Rutherford County NcArchives Obituaries.....Williams, Mary A. [Mrs. S. C.] May 16, 1879 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace [Teal] Gravelle September 10, 2006, 11:49 pm "The Jacksonville Republican" Jacksonville, Calhoun County, Alabama NEWSPAPER Issue of Saturday, May 24, 1879 OBITUARY OF Mrs. Mary A. Williams Died, at Oxford, Ala., the 16th. inst., Mrs. Mary A., wife of Dr. S.C. Williams. She was born in Ruthford, North Carolina, Aug. 6, 1828; was married to Dr. S.C. Williams at Rabbit Town, Ala., Tuesday, Jan. 1st, 1850. She joined the Baptist church Aug. 15, 1849 and lived a consistent and zealous member to her death. She leaves a husband and seven children, together with her aged parents and three brothers to mourn her loss. She was perfectly resigned to death; and a short while previous to her departure, called her children one by one to her; embraced, counselled and blessed them, then kissed them and said "goodbye". In like manner she did her parents, relatives who were in the room, impressed upon the latter the counseling and instructions of her children. Then folding her arms across her heaving breast, she said "blessed Jesus" and in a few moments was dead. Thus, a dutiful, affectionate daughter, an only sister, gentle and pure; a devoted wife, a dear, sweet darling mother has gone to her reward beyond the river; gone to be robed and crowned a princess of heaven. " The night she left us weeping round her bed, so loving, mild, She prayed His mercies on each throbbing head, "God bless my child!" And then she kissed me, oh! that last sweet kiss, This side the deep, "Goodbye!" she struggling said, blest Jesus this! And fell asleep. Oh! t' was hard to kiss thee darling one, and say goodbye, To see thee journey through the vale alone, To see thee die. No, not alone, O blessed Word of God, Jesus was there. How oft the path of shadows he had trod, To soothe despair. Sad heart week not the patient sufferer, Hath gone to rest, Gone hence to greet her great Deliverer, Among the blest. Tis not for e'er we'll meet again, again, Yes, meet again. Where Benlah hill smiles on the Olympic plain We'll meet again. Oh! Sainted spirit of our mother dear, We long to be free, From these blinding tears, these heartaches here, With thee, with thee. Dudley. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb