Ramsey, Edna Lewis c1911 c1988 Smith, Bernice Ramsey c1917 ------ Smith, George D., Jr. c1923 ------ Jones, Harry Blake April 23, 1909 October 7, 1959 Jones, Annie Mae February 28, 1912 ------ Simons, Edward M. January 18, 1934 December 1, 1981 Wall, Frank B. c1900 c1976 Wall, Rachel L. c1900 c1980 James, Woodrow W. January 20, 1917 September 7, 1971 WW II James, Exie W. c1920 ------- REST Cudd, Eunice E. c1906 c1987 Cudd, Paul M. c1909 c1960 Wheeler, Frankie Earley c1935 ----- Wheeler, Billy Ray c1934 c1982 Wheeler, Edna C. c1907 c1992 Wheeler, Jesse W. c1902 c1979 Hawkins, Bertie October 30, 1889 September 4, 1973 Hawkins, Elam September 9, 1885 November 27, 1961 Hall, Tarflee Nallie c1909 c1983 Hall, Lucille Kelly c1918 ------- Kelly, Florence S. c1899 c1986 Kelly, Martha Lee c1896 c1969 Ward, Dora Louise c1903 c1978 Ward, Charles Floyd c1899 c1969 Dills, Martha E. December 25, 1895 April 19, 1980 Dills, Tollie L. September 22, 1889 August 21, 1967 Jolley, Annie Jones September 22, 1897 January 17, 1990 Jolley, Game L. July 3, 1890 April 13, 1970 Jones, B. O. c1912 c1973 Crawford, Flora J. c1910 ------- Crwaford, J. Henry c1903 c1972 Harris, Elsie Jones c1906 c1992 Harris, Arthur Smith c1905 c1980 Jenkins, Betty C. c1937 ------ Jenkins, John H. April 10, 1924 January 19, 1994 WW II Crawley, Vernie P. c1905 c1978 Crawley, Cephas B. c1902 c1979 Marshall, Sadie Crawley c1922 ------ Marshall, Glen July 7, 1925 September 16, 1993 Wood, Lynne Stedman c1916 ------ Wood, Walter C. C. c1918 c1989 Hicks, Eugene Coleman June 11, 1917 November 28, 1996 Hicks, Laura McNeely April 8, 1918 january 13, 1991 Teseniar, Violet E. June 16, 1914 October 31, 1995 Alley, Robert Scott, Sr. June 25, 1969 June 5, 1994 Cox, Daniel James, Jr. January 14, 1952 September 23, 1976 Ward, John B. c1901 c1988 Ward, Mildred D. c1908 c1994 Waters, Don Patrick c1910 c1985 Waters, Memir Lane c1919 ------ Huntley, Wade Morris, Sr. December 15, 1924 May 13, 1991 WW II Huntley, Joyce Earley c1931 ------ Poteat, Ernestine Smart March 24, 1935 ----- Poteat, Robert Buddy August 5, 1938 June 29, 1995 Poteat, Eric Matthew July 26, 1979 April 6, 1993 Ledbetter, Ella B. McFarland c1930 ------ Ledbetter, John Charles c1930 ------ Ayers, Roger Anthony May 20, 1941 May 20, 1993 Neal, Barbara Ann Evans April 15, 1954 January 23, 1994 Beason, Robert F., Jr. c1959 c1985 Beason, Robert F., Sr. June 18, 1934 May 12, 1996 Korea Beason, Frances Frady October 24, 1940 ------- Scruggs, James Ralph c1913 ------ Scruggs, Morea Davis c1916 c1994 Davis, W. Gilbert c1890 c1984 Davis, Virdie J. c1894 c1978 McCraw, Lissie Raymoth c1912 c1981 McCraw, Effie Ree c1919 ------ Collins, Thomas F. c1894 c1979 Collins, Lillie Roe c1901 c1977 Collins, Inez December 23, 1928 June 12, 1929 d/o Thomas Moore, Jesse McCager September 4, 1917 January 13, 1997 Moore, Ruth Tucker June 23, 1919 April 24, 1986 Yelton, Earl December 29, 1926 April 7, 1927 Yelton, Pantha T. c1908 ------ Yelton, Floyd c1908 c1971 Yelton, Margaret McSwain March 31, 1924 ------ Yelton, Rev. James Lawson January 25, 1929 October 2, 1986 Harris, Helen Williams c1938 ----- Harris, Cecil Lee c1934 c1991 Aldrich, Gertrude W. c1922 ----- Aldrich, Frank L. May 6, 1922 July 25, 1989 WW II Aldrich, Helen P. c1917 c1996 Aldrich, Joe D. October 8, 1919 February 16, 1978 WW II Price, Pearl H. c1891 c1995 Price, Thomas J. c1886 c1968 Davis, Selma P. c1913 ------ Davis, R. Swafford c1914 c1971 Burleson, Jimmy E. September 28, 1947 April 11, 1964 Burleson, Louise B. c1927 ------ Burleson, Oscar J. c1926 c1992 Burleson, Dorothy Tate c1933 c1988 Burleson, Thomas C. c1931 c1992 Wells, Willie Mae Baber c1918 c1992 Wells, Garron W. c1915 c1990 Francis, H. Dewitt August 20, 1925 July 18, 1991 WW II Silvers, Margaret Rice c1940 c1989 Silvers, Clarence Joe c1925 ----- Wells, Zelda Coleman September 24, 1903 October 15, 1993 Earley, Sandra Kay March 31, 1951 August 20, 1986 Rayburn, Mary Ridings c1914 c1987 Layne, John Mitchell No Dates s/o David M. Layne, David M. c1871 c1941 Layne, Anna S. c1870 c1931 Logan, Brama Layne c1900 c1988 Crotts, C. Willard January 10, 1925 June 20, 1987 WW II Crotts, Ottilee Lewis August 6, 1927 December 21, 1995 Anthony, John Henry May 22, 1924 March 1, 1996 Anthony, Pearl Mitchell September 29, 1925 ------- Duncan, Jack Donald c1931 ------ Duncan, Mattie Lee M. c1919 c1977 Jones, Kenneth John c1938 c1988 Jones, Dean Mitchell c1937 ------- McCombs, Amos july 15, 1901 November 19, 1970 WW II McCombs, Lois P. c1910 c1974 Kendrick, Charles Jackson c1918 c1993 Kendrick, Alice Wilkie c1921 ------ Boone, Bertha Randolph May 7, 1912 September 18, 1985 Grant, Johnny Merman May 2, 1913 January 13, 1996 Grant, Inez McSwain June 2, 1912 ------ McSwain, Benjamin c1884 c1951 McSwain, Mamie Moore c1890 c1977 McSwain, Baby Boy June 22, 1910 Brown, Connie H. November 9, 1906 March 22, 1988 Brown, Earnest P. January 22, 1904 September 7, 1967 Jackson, Lola Bell c1898 c1963 Jackson, Carl R. c1899 c1978 Jones, Velvia Arrowood c1923 c1992 Jones, Edd Hoyle c1927 c1982 Trotter, Sarah Lee c1924 ------ Trotter, Harold S. c1924 c1968 Trotter, Pauline D. c1933 ------ Trotter, Dennis C. c1934 c1973 Webb, James Earl March 1, 1916 September 2, 1979 Korea Padgett, Euzelia Webb October 24, 1903 April 10, 1986 Padgett, Grady June 15, 1898 January 18, 1971 WW I Vickers, Lucille R. c1916 ----- Vickers, Landrum R. c1913 c1975 Vaughn, Michelle Marie Galvan August 22, 1967 September 2, 1996 Reynolds, John C., III c1964 c1996 Cobb, Ray c1923 c1988 Cobb, Virginia Watkins c1925 ------ Funderburke, William D., Sr. February 15, 1932 August 17, 1984 McCurry, Norris R. August 10, 1924 August 18, 1982 WW II McSwain, Wallace R. c1916 c1981 WW II McSwain, Sue Hawkins c1922 c1989 Dula, Timothy C. May 31, 1952 February 14, 1991 Vietnam Dyer, Linda Mae c1954 ------- Trotter, Billy Joe c1953 c1978 Greene, Joseph R. June 25, 1924 September 21, 1987 WW II Jones Eugene June 7, 1958 December 13, 1983 Frady, Arnold February 23, 1945 March 23, 1990 Vietnam Wall, Cecil Howard c1919 c1995 Wall, Ida Piercy c1923 c1983 Pintuff, Wm. Costa September 5, 1903 August 28, 1924 Pintuff, Gailey Piercy May 10, 1906 February 17, 1983 Mills, George Washington September 8, 1882 May 1, 1960 Mills, Minnie Calvert March 26, 1887 February 11, 1967 Alcorn, Charles Pinkney May 18, 1915 March 24, 1995 WW II Alcorn, Betty Fickensher c1915 ----- Clemmer, Clarence Jonas August 8, 1927 October 28, 1996 WW II Carroll, W. Van, Sr c1904 c1993 Carroll, Ina H. c1909 c1986 m12/24/36 Wease, Lillie Henson August 12, 1916 November 25, 1992 Wease, Climouse Will February 7, 1912 ------ Trotter, John Melvin October 19, 1947 May 30, 1989 Wilson, Charles T. August 14, 1923 September 8, 1991 WW II Wilson, Vera Tate February 2, 1924 October 16, 1995 Phillips, Colon J. c1923 ----- Phillips, Geirgia B. c1927 ------ Radford, Alton E. c1940 ------ Radford, Charlene W. c1942 c1971 Beason, Evelyn Smith April 16, 1919 August 14, 1994 Pies, Jan Allison June 6, 1965 November 4, 1982 Hines, Jessica Danielle October 27, 1986 Hines, Jewel Ezell May 1, 1932 February 8, 1991 Baynard, E. Leon c1924 c1992 Baynard, Margaret Byrd c1923 ------ Fowler, Harold Lee c1941 c1994 Fowler, Barbara Garren c1940 ----- Vickers, Ricky L. March 15, 1950 February 13, 1987 Vietnam Wilson, Mary A. c1922 ----- Allison, Eugene c1892 c1938 Allison, Byrd L. c1892 c1992 Thompson, Carla C. March 16, 1965 March 7, 1987 Vickers, Louise McFalls c1917 ------ Wilson, Grace R. August 18, 1916 May 9, 1981 Keeter, Mary Sansing c1926 ------ Keeter, Luther L. c1914 c1989 West, Ethel T. c1908 -------- m6/28/24 West, R. Luther c1901 c1979 Fowler, Corrine H. c1917 c1994 Fowler, Gary Dean c1960 c1980 Davis, Letha Horn January 26, 1980 McInturff, Irene Brumit c1920 c1993 McInturff, George L. December 26, 1926 June 12, 1986 Korea Gosey, Muriel Pearson August 30, 1931 ----- m7/23/49 Gosey, Fred Eugene June 25, 1930 February 19, 1993 Peaeson, Edith Ann October 3, 1933 January 3, 1990 McGinnis, James F. July 15, 1945 June 28, 1974 Norman, Terry G. March 19, 1947 June 19, 1977 Norman, Nell Smith c1924 ------- Norman, W. Jay April 9, 1918 July 3, 1993 WW II Bailey, Nancy DeBrule c1941 ------ m3/18/60 Bailey, Bobby Gene c1938 c1987 Simpson, Maxtell January 18, 1920 August 9, 1979 Dyer, Evelyn Powell c1925 ----- Dyer, Elisha Marion September 7, 1918 October 1, 1990 WW II Greene, Ronald Dean November 3, 1976 November 3, 1976 Greene, Rhonda Jean November 3, 1976 November 4, 1976 infants/o Gene Greene, Amy Michelle October 22, 1977 December 1, 1982 d/o Gene GRACE Waters, Maudie Wishion Blanton April 3, 1938 October 16, 1996 Blanton, Glenda Delores December 3, 1979 June 15, 1997 Calvert, Lewis B. c1919 c1989 Calvert, Carrie R. c1910 c1994 Calvert, Tim Maurice June 3, 1865 December 28, 1993 Padgett, Pearl Calton January 29, 1903 January 10, 1993 Grant, Max Odell c1935 c1981 Grant, Helen Ray c1937 ----- Ray, Claude R. October 16, 1902 July 27, 1978 Ray, Martha Randall c1906 c1996 Teseniar, Barney Jay c1914 c1982 Teseniar, Dolly McKinney c1921 c1990 Baynard, Johnny Edward March 19, 1963 s/o Sam Henson, Olen L. September 27, 1900 December 14, 1961 WW I Henson, Minnie R. c1905 c1993 Henson, Ray c1939 c1990 Hudson, Claude L., Jr. May 12, 1923 April 27, 1992 WW II Callahan, Elizabeth Reavis c1898 c1989 Callahan, John Wesley c1895 c1957 WW I Vess, Horace Coburn June 10, 1903 October 21, 1978 Vess, Osteen Mae July 23, 1907 June 12, 1960 Bailey, Kirvies February 25, 1897 December 18, 1956 Bailey, Dora Dean June 19, 1895 January 3, 1972 Wilson, Martha Cordelia February 15, 1877 May 27, 1958 Wilson, Arvie O. November 7, 1907 February 9, 1967 Wilson, James E. c1934 c1974 Wilson, Wilma Jean Johnson February 28, 1933 August 1, 1967 Wilson, Silas October 17, 1913 April 28, 1960 Moore, Gertrude Price c1921 ------ Moore, Jesse Lee c1914 c1996 Callahan, Jack December 28, 1924 September 10, 1965 PRAYER Scoggins, Clarence October 25, 1914 April 27, 1989 Mills, Ervin Burton March 10, 1914 September 15, 1986 Mills, Dorcas Scoggins March 17, 1923 ------- Scoggins, Virginia N. November 21, 1925 February 11, 1968 Newton, Eva H. Scoggins June 17, 1895 February 14, 1962 Scoggins, Juanita N. October 11, 1920 February 10, 1978 Scoggins, Hoyle F. March 16, 1920 February 10, 1990 Oliver, Linda Scoggins February 15, 1946 June 10, 1990 Newton, Winnie B. c1914 ----- Newton, Charlie C. c1889 c1981 Roberson, Rev. C. Roger May 22, 1943 July 6, 1997 Temp. Davis, Loren, Jr. c1931 ----- Davis, Ada Ledbetter c1942 ----- Thomas, Ernest Edward October 4,1894 May 22, 1981 WW I Thomas, Mary Buff June 22, 1885 December 20, 1973 Buff, Jessie J. September 1, 1909 August 13, 1967 Buff, Edith Ann March 11, 1898 September 12, 1987 Talbert, Robert William January 29, 1916 March 28, 1995 Talbert, Helen Jane Greene May 14, 1915 March 2, 1968 Glawson, Helen Diane c1968 c1973 Hill, Thelma Mott c1912 c1988 Mott, R. Aileen c1921 ------- Panther, Ernest c1911 c1988 Panther, Mary M. c1910 c1996 Dale, Forest Z. c1903 c1980 Dale, Lillian M. c1906 c1995 Dale, Cleatus J. May 5, 1926 May 24, 1977 WW II Humphries, Curtis A. c1964 c1968 Arrowood, Benice Harris c1929 ------ Arrowood, Thomas Clyde c1931 c1989 Humphries, Pauline A. c1911 ------ Humphries, Lassie R. c1909 c1985 Burdin, Shirley Williams c1941 c1995 Burdin, James Lindell c1943 c1996 Geer, Evelyn Buff c1938 c1987 Geer, Willie Oscar c1933 ------ Buff, Imogene Blackwell August 20, 1922 ------ Buff, Tom February 6, 1912 December 2, 1984 WW II Misja, Mark Andrew June 20, 1962 November 5, 1990 Wood, Frank O. December 8, 1913 April 24, 1970 WW II Wood, Mary C. c1917 ------ Lowery, Bruce Allen December 31, 1946 ------ Lowery, Janis Ann White February 7, 1948 October 13, 1989 Lowery, Steve E. March 22, 1949 March 6, 1969 Vietnam Smith, Annabelle Toms c1926 ----- Smith, Marvin W. “Monk” May 1, 1919 January 4, 1993 WW II Lloyd, Harold A. April 4, 1928 July 2, 1994 DeBrule, James Lee July 13, 1888 July 22, 1967 WW I DeBrule, Estella R. August 18, 1911 May 3, 1980 Rice, Elsie Beatrice September 23, 1913 February 27, 1993 Jackson, Mae Rice May 9, 1909 October 20, 1995 Stacy, Denise Burgess September 3, 1960 March 13, 1994 Lowery, Ellen Rebecca March 14, 1973 d/o Blaine Lowery, Max William August 23, 1917 November 1, 1981 WW II Lowery, Ellen Harris June 17, 1916 ------ Padgett, Grace Beheler July 31, 1912 June 10, 1984 Lowery, Charles Arter January 18, 1919 July 24, 1984 WW II Lowery, Lona Mae February 11, 1910 September 23, 1983 Hunt, Nell Lowery September 3, 1922 ------ Hunt, Marvin Wallace October 30, 1930 April 20, 1992 Gordon, I. G. c1910 c1963 Gordon, Elizabeth c1918 ------ Yelton, Lloyd Edward July 1, 1928 May 5, 1981 Yelton, Lloyd Timothy February 5, 1948 August 16, 1964 Yelton, Joyce Fortune July 21, 1929 February 21, 1984 Lominac, Loyd J. c1899 c1972 McKinney, John H., Sr. c1920 ------ McKinney, Louise Lynch c1921 c1989 Waldrop, Edward Lee January 8, 1959 March 16, 1959 Zelina, Paul M. c1914 ---- Zelina, Tiney H. c1908 c1972 Hollifield Lela L. c1895 c1975 Hollifield, W. Thurman c1897 c1969 Earley, Michael August 6, 1951 July 16, 1992 Earley, George R. c1919 c1973 Earley, Mary B. c1918 c1975 Earley, Muied F. c1893 c1962 Earley, Frances Eva S. c1888 c1983 Earley, John Lee c1915 c1990 Earley, Geneva Haynes c1920 ----- Waldrop, Clifford E. August 25, 1933 August 25, 1971 Korea Kosloski, Athony John October 26, 1924 December 5, 1995 Kosloski, Beverly Harding June 10, 1929 February 26, 1993 Buckaloo, Robert Harrison September 13, 1957 January 25, 1965 Wells, Margaret L. c1911 c1976 Wells, Glenn T., Sr. c1912 c1977 Allison, Daisy Tate c1899 c1982 Morrow, Nannie Keels November 7, 1925 ----- Morrow, Rupert J. January 1, 1914 July 2, 1975 Robbins, J. Garland c1900 c1968 Robbins, Mary Sue c1921 ------ Greene, Baxter T. January 10, 1905 July 14, 1963 Greene, Mildred R. March 7, 1903 April 4, 1973 Daniels, Charles M. December 26, 1918 January 21, 1963 WW II Campbell, Ralph Early c1920 c1992 Boone, Richard David January 27, 1942 Boone, Donna Wood January 1, 1945 September 21, 1989 Radford, Howard Lee c1919 c1996 Radford, Reva Rich c1917 ------ Radford, Pink D. January 29, 1896 August 25, 1955 Radford, Lexie B. September 15, 1895 January 23, 1985 KINDNESS Phillips, Ruby Mae E. c1924 c1974 Phillips, Howard Lee c1921 c1975 Phillips, Robert M. c1900 c1968 Phillips, Emily A. c1901 ----- Wilkins, Vance H. c1901 c1973 Wilkins, Ila P. c1906 c1988 Ballenger, James E. c1912 c1976 Ballenger, Margaret J. c1919 ----- Hicks, Max Duval c1919 c1992 Hicks, Mary Helen Clark c1925 c1986 Ruppe, Mary Taylor c1930 ------ Ruppe, L. C. c1933 c1994 Ruppe, Jessie M. c1909 c1956 Ruppe, Mary M. c1915 c1994 Ruppe, James Ernest November 24, 1940 August 21, 1991 Ruppe, Ervin Lee May 15, 1937 December 24, 1980 Neal, Edwin Lowe October 22, 1939 February 13, 1944 Neal, Edessel Lowe c1915 ------- Neal, Cecil Leon c1912 c1984 Robbins, Arrie Hicks c1918 c1991 Robbins, James Dobbins c1924 c1981 Elliott, Verda Wood c1916 c1984 Elliott, William C. c1913 ----- Elliott, Terry Walter c1955 c1976 Elliott, Ann Phillips c1935 ------ Elliott, Samuel Joseph c1933 c1984 Korea Biddy, Howard Warren October 20, 1920 May 10, 1984 WW II Biddy, Hazel Cochran March 12, 1929 ------ Robertson, William Courtland c1915 c1990 Robertson, Lillian Robbins c1917 ----- Dill, Francis E. May 31, 1890 June 16, 1978 Dill, Stella C. May 18, 1897 April 25, 1980 Dill, Francis Paul May 19, 1929 July 7, 1995 Dill, Peggy Condrey December 6, 1935 Turner, Rev. Benny H. c1938 c1996 Turner, Cora Mae Donegan c1941 ---- Radford, Matthew Dylan July 11, 1993 Radford, Florence M. c1900 c1979 Radford, Horace A. c1881 c1960 Lowery, Jordon Bert Auggst 5, 1991 s/o Don Murrell, Lucille Tate c1921 c1996 Tate, Jennie Sane c1903 c1993 Tate, Broadus Volney c1899 c1982 Moore, Grady Lee “Jay” June 24, 1926 August 27, 1988 Ward, Bobby Grayson September 3, 1937 October 13, 1982 Green, Ruby Mae Cannon April 1, 1915 September 11, 1992 Green, Theodore Arthur April 14, 1915 August 22, 1992 Powell, Ethel Hollifield c1908 c1994 Powell, Harvey William c1908 c1993 Powell, Detroit January 8, 1913 October 10, 1969 WW II Lowery, Virgil Lee March 22, 1911 May 5, 1985 Lowery, Myrtle Padgett March 1, 1913 May 6, 1995 Pannell, Dewey Moore January 8, 1925 September 24, 1976 WW II Pannell, Peggy W. c1933 ------ Geene, Sarah Pinkie January 9, 1916 August 10, 1983 Green, Virginia Baber October 1, 1920 ----- Green, Johnny H. June 3, 1922 May 6, 1986 WW II Hardin, Jerry Glenn October 5, 1943 July 17, 1990 Simmons, Edna Skinner c1914 c1995 Simmons, George Pinkney c1910 c1990 Dobbins, Marie M. July 3, 1924 ------- Dobbins, Clarence M. May 23, 1921 January 25, 1990 WW II Padgett, James Ray February 14, 1908 August 29, 1995 WW II Padgett, Glen Tate c1918 ------ Shew, Lester “Slim” c1914 c1982 Shew, Frances Green c1920 ------ Reynolds, Lee Roy December 10, 1920 December 28, 1989 WW II Reynolds, Margaret Green April 17, 1924 ------- Bowen, John Joseph March 22, 1928 October 10, 1991 Greene, Bill L., Sr. February 19, 1919 May 26, 1973 Sigmon, Anna Marie Shanks Geer December 31, 1922 February 18, 1980 Sigmon, Leo David, Sr. August 23, 1919 February 4, 1984 McCurry, Joshua Adam July 2, 1988 McCurry, Fred May 12, 1927 September 28, 1992 WW II Ray, Margaret Deese January 29, 1916 ------ Ray, Roy Rass Auggst 3, 1913 May 21, 1994 Lane, Dorothy Beyer c1919 ----- Lane, James Alexander c1916 c1995 Toms, Mary Constance c1919 c1980 Toms, Paul Smith c1917 ----- Pannell, Kermit C. November 28, 1914 November 27, 1996 WW II Padgett, David Brian November 23, 1976 March 2, 1978 Pannell, Herbert Kistler November 9, 1928 December 20, 1995 Pannell, Betty Smith October 23, 1931 September 24, 1988 Hawkins, Jean N. c1914 c1991 Norville, William Maxie August 6, 1909 July 16, 1987 WW II Walker, Paul Dixon July 5, 1921 June 8, 1993 Walker, Velma Smith November 12, 1921 ------- Goode, Henry T. c1936 ------ Goode, Myrtise G. c1927 c1995 Kanipe, Robert Jerry May 25, 1917 October 30, 1994 WW II Kanipe, Ola Huckabee January 17, 1919 ------- LOVE Wall, Crawford D. May 28, 1892 November 21, 1981 Wall, Rebecca L. March 3, 1893 August 11, 1967 Wall, Virginia January 10, 1914 May 14, 1926 Wall, C. D., Jr. October 26, 1920 October 27, 1920 Wall, Infants c1923 and c1925 s/o CDW Earley, Elizabeth Bridges August 2, 1917 April 17, 1993 Wilson, Rubin M. August 14, 1899 April 13, 1967 Wilson, Bertha E. July 13, 1901 November 10, 1982 Walls, Thurman Haywood, Sr. September 4, 1908 November 22, 1995 Crawley, Steven Douglas August 1956 s/o Max Walls, Thurman Haywood, Jr. October 8, 1933 May 23, 1984 Wilson, G. R. August 25, 1926 July 15, 1943 Wilson, Ruth October 8, 1923 March 24, 1940 Earley, Timothy David April 19, 1960 June 27, 1960 Wall, J. Spencer September 16, 1941 June 20, 1996 Vietnam Wall, Pearl Sane September 20, 1921 ------- Wall, James Bate August 27, 1921 June 10, 1992 WW II Wall, Falsome McF. c1918 c1985 Wall, Malcolm W. c1916 ------- Tate, Alice M. December 25, 1906 September 19, 1986 Miller, Dallas Craig October 13, 1958 November 28, 1994 Gurley, George DeLong June 16, 1912 June 16, 1973 Keeter, Infant November 29, 1974 s/o John B. Padgett, Robert Lee c1908 c1988 Padgett, Lena Allen c1913 c1991 McSwain, Jeanette Gault c1929 c1984 McSwain, Andy Alford c1922 c1991 Miller, Chris December 7, 1960 May 22, 1961 Miller, Rex Earl February 18, 1933 November 24, 1967 Spratt, Ethel B. August 12, 1894 June 22, 1964 Spratt, C. Elmer March 29, 1892 June 13, 1975 Frazier, Eddie Henson c1915 c1982 Frazier, Spurgeon J. c1914 c1996 White, Ruth J. c1918 --------- White, Charlie J. c1912 c1976 Trout, Vangie Hutchins July 4, 1925 October 21, 1994 Lima, Edward J. T. July 9, 1916 ------- Lima, Hazel Anderson November 19, 1916 February 17, 1996 Scruggs, W. Lawrence c1912 c1977 Scruggs, Edna C. c1914 c1987 Bruegge, Henry Cletus c1928 --------- Bruegge, Alma Delle c1927 c1988 Coffey, Albert Tendall, Jr. c1925 ----- Coffey, Martha Sue Crowe c1928 c1982 Simpson, Jerry Allen August 30, 1935 November 7, 1990 Korea Cawford, Mattie Epley April 4, 1898 August 24, 1987 Crawford, Willie Grayson c1917 c1988 Crawford, Mary Teseniar c1923 ----- Beheler, Brian Robert September 25, 1973 August 23, 1992 Beheler, Rodney Ferrell December 30, 1940 Bullock, Jimmy Wade July 23, 1975 June 3, 1994 Howell, Carroll James, Jr. December 13, 1950 May 11, 1997 Vietnam McCurry, Charles Elmer c1916 c1995 McCurry, Mary Hughes c1919 ------- Horton, Eva Cole October 13, 1921 -------- Horton, General Morgan June 3, 1918 April 15, 1985 WW II Langley, Lula Prueitt July 3, 1928 March 21, 1993 Langley, Robert W. June 21, 1930 ------ Beheler, Fannie C. c1918 c1992 Beheler, Olen c1915 c1979 Pruiett, Ethel Beheler May 27, 1906 December 7, 1978 Pruiett, Walter Vernon July 13, 1906 February 24, 1988 Gibson, Beeda Beheler c1918 c1981 Gibson, James William c1919 c1995 Honeycutt, Mary Ann Gamble December 23, 1927 April 18, 1994 Honeycutt, Carmel April 12, 1925 ------- McFalls, Mary Ruth c1938 c1993 McFalls, Leila C. c1915 c1992 McFalls, Virgil L. c1911 c1984 m4/18/35 Turner, Robert Steve October 26, 1985 Unknown Jolley, A. J. February 20, 1910 February 11, 1969 Jolley, Edith M. April 22, 1919 July 25, 1992 Crawford, Augustus Montgomery June 25, 1886 November 7, 1969 Crawford, Georgie Fike November 28, 1890 January 21, 1978 Harmon, Nell Crawford August 4, 1922 November 19, 1995 Harris, Larry Clayton April 19, 1928 October 11, 1971 Sisk, Billy Ray February 2, 1931 ----- Sisk, Mary Jo Lane December 7, 1930 May 18, 1993 Turner, Bobby Lee December 16, 1934 October 28, 1989 Turner, Arnold R. c1906 c1977 Turner, Willie Sue E. c1912 c1977 Coffey, Rev. James C. c1917 c1984 Coffey, Carrie S. c1918 c1973 Williams, Lawrence O. c1906 c1987 Williams, Ada H. c1914 c1993 McDaniel, Audie Manson c1908 c1985 McDaniel, Mary F. Weese c1913 ----- Tesseniar, Cecil B. c1913 c1984 Tesseniar, Thelma B. c1917 ------ Teseniar, Britt Carroll c1915 c1985 Teseniar, Della Sisk c1914 c1987 Teseniar, Calvin Lee c1937 c1996 Teswniar, Larry Allen April 19, 1950 December 21, 1986 Teseniar, Teresa Marie June 20, 1986 May 21, 1988 McDevitt, Thomas Edward July 16, 1931 April 25, 1996 McDevitt, Jean Barnard January 14, 1936 October 2, 1989 Webb, Stanley Joe December16, 1976 November 7, 1994 Putman, Louise Newton c1930 ------ Putman, Johnny Brisco, Jr. c1927 c1986 Putman, Thursa Wheeler December 25, 1904 October 29, 1992 Putman, Johnie B. October 10, 1900 May 5, 1989 WW I Hill, Ethel Foster September 26, 1900 July 25, 1991 Hill, Edgar T. January 18, 1898 July 24, 1988 WW I Hamrick, Jean Thomas October 16, 1928 October 14, 1931 Stanley, Kate Jenkins c1930 c1988 Stanley, James William c1930 ------ Webb, Nellie W. c1926 ------ Webb, Joe c1926 c1978 Elmore, Hilda Saville No Dates Elmore, Romeo Hicks, Jr. May 10, 1933 January 4, 1992 McDaniel, Meredith Hunt c1938 c1996 McDaniel, William Frank, Sr. c1937 ------ Butler, Mary Clone c1903 c1979 Butler, Oliver S. c1904 c1994 Street, Addaleen Butler c1928 ----- Street, William Paul c1919 ------ Garvin, Ruth Darby c1899 c1997 Garvin, Lawrence G. c1895 c1975 Weese, Alice Boone c1912 ------ Weese, Charles Eugene c1910 c1980 Weese, Billy Oscar November 23, 1930 November 25, 1937 Butler, Karrie Nicole September 19, 1974 September 21, 1974 Brumfield, Michael Keith October 12, 1961 August 10, 1983 Morgan, Varnell Ralph c1912 c1975 Morgan, Eufra S. c1915 c1983 Vickers, John Marshall c1936 c1976 Weese, Jimmie N. February 11, 1939 April 17, 1989 Vietnam Weese, Mary Jo Coffey c1937 ----- Jolley, Clifford c1913 c1993 Jolley, Mildred B. c1921 c1990 Lyda, George Suell c1929 c1993 Lyda, Bettye Lytle c1929 ------ Taylor, Albert E. October 5, 1917 December 9, 1982 Taylor, Sarah H. February 13, 1911 May 30, 1994 Epley, Sidney Charlie September 15, 1916 August 17, 1991 Epley, Margaret Vassey October 18, 1917 ------ Biggerstaff, Wm. Howard c1908 c1981 Biggerstaff, Wilma Hamrick c1910 c1994 m7/5/30 Hamrick, John Jasper c1894 c1949 Hamrick, Lucy Hill c1901 ----- Baynard, Dora C. c1911 c1983 Baynard, James Yates c1905 c1968 Hamrick, Ruth Hawkins c1918 c1995 Hamrick, Garvis Woodrow c1916 ----- Queen, Ethel Hawkins c1915 ------ Queen, Charlie Lee c1910 ----- Elmore, Velnor Hawkins c1909 ----- Elmore, Romeo Hicks c1909 c1950 Miller, Elizabeth Richardson Harris c1913 c1980 Harris, William Allen c1912 c1966 Hamrick, Florence M. July 3, 1900 March 2, 1988 Hamrick, Timmons Hicks, Sr. January 11, 1902 October 14, 1966 Mahaffee, Margaret Gray November 18, 1926 August 20, 1984 Mahaffee, James Dandridge November 20, 1927 January 23, 1991 Mahaffee, Marietta D. c1900 c1990 Mahaffee, Clyde E. c1898 c1971 WW II Lancaster,,Hayward M. February 4, 1933 August 20, 1957 Korea Lancaster, Mable B. c1898 c1985 Lancaster, Melvin J. c1881 c1960 Lancaster, Jesse T. January 6, 1920 November 4, 1979 WW II Vickers, Virginia Gowan September 16, 1926 June 24, 1994 Vickers, Calvin W. c1925 c1964 Vickers, Allie Jolley July 18, 1905 October 12, 1987 Vickers, R. Odell c1900 c1963 MEMORIES Glickman, Mabel R. September 8, 1908 March 18, 1966 Glickman, David August 23, 1895 May 16, 1955 WW I Rollins, Geo. W. c1873 c1955 Rollins, Susie W. c1875 c1951 Rollins, Worth W. c1898 c1900 Rollins, Leona April 28, 1906 March 27, 1953 Wilson, Tate W. c1932 c1979 Korea Rollins, Ida K. c1881 c1974 Rollins, Fred c1880 c1963 Bohaty, Elizabeth R. c1910 c1995 Pennington, Esther R. c1904 c1976 Michalove, Bessie G. c1901 c1960 Toney, Clyde M. April 2, 1924 May 22, 1964 WW II Parker, Ola H. c1920 c1979 Parker, John H. c1920 ------ Parker, Reba C. c1918 ------ Caldwell, Junia November 28, 1878 January 20, 1963 Caldwell, “Bo” Carter September 18, 1885 August 13, 1979 Jolley, B. Burl October 9, 1932 July 13, 1996 Jolley, Betty Tate March 24, 1932 ------ Reynolds, Billy W. March 15, 1938 May 1, 1965 Reynolds, H. Lawson c1909 c1979 Reynolds, Edna W. c1914 c1986 Toney, Guy W. c1909 c1965 Toney, Maggie G. c1911 ------ Gault, Robert Lee c1913 c1995 Lowery, Alma March 3, 1922 Lowery, Esterlene November 12, 1925 September 10, 1927 Givens, Thurman Warren March 27, 1913 October 19, 1963 WW II Givens, Pauline, Poteat c1916 ------- Givens, Thomas Franklin, Sr. c1938 ------ Givens, Elizabeth Manning c1940 c1989 Barnes, Carol Dean July 3, 1945 May 18, 1985 Bumgardner, Joe C. November 2, 1934 September 13, 1987 Mason, Marie Bumgardner August 24, 1930 July 7, 1992 Weiberg, Edith Siegel December 19, 1922 December 3, 1989 Weiberg, Herbert Berni September 28, 1926 February 27, 1996 Smith, Earl Lawson July 2, 1926 April 30, 1994 WW II Givens, Bruce Wayne, III March 31, 1997 March 31, 1997 Temp. Pintuff, Virginia Estep June 15, 1923 ----- Pintuff, James Baxter June 14, 1912 April 27, 1984 WW II Estep, Jeanette Russ c1926 c1993 Estep, Daniel Herbert June 15, 1928 September 10, 1982 WW II Greene, Lula Mae c1917 ------ Estep, Florence P. c1911 c1977 Estep, Zonie C. c1905 c1982 Reynolds, Alma K. c1916 c1982 m12/9/36 Reynolds, James B. c1912 c1996 Reynolds, Sudie c1912 c1991 Reynolds, Jeff V. c1900 c1974 Jolley, Mary Conner c1904 c1996 Jolley, Charlie V. c1902 c1956 Lane, Robert L. c1941 ------ Lane, Ingrid B. c1942 c1976 Sprouse, Erastus W. May 5, 1876 March 25, 1957 Sp.Am. War Sprouse, Eva Dobbins May 6, 1881 March 6, 1957 Henson, Dave W. March 15, 1913 May 24, 1974 Henson, Howard O. April 19, 1907 January 12, 1959 Henson, Mattie Cooper May 9, 1909 September 29, 1991 Jones, Wilson L. November 2, 1923 January 17, 1983 Johnson, Dessie Michael November 19, 1951 May 16, 1958 Johnson, Desse H. August 18, 1910 July 20, 1989 WW II Kennedy, Jennie Radford April 5, 1889 May 8, 1967 Kennedy, Willie Levi Februry 17, 1886 March 12, 1971 Rabb, Mildred Whisnant c1909 c1982 Rabb, Jim c1906 c1963 Sprouse, Elizabeth B. c1910 c1955 Sprouse, Hiram A. November 3, 1890 May 23, 1961 WW I Parris, Dovie T. c1876 c1958 Stacey, Carroll Dean November 10, 1947 October 1, 1995 Parris, Isom Nathaniel October 19, 1902 May 30, 1966 Hames, Almer Burton c1891 c1963 Hames, Eva Parris c1904 c1987 Byers, Annie Laura Vess November 16, 1922 ------ Byers, Perry J., Sr. March 7, 1918 March 19, 1995 Vess, Charlotte H. c1902 c1996 Vess, Lee Roy H., November 21, 1889 February 25, 1955 WW I Buchanan, Floyd J. c1898 c1967 Buchanan, Darrell c1910 ----- Morris, Claude T. July 23, 1913 October 6, 1964 Morris, Gladys L. March 4, 1922 ------- Morris, Johnny Max January 18, 1946 September 13, 1964 Morris, Edgar Douglas August 15, 1965 January 6, 1984 Hames, Leon J. September 3, 1937 October 16, 1964 Stacey, Albert Dewitt c1920 c1983 Stacey, Viola Hames c1923 c1986 Kennedy, George Dewey September 14, 1910 August 14, 1984 Rabb, Charles Edward June 17, 1933 February 28, 1993 Childers, Eula Bradley c1926 ------ Childers, John Pink c1920 c1988 Tate, Ruby Mae April 18, 1912 April 3, 1997 Buchanan, Ruth Martin c1937 c1989 Buchanan, Fate Joe c1931 ------ Bridges, Jonas Wayne October 10, 1890 October 27, 1978 Bridges, Merle November 27, 1900 May 27, 1996 Kuykendall, Furman W. April 23, 1883 November 19, 1957 Kuykendall, Ella Bridges August 25, 1878 April 15, 1956 PEACE Melton, Vinnie Cobb c1894 c1973 Melton, Wilbur C. c1894 c1967 Melton, Margaret Jean C. c1940 c1972 Melton, Norman Worth c1925 ----- Pyle, Earl Howard February 17, 1922 July 7, 1991 WW II Burgess, Russell W. March 26, 1920 May 8, 1986 Grant, Frances Miller November 6, 1926 ------ Grant, Earl A. November 8, 1923 June 27, 1988 WW II Miller, Ida Jenkins c1905 ----- Miller, David Earl c1894 c1979 Miller, C. Bud September 14, 1929 November 6, 1989 Korea Sprouse, John Wilton c1928 ----- Sprouse, Catherine Doggett c1930 c1993 Sarratt, Virginia D. c1925 ------ Sarratt, Lewis W. c1925 c1983 Moore, Martha Upton January 25, 1932 ----- Moore, Frank Buren August 30, 1929 November 2, 1994 Lynch, Jatana Stamper January 14, 1959 July 5, 1994 Laus, Frederick Milton August 20, 1906 November 19, 1980 Lovelace, Joe Baxter, Jr. March 2, 1961 February 24, 1990 Lovelace, Joe Baxter, Sr. June 9, 1938 Februry 9, 1995 Landis, Steven Curtis January 3, 163 September 6, 1995 s/o Milan Smith, Jewel Edwards c1915 c1993 Smith, Lionel Thomas c1901 c1997 Hawkins, Evelyn Frick c1916 ----- Hawkins, Perry Bryson c1914 c1997 Mason, Avenall Holmes c1919 ------ Mason, Rev. Harold J. c1915 c1996 Harris, Florence G. c1906 c1991 Harris, Albert J. c1900 c1977 McDaniel, Edian Hines c1912 -------m12/6/31 McDaniel Lewis Earl c1909 c1994 Ledbetter, Mae Hines c1920 ------- Ledbetter, James Ray c1917 ------ Cole, Byron G. April 20, 1943 October 31, 1978 Rutland, John Thomas c1926 ----- Rutland, Nancy Hewitt c1927 ----- Rutland, Alecia J. May 1, 1952 January 9, 1995 Childress, Myra Dameron August 26, 1927 July 20, 1990 Childress, Luke c1904 c1978 Childress, Edith S. c1904 c1976 Henderson, Detroy c1925 ------ Henderson, Revis Hines c1927 ---- Buff, Billy Joe June 22, 1966 July 3, 1966 s/o Bobbie Zerbach, Minnie McC. August 20, 1891 October 15, 1956 Zerbach, Herbert H. February 2, 1888 January 21, 1956 Mills, Dr. Hugh H. September 3, 1915 December 21, 1961 Davis, Josephine S. c1902 c1979 Davis, Edgar L. c1903 c1963 Mills, Betty H. Green August 13, 1934 March 18, 1992 Ledbetter, Dorris Ray September 17, 1946 September 12, 1967 Green, Dallas, Leroy c1906 c1986 Green, Monte Hines c1910 c1995 King, Peter Robert c1927 c1981 King, Reba Green c1928 ---- Thomas, Lisa Jo July 9, 1972 September 6, 1985 Blackwell, Marty E. April 23, 1964 April 23, 1964 Kennedy, Lelanie W. September 5, 1945 August 31, 1993 Kennedy, Lori Anne April 15, 1971 September 6, 1977 Parker, Vera H. c1910 c1982 Parker, Fred c1909 c1974 Burgess, Ozelle Thrift c1937 ------ Burgess, Calvin Eugene c1935 c1982 Fiorito, Eleonore F. November 7, 1910 January 13, 1987 Hines, Reola McCraw c1914 ----- Hines, Allison c1914 c1984 Hines, Isom P. August 29, 1884 July 10, 1962 Hines, Ebber K. May 16, 1886 May 14, 1974 Brannon, John R. c1939 c1964 Blackwell, Vernon C. April 23, 1917 September 3, 1977 WW II Parris, Eula Blackwell c1911 c1997 Scruggs, Odus Lee c1947 c1962 Cannon, Russell C. c1910 c1968 Cannon, Essie Etta c1905 c1964 Hawkins, Flossie B. c1913 ---- Hawkins, Frank N. c1916 c1985 Gowens, Dorothy Blackwell May 31, 1932 ----- Gowens, F. Ray May 26, 1929 ------- Blackwell, Bennie Mae Burnett July 16, 1914 February 21, 1965 Blackwell Zeno George, Jr. January 15, 1911 October 20, 1967 Blackwell, Duffey c1909 c1963 Nichols, John Patrick November 17, 1907 December 8, 1955 Blackwell, Zeno June 15, 1881 April 28, 1965 Blackwell, Ella Mack March 15, 1882 August 2, 1958 Blackwell, J. F., Jr. c1915 c1972 Blackwell, Venie P. c1925 c1971 Harris, Broadus May 22, 1906 February 25, 1984 WW II Haris, Willie Jones c1910 ------ Harris, Rochelle D. April 28, 1931 January 3, 1982 Wall, James Garnel c1911 c1961 Wall, Hazel Settlemyre c1916 ----- Wall, C. Gordon c1909 c1973 Wall, Zelma M. c1911 ----- Michael, Willie C. c1888 c1961 Michael, Etta P. c1892 c1976 Wilson, Mary T. c1922 ------- Wilson, Scott c1923 c1982 Rogers, Lucy Gettys January 15, 1889 March 13, 1974 Rogers, Marcus Lawson October 25, 1870 October 9, 1965 Carpenter, Evelyn G. No Dates Carpenter, Arnold D. c1915 c1978 Wofford, Maude Williams c1888 c1967 Wofford, F. P. c1887 c1973 Wofford, Jeanne c1921 c1994 Walsh, William Wofford c1948 c1996 Aldridge, Melissa Thomas January 22, 1967 November 6, 1991 Turner, Muied Festus c1932 c1996 Turner, Sophia Wall c1934 ------ Holland, Gaines O. c1881 c1928 Holland, Emma D. c1900 c1974 Kistler, Charles G. February 22, 1897 April 11, 1961 McDaniel, Tamela Renee June 9, 1959 July 15, 1966 Eaker, Clara Martin c1913 c1996 Eaker, Horace K. c1904 c1983 Wilkie, T. Scott August 6, 1953 October 8, 1969 Wilkie, Steve Holmes March 28, 1923 January 31, 1970 WW II Wilkie, Kathleen January 28, 1906 September 17, 1982 Wilkie, Elmer October 22, 1909 October 3, 1974 Jolley, Fred S. August 25, 1896 January 21, 1966 Jolley, Sarah H. October 11, 1900 April 10, 1974 Hamrick, John Austin June 18, 1914 July 5, 1988 Hamrick, Maude Newton November 3, 1918 March 29, 1997 Fisher, Elizabeth Janet December 1, 1928 ----- Hamrick, Norris Cade c1909 c1977 Hamrick, Georgia F. c1910 c1994 Hamrick, Thomas c1926 c1929 Hamrick, Miles c1930 c1930 Hamrick, Charlie C. c1897 c1960 Hamrick, Dehlia D. c1898 c1973 Shehan, Linell A. c1910 c1973 Shehan, Natalie L. c1921 c1979 Martin, James A. March 27, 1858 February 19, 1926 Martin, Arrie Z. April 15, 1872 July 1, 1955 Dobbins, George Bynum August 6, 1896 January 7, 1963 Landis, James Curtis c1909 c1983 Landis, Pearl Ledbetter c1911 c1987 Wilson, Byrdett August 7, 1925 May 11, 1979 Smith, Grover C. July 25, 1889 May 1, 1962 Smith, Emma Newton January 11, 1889 October 6, 1959 Watkins, Hedrick P. c1908 c1991 Watkins, Annie L. c1907 c1991 Scruggs, John H. c1890 c1966 Scruggs, Mae Webb c1894 c1972 Dobbins, Sara Lane c1877 c1969 Dobbins, Russell W. c1905 c1961 Mosley, Harry T. April 1, 1901 March 18, 1986 Mosley, Myrtle M. April 19, 1897 March 3, 1985 Rhymer, Blanche Gamble c1909 ------ Rhymer, John Abrom c1906 c1973 Hawkins, Bertha Willis c1909 c1996 Hawkins, Everett McCoy c1906 c1989 Strickland, Hazel Hawkins c1918 ------ Strickland, Rev. Broughton M. c1909 c1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HomePage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These pages and information thereon are not to be reproduced in any form for profit or distribution without the permission of W. D. Floyd © Copyright 1997 Be in Touch