Rutherford-Cleveland County NcArchives Wills.....McEntire, Aaron June 27, 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kermit Smith July 19, 2007, 9:45 am Source: Rutherford Co.,n.c. Wills & Miscellaneous Records 1738-1868 Written: June 27, 1827 Page 73 27 June 1827. Recorded July Court 1827. I,Aaron McEntire, being of advanced age but of sound mind and memory.I will all my just debts to be paid from my personal estate. I lend to my wife,Ellender, the whole of my estate during her life or widowhood.At her death or marriage my estate to be divided equally. I give unto my daughter, Susannah McKinney, $200 worth property.Which James McKinney has received from me and must be put in their share of my estate.Likewise I give unto my son, William McEntire,$110 worth of property. Likewise I give unto my son, Thomas McEntire, $185 worth of property.Likewise I give unto my son,Josiah McEntire,$200 worth of property. Likewise I give unto Jacob Wolf $200 as being married to my daughter,Nancy. The children that now live with me, when of age or marry to have $200 worth of property.I appoint William Covington &Bird McEntire my executors. Witness: Lewis Camp,jurat, John McEntire. (No exor. sworn nor copy made out T.B.) Signed: Aaron X McEntire Additional Comments: Aaron was a Patriot Soldier of the North Carolina Militia. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb